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Posts posted by sephfire

  1. YEEEESSSSSS!!! Finally my computer is live and internet-ready again!!!

    So as promised, the final (?) versions of two tracks.

    Inciting Incident

    nothing really new, just slight, indistinguishable touch-ups.

    Confronting the Mystic

    Mastered and witha new section. Not 100% sure about that section though, so feedback would be appreciated.

    Any feedback would be nice for either of these. Orchestration is far from my specialty, so anything you guys think needs to be changed before I call these DONE, please share now.

    Happy New Year 8)

  2. I've got a complete(?) version of Inciting Incident done and I'm working on a complete(?) version of the Magus Battle now. Unfortunately, my family made some changes to the wireless network in our house and we're having problems getting my computer to cooperate. Hopefully we'll have it working soon so I can upload my progress for feedback. I'll just keep in touch with my parent's computer in the meantime.

    SirRus and ellywu2: I've been holding off on our collab tracks for two reasons. First, to finish my other two. Second, because I'm interested in hearing what you guys have in mind for the remixes first. If you would rather I just go ahead and start them, let me know.

    Merry Christmas to all, etc...

  3. It irks me to no end that the evil empire would wait until the people who put such effort into the project were THAT far into development to can the project. That shows absolutely no class whatsoever. Meanwhile, Square-Enix continues to push out craptacular games (FFX, FFX-2, FF Online where they STILL haven't made any money).

    What is their PROBLEM? Maybe if they'd LISTEN to their long time consumers they'd earn some frickin' profitable business.

    Oh well.........

    :arrow: Seek enlightenment here.

    10 cool points to the first person who can remember the original topic of this thread.

  4. are you serious about the title? Take my advice and stick with simple choices such as Chrono Trigger Soundtrack. Otherwise people will not know what "Tesseracts of the Chronicles" means. Unless all the recordings tie into the title...then it's no use.

    Though I understand the reasoning, I somewhat disagree. I think this CD set we're making needs a title of its own. We could just call it the "Chrono Trigger OST" except, well ... it ISN'T the Chrono Trigger Original Soundtrack. It's a remix of the the OST. We could aslo simply call it the "Chrono Trigger Movie Soundtrack" except it isn't THAT either. There's no movie. It's just a remix project inspired by a fan screenplay. So in a way, those "simple" titles are actually more misleading than the name Claado has given the project.

    However, one alternative would be to put Chrono Trigger in the name:

    ("Chrono Trigger: Chronicles of the Tesseract"). Something like that might reduce confusion.

    No matter what the result, I think it's important that Claado be the one to decide this project's name. He has, after all, put far more into this than anyone else. It's his baby, so let him name it. ^^

  5. Man I love it when you suddenly find yourself with free time. Here's the Magus Battle WIP I promised. Not completely polished, but I'm pretty proud of it so far.

    Track 13 - "Battle with Magus" -- Confrontation

    Here's the visual-time breakdown:

    (:00 - :21) = staredown and pre-fight chat

    (:21 - :57) = fight

    (:57 - 1:10) = enter Lavos

    (1:10 - 1:24) = everyone sucked into "uber-gate"

    Hope you like. BTW, Claado, here's the latest version of Inciting Incident if you want it for the front page. It's a different url from the first one I posted here.

  6. Hey Claado, question...

    On Dec 1st do you want a WIP of EVERY track we've claimed, or just a WIP of the tracks we've started working on? Either way is fine, I just want to know what I need to have ready.

    BTW ellywu, Frog's theme sounds fantastic. And Ben's Final Battle really got me psyched. Great work so far, both of you.

  7. Fair enough. I was actually planning on starting work with the Magus Battle tonight sometime, but I'll first make some changes based on that chart ellywu2 posted. Thanks for that BTW, it'll be very helpful. :wink:

    Still sorting out collaboration deals with a couple people. I'll post here when we figure it out Claado.

  8. SirRus: Sure, that sounds cool. Another Reason user would make things much simpler. If you have a preference between the two, let me know. I can do one with you and one with ellywu2 if that works for everybody.

    I guess you and ellywu can work out who collabs on which? Once you do I guess that's two more Claado can check off the list.

  9. Whew. Switchin and swappin every which way. :lol:

    Just to reiterate, if anyone desires to take track 7 - "Crisis" or track 20 - "Morning Sunlight" from me, they are welcome. If they want to work together with me on one, even better (repeating myself...). :D

    EDIT: Ellywu2, if either of those sound appealling to you, let me know. What software do you use?

  10. I see what Ben is saying to some extent. I agree that cramming a certain amount of creativity into a small time frame can be demanding. However, I also think it's unreasonable to put NO time limitations, as we're trying to create a CD format soundtrack here (which is already slated to be too large for just one disc).

    I'm more inclined to side with Claado on this issue, as this is how he organized things from the start and we've all had fair warning. It isn't like we have to write in dynamics for every single line each character speaks. Just try to find the changes in emotional tension (or the "beats" if you're into theater at all) and organize around those. Do what you can with what you have.

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