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Everything posted by 100_PERCENT ROEMER

  1. No way! If he stays out of un-mod, he won't see the Nice Work Guy thread!
  2. My sig is the best, cause it shows off my lego computer case
  3. I am intrigued by the Warcraft map. TELL. NOW. Ah, you wish for me to bestow upon you the knowledge dealing with what I call, The Scarlet Crusade. It is a map being developed by 3 people. Me, A friend of mine, and the Clan AFO WC3 division leader. I do the triggers, which are fairly complex, my friend does the custom scripts (e.x. having villagers have their own personality. In other words, some villagers walk around randomly, others go and work at the rock quarry, some go to the bar and get into a bar fight, etc...) and the leader is doing the story/terrain/cinematics. We also have another person, who is a professional artist I think, creating the custom picture that will show when the map starts (like vampire hunters did). Now then, gameplaywise, the map is somewhat similar to DOTA, except a little more complex. There will be PvP combat, but the game doesn't simply revolve around that. You must also complete quests, which will move the story along. The story is still in development, so I can't say much about it. It's also not my area. I just program triggers. To be blunt, it's similar to DotA, but also quite different, and better too You can learn more by visiting our clan's webpage and looking at the WC3 division forums: www.clanafo.com (sometimes the main page doesn't load if you use a different browser than IE, but we're working on it) EDIT: I wrote up a more detailed description of my map. You may view it Here
  4. Hey, I'm not exactly a n00b, but what the hell. Name's SILVERWOLF_87, Live in Oregon and I'm good with computers. Whether it be programming, digital imaging, building, gaming, repairing, or just tweaking, I've done it all. Hell, I even made a computer case out of legos (check my sig). I also enjoy making things. Mostly maps for games. I'm working on a really kickass warcraft 3 map right now with a few other people from the clan AFO WC3 division. Stay tuned Anyway, I'm working on a remix of my own, but I probably won't submit it, due to the fact that I lack recording equipment for my piano and don't want to learn any music software. I could always use the cheap microphone that I have laying around somewhere
  5. Excellent! Smooth is the best word to describe it, and I like songs like that GREAT WORK! Have a cookie
  6. my favorite remix of all, i love it. YOU MUST DOWNLOAD NOW.
  7. one of my favorites. i especially liek the piano that come in occasionally.
  8. the original song was my favorite song in doom. this remix is my favorite song (at the moment)
  9. very well done, for those of you who havent played morrowind, this is the main theme. it's very nice and sounds a bit like the chrono cross style of music. another thing, dont get the X-BOX version of morrowind if you got a good computer, the PC version is far superior IF you have a really good video card, processor and its stuffed with RAM. i built a new comp just to play morrowind, its really good!
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