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Everything posted by kablammyman

  1. Finally, some love for the wily theme from megaman 4! I love that tune, and the remix is awesome! (im sure the others are great, but this is the first one I listened too, lol)
  2. wow, this album is really really awesome. All 7 tracks are new favorites! I guess it also helps that I'm recently getting into Castlevania (played all the NES ones, part 4 on snes, finished circle of the moon on GBA LOOOONG ago, and symphony of the night recently) anyway, really good stuff man, I dig this style of music, and the music of the game in general, so Its a double win for me.
  3. i really like this remix. It has an "E-40ness" feel too. Good stuff
  4. Awsome....Ever since I heard some of the japanese remixes from kotaku.com I was waiting for teh day a good remix would show up here...and this is it! Well done! Also, fro the pepople who are not fimiliar with the game, here is a lil taste: http://kotaku.com/gaming/clips/worst-nes-game-evar-has-awesomest-music-316014.php
  5. !!!!!!!!!!!!! You guys stuck your foot in this! ( <- that means that it was well made) I REALLY like this mix. Im no music expert, so I cant tell you why, but yeah...good stuff
  6. this is a nice mix...I can pop and lock to this!
  7. This mix is excellent! In fact, I love ALL the funk mixes from this site. Is it me, or does some parts early in the song seem to skip... Anyway, just so you composers know...people (maybe just me) dance to these funk mixes, so keep em' comming. Its like these mixes are made for popping and locking.
  8. very well done! I would never had thought that such a boring tune could be remixed into something so nice.
  9. very nice very smooth too...the vocals were a plus too! Very nice work.
  10. This is some nice work, I just wish it was longer.
  11. This mix is well done! I like this mix a lot...I can do the robot to this easily.
  12. i like this mix. The guitars are well done. I dont think it could be done well without them (seeing how the original had them in a similare fashion)
  13. Excellent!! This is some great work. Kens theme had been one of my favs since I can remember, and this does not disappoint! I will be replaying this a lot! It has great vocals, while keeping a great "videogame feel." Songs like this remind me why got fruity loops...to bad I suck at using it.
  14. i really liked this mix, and Im not a huge fun of this "club" type of music. If all club music is like this, then I may have found a new thing to look for in record stores. It was very cathy, and well done, one of my new favorites.
  15. it was cool mix and a somewhat original idea. I am not a fan of this type of music, but it had a good melody but, Vega's theme seem to work with this type of music and it was well done.
  16. I totally agree that a harder rock version of top man should have been done. This is comming from someone that dont like rock music out side of video games too. Yeah, this a good song. This band is 2 for 2 with me.
  17. This is funky fresh! :starts doing the robot:
  18. When I first heard it was another Wily remix...I wasnt too sure if I should DL it. I mean, I love the original tune, but I'm tierd of the same ole remix to this stage...but when I heard it, i was pleasantly surprised! Great work!
  19. EXCELLENT MIX! Wow, this is the only rap re-mix i have heard (i would LOVE more) and this does not fail! This dude can flow and the beat is tite! I hope he continues to do more remixes like this!
  20. I'm a little disappointed with this remix. I was looking forwared to a Bust-a-move/puzzle bobble remix, and it came up short. The synth got annoying after a while, and I too felt the song was missing something.
  21. this mix is very well done, but the screaming sakura got annoying. I feel the song can be just as good without the sound FX...or maybe playing them less often.
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