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Everything posted by DarkeSword

  1. Loopy is iOS only. I don't know if there's a program that's similar to it on Android that's as intuitive or as easy to use.
  2. Two new loopypoops. FF6: Mr Thou's Wild Ride https://soundcloud.com/darkesword/ff6-mister-thous-wild-ride Sonic Spinball: Toxic https://soundcloud.com/darkesword/sonic-spinball-toxic
  3. Yeah that really doesn't warrant a separate site at all. Basically you want super conservative remixes/sound upgrades. We're probably not going to dedicate any extra effort to that kind of thing.
  4. We don't actually have this enabled for anyone.
  5. I've seen a couple of requests for a SFRG, but I really want to switch back to Mega Man before hitting Mega Man X again, and I've been wanting to really do another WCRG since we did the first one. SFRG is something that will happen eventually, but I'm going to say right now that there is no plan to do one any time soon. It could happen after this summer's Gauntlet, sometime in the fall, or it might not happen until 2014 or 2015. Like I said, there's no plan. Big competitions like Grand Remix Battles and Remix Gauntlets need to be spaced out in order to build up hype and avoid remixer fatigue. I also want to avoid hitting the same series twice in a row. It may also happen that I'd come up with a way to tackle something like the Battle Network/Star Force series that makes narrative sense, so we'd end up doing that instead. Everything is in flux until I figure out what I want to run next. I do know for a fact that WCRG 2013 is happening this summer. After that, we'll see.
  6. 29, single, live alone in a house I own. .
  7. Hello everyone. Around the beginning of the year at MAGFest, I spoke to Phonetic Hero and he talked to me about finishing this competition out. He and ToN decided to go with Mortal-Kombat-esque "friendship" ending; that is to say, rather than making two mixes and having people vote, it would be easier for them to collaborate on one awesome remix. They sent me the track a night or two ago and I've included it in the GMRB2012 archival release which will be available in the first post of this thread in a few minutes. The archival release is every entry re-encoded and retagged for metadata consistency. It also includes the badge graphics. I hope everyone enjoys listening to these tracks again. I think everyone did a really great job, and I'm sorry that the schedule got so out of whack (I blame Hurricane Sandy). People really brought their A-game (as they always do), and I'm really proud of everyone who participated, especially the folks who were initially unsure of their mixing abilities. Our next competition in the CapCompo Series will be this summer. We'll be doing another Wily Castle Remix Gauntlet, with a little bit of a twist that I don't want to give away. Some of you out there know what's going to be happening, so please don't tell anyone if you do. There's still a few months until then, so in the mean time make sure you check out the other competitions that are happening here on the forums.
  8. Pretty high actually. I saw you doing a Goron City remix and and I was like "oh I remember that song" and then I made this in Loopy on my iPhone in about 5 minutes. Yeah I don't understand why soundcloud is recommending those after every one of my tracks aside from the fact that I happened to Like them months ago.
  9. This is my masterpiece. https://soundcloud.com/darkesword/goron-city
  10. Rosalina, Zelda, Farore, Din, Nayru, Impa, Saria and all those other girls from TLoZ are all NPCs.
  11. The entire design of the game was based around Peach being an emotional woman. This was something they talked about in interviews with the developers. Like I've said before, it's a great game, but nobody can really deny that the whole thing is comically sexist.
  12. Super Princess Peach is a great game, but the general thrust of it is that women are overly emotional creatures, and that is essentially how Peach manifests her powers: by getting emotional.
  13. This thread is about women in video games, not about feminist issues and gender relations. Stay on topic or you'll get your account banned for a few days. I've split a load of posts out into a new thread over in PPR. I haven't banned anyone in a long time and I don't really feel like having to do so again. Please don't make me go through the hassle of it.
  14. is also incredible. Very moving, very heartbreaking, especially when you know what happened to Ezio's father and brothers.
  15. Sometimes you hear two songs by two different artists where the lyrics uncannily relate to each other, telling two sides of the same story. Let's have some fun and post some pairs of songs that fit together! I'll start! In by the Jackson 5, young Michael Jackson sings cheerfully about not appreciating an old love and how he wants to make amends and get back together. In , Christina Perri is not having any of that bullshit. Go ahead and post your pairs!
  16. Akago, remember, a thread should not basically be a feed for offsite content. If you are the only person posting in a thread, and each of those posts is just a link to your blog, I'm going to have to close it.
  17. We don't actually control the OC ReMix radio directly. You'll have to ask over at Rainwave if they can provide an ASX stream. My guess would be probably not though.
  18. Prince of Persia 2008 completely eliminated the idea of "death" from the narrative as a gameplay mechanic. This caused a lot of ruckus when the game came out about how there was "no challenge" because you "couldn't die," but honestly the game was a lot better for it. The idea was this: in the narrative of the game, the Prince wouldn't ever actually die anyway, so why bother with "killing" him every time he missed a jump or fell from a cliff? So they had Princess Elika use her magic to basically "airlift" him back to a safe starting point. Mechanically this was essentially the same as the Prince "dying" and being reset back to an earlier checkpoint, except it cut out all the silliness that surrounds a video game death (the character model ragdolling, the companion character screaming "NOOOO!", the screen fading to black or grey and asking "Continue?", the game actually having to reload the environment back to the checkpoint state, etc.), and essentially streamlined the failure/recovery process to minimize frustration. I felt it worked really well and didn't really affect the challenge of the game at all. There were many traversal sequences that were very long, and failure a would always send me back to the start of the sequence, but I never really got angry about having to do it again, because I simply "fell" rather than "died," and I could immediately pick back up and try it again, rather than waiting the game to waste time reloading.
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