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Everything posted by 100_PERCENT ROEMER

  1. Haha, everybody loves staplers though! Alright, roster's been updated!
  2. Chances are your WU's were processor intensive ones, and as a result they're probably worth a lot more points than lower level WU's.
  3. Roster has been updated! One of these days I'll go through and organize the roster and make it all nice and pretty
  4. Well, I was originally going to get this hugeass motherfucker: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?Item=N82E16835109131 However, if I was to mount that I wouldn't be able to add another card into my computer in SLI mode later on, which is something I want to do at some point. So I just settled for this cooler. It's used by many on the same board I have as well. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16835119080 Plus, if the Evercool doesn't work out, I can always sacrifice the SLI slot and get the Thermaltake. Besides, the Evercool was only $8, not a big loss.
  5. Sadly, the way my motherboard is made, I can't use a heatsink like that. On the plus side, I just bought a nice replacement fan that many people seem to like to use on the same board I have. So yeah, problem solved I guess. Now I just have to wait until it gets here, and then install the little fucker. Oh joy...
  6. Hey, I've got a DFI Lanparty UT NF4 Sli-DR motherboard and it's been working fine for the last couple years, but recently the chipset fan has been giving me some trouble. At first it was just louder than usual, but now it won't even spin unless I manually spin it at start up. It feels like there's some dust or something stuck in it, and I need a way to get the fan working again. Any ideas as to how I might fix the fan or get a replacement? I'm not really sure why it's finally crapping out on me, especially since the inside of my case really isn't that dusty...
  7. I would recommend AVG, but they're ditching the free version in a little bit, which is too bad...
  8. My Thanksgiving was awesome! I got to see all my friends and family again and get away from College for a few days!! Yeah, UC Davis sucks....
  9. Sorry to hear that you lost someone to cancer, but that pickup line is AWESOME Yeah, once a WU is completed you'll be added to the team. Just make sure you have the team's number in your program settings!
  10. Yep, once it starts running it'll do its thing! Thanks for joining!!
  11. ONWARDS MY BROTHERS! ONWARDS TO VICTORY!! Anyways, I'm at college now so my comp will probably be folding all day. Hellz yeah!
  12. Pfff, like anything could be more important than Team OverclockedRemix - Folding @ Home
  13. Yeah, it would be pretty nice if it could be stickied. I'll PM a mod and see what they can do about that.
  14. And another bump! Hmm, we could use some new members too. Recruiting time I say!
  15. You can try forwarding port 8080 to your computer, that should let you get work packets.
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