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Posts posted by sephfire

  1. Not to diminish this track making it, especially since I enjoyed it myself, but how we took this and NOT Joseph's even hotter "Matoya no Fuuketsu" is beyond me. Man, what a mistake y'all.

    I wholeheartedly agree. I died a little inside with that NO. :cry:

    I highly recommend Fatty Acid's "Matoya no Fuuketsu" to EVERYONE, especially if you liked this remix.

    Get yourself over to VGmix and download it.

    WTF? THAT was rejected? :cry: That's one of my favorites over at vgmix. And this is one of my favorites as well. It just touches me... Makes me feel good.

    Yeah, actually it still kinda bugs me. I may try to convince him to resubmit it. It may be simple, but darn it, "Matoya no Fuuketsu" was some fine work. :x

  2. Ok, here's what's been going on with me:

    My computer crashed and burned Friday night out of nowhere (viruses are my best guess for causation) and since then it won't even run its OS. From the look of things, I'm gonna have to wipe the HD completely and reinstall/reload everything back on.

    I'm taking it to a place this afternoon to try and retrieve the data from the HD (and scan it for viruses) before I wipe it all. With luck, nothing has been corrupted and I could be back up and running by tonight. Worse scenario: some junk is lost or I don't get the computer back for a few days.

    HOPEFULLY, I won't be losing any of the recently-changed song files and can have those updated wavs to you very soon, Compy. I promise, I'm trying to get things working as fast as I can. Being without a computer for the last 4 days has been driving me insane. 8O

  3. Yeah, in retrospect, a lot of these points make sense. As long as a single consistent high-quality album design is found, it'll be included.

    ALSO...and this is important...the two CDS will have different names. They are:

    -Disc the First: Fire/Light (Tracks 1-14)

    -Disc the Second: Shadow\Ice (Tracks 15-25 [including the four special audition tracks])

    I think the names and distributions of music work well with each other...the first CD is music of the past, present, and future, with the music more based on light and hope, more on the main characters. The second CD is based almost exclusively in Zeal, and is more based on ice and despair, appealing more towards the evil characters, the trip into darkness. So I think it'll work out.



    Hehe, the titles sound like they could be the next generation of Pokemon titles. :lol:

    I like them though. I think they could fit pretty darn well.

  4. Well, it's not like the music from this project is all of one style anyway, so what makes the artwork need to be any different? I personally think the "hodgepodge" effect would be an interesting way to go about the entire thing...I mean, it represents the album itself, right? My two cents, however...any good album art that can convince me will still get a fair shot, because if there's one thing that can be said about me, it's that I'm open to suggestions.

    I see your point. People can still choose to go the "hodgepodge" route even if there are matching album arts offered, right? I just think that we'll get comments on professionalism if we don't at least offer some matching stuff, and there are probably more people out there who would prefer the coordinated look. No biggie. ^_^

    i STRONGLY disagree with the "hodgepodge" route for the project's artwork. as professional as this production is sounding, it should have consistent graphic reprentation that reflects the theme of the project, as well as the level of quality. to accept a mish-mash of art with one piece looking photo-realistic, another done with pastels, and another with a completely different font-style, to me would denote the project consisting of country, classical, and techno. yes, it's easy to just take the submissions you get and combine them, but if there's any art direction to be given for this is that there should be ONE SINGLE THEME for all the art, just as there is one single theme for the music, and that is the Chrono Trigger movie.

    i do very much like the work that eon blue has done, but i think the overall theme could be tightened up a bit between the few of them. this site produces some amazingly professional work, and the art chosen to represent it should not be taken lightly.

    ... especially now that we have a single audio technician handling production. That will make all of the tracks on the album feel a bit more consistent with each other. I personally think it would be good to reflect that consistency in the album art.

    However, that's only one guy's opinion.

  5. Thanks for the comments everyone. It was a pleasure to work with Sephfire and Pixietricks. I'm glad I was allowed the opportunity. I hope to be able to collab with either of them again in the future.

    As far as the contentious parts of this mix for some; I may be biased, but I personally really liked the lyrics pixie wrote for this piece. I think it worked wonderfully well in this context.

    I second that.

  6. And while we're asking questions: Claado, about the Crisis Revealed track ...

    The source material is relatively upbeat tension/chase music, but the scene you sent me is the solemn video footage of the Day of Lavos. Were you intending to blend that track with that scene? Which tone are you looking for in me and ellywu2's rearrangement?

    (Good work on the article Zeality. :wink: )

  7. ~.....anticipation.....~

    BTW, I'm going to rework Inciting Incident just a TAD more. The more I listen to it, the less happy I am with the mastering (go figure).

    SirRus is mastering Morning Sunlight (I think).

    I'm not touching Confronting the Mystic anymore. It's done.

    And I'll get started with Crisis Revealed whenever ellywu2 is ready.

    Can't wait for the updates. Good to have you back Claado. :D

  8. Not to diminish this track making it, especially since I enjoyed it myself, but how we took this and NOT Joseph's even hotter "Matoya no Fuuketsu" is beyond me. Man, what a mistake y'all.

    I wholeheartedly agree. I died a little inside with that NO. :cry:

    I highly recommend Fatty Acid's "Matoya no Fuuketsu" to EVERYONE, especially if you liked this remix.

    Get yourself over to VGmix and download it.

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