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Posts posted by Rexy

  1. I'm definitely interested, but not in taking part; music wise I appear to be in Sonic burnout thanks to the TSSMA12 and the track done for Temporal Duality. I will however:

    * Have the doors wide open for anyone who wants me in one of their tracks (case in point: Liquid Metal 2 :lol:)

    * Will air tracks from it on SEGA Mixer Drive during the compo's duration. Like last year's, we are itching to see what will come out of this one.

    Good luck guys :)

  2. Probably, but getting on the eShop to download them is another story. I just got Pokemon X (yayyy) but I can't update it to do Wonder Trades or anything yet. I hope I can connect soon!

    Likewise. I got X yesterday but I can't connect to the eShop to update it. Good thing I already knew that I shouldn't save at Luminose City.

    Gonna be kinda odd playing this without the updates first xD

  3. What I can say on the subject is if you love a game to death, go and give it a shot.

    When I first joined OCR, one of the first things I did was asked for a Crash Bandicoot remix in the requests area - must've been around 10 years ago. The thread never got picked up. So instead I dabbled into Crash when starting out on remixes. I made a few in my time, but eventually lost confidence thinking people won't like them because of the source material.

    But you know what finally encouraged me to try shooting Crash to OCR again? THIS MIXPOST BLURB. And in time I got to realise that what we send to OCR these days aren't dependant on what the listener wants, but more on the point of it recognising OCR's mission, whether the source material is popular or not. It also taught me a few things in regards to being happier remixing source material that absolutely resonates with me.

    Long story short, we don't care whether the game is good or bad, popular or known by few, old or new; if you tackle the source with OCR standards in mind above all else, then you've got a shot at making OCR history. Remember that mixpost blurb! :)

  4. Didn't realise Bank is on subscription, but $5 a year isn't too bad. Knowing me I'd be in to experience the adventures more than get super-Minecraft-style addicted, but it will be nice to have that full Pokedex completion.

    That said, my Gen 3-5 teams and legendaries (minus Landorus, which will still require some grinding in Dream Radar) are raring to go. Heading into Kalos this Wednesday will be an interesting experience x)

  5. So on top of my musical goals, let's set some personal ones in place:

    * Get back into work or education. I said this last year, but aside from some contracts I didn't go anywhere; but I definitely want to get life back together. Talking of which...

    * Find help regarding my mood swings. I thought I had toned them down this year but I still get told that I get easily bitter. Thankfully I'm in a better frame of mind than I was in last week, so I can hold on throughout the festive period; but I still need to speak to a professional regarding this.

    * This may be the silliest goal of the lot and one that could go either way, but complete a cosplay for PlayExpo 2014. I did one last year and it really worked as a fun distraction; perhaps I can work on another one? o_O

  6. Okay, let's be blunt with this.

    Sorry, but right off the bat I am going to say there is nothing good about this mix. Now I know this is your first track, and you want to get off to a good start, but this is the kind of stuff that would get direct rejected.

    Let me list a few points to help you get on the right track:

    * When doing arrangements, please don't MIDI rip and loop it. It's fine to use MIDIs for reference, but it's not fine to use it as the entire basis of the song. It's a good idea to just think of your own creative ideas and add them to what you've got, or even just recreate it yourself from scratch and add any personal touches that way.

    * When assigning instruments, at least know what they should be doing and what you intend to do with them. You've got a drum track trying to do a melody part, which is completely off, as well as some horrible grating bell that's too far out of its range for comfort on headphones. If you're using VSTs and soundbanks it's generally not a problem as they've got an assigned range to go with it, but MIDI devices are freeform and can sound terrible when not used well.

    * Finally, if you want thinks to sound like what you intended, at least listen to some reference music to get an idea of what you want it to sound like. You wanted it to be relaxing? Listen to other pieces of downtempo music, pay attention to what's being used in it, and see if you can write a track in that particular style. Or if you want an aggressive rock track, listen to lots of rock music and see what inspires you. Heck, you can even listen to folk music and write something inspired by what you hear.

    I hope you get what I mean by this. My best advice would be to ditch this track, start over with a clean slate, and see if you can do something that's closer towards the OCR guidelines. It takes a while to get there, but I've seen people grow over time. Don't give up :)

  7. A week ago:

    "Hm, Sky Chase sounds lovely to do on solo piano. Perhaps I could experiment with this?"

    Last night:

    "Holy crap, Pumpkin King beat me to the punch! And he did good :O"

    Seriously, I really like your piano performances in the Dwelling of Duels, and I'm so glad you managed to keep those skills sharp for OCR submission and all. Really proud of how far you've come!

    Yeah, I too appear to be in the drowning verb camp with this, but it can also help a bit to high-pass the reverb as well to prevent the low-to-low-mids from getting all cluttered.

    But the performance was nice and raw; very reminiscent of pu_freak's early work, and from what I saw of you developing a nice character in the DoD it could flesh out equally as well with other tracks outside of it.

    Welcome to the clan! :)

  8. It's not even New Year's Eve, and there's 3 music goals I can already think of:

    * Get more musically active - should be a no-brainer now that I no longer have to worry about any hospital crap for some time. I'll try 'something new every 3 months' and see how it goes from here.

    * Do whatever I can on that aforementioned PlayStation EP. Again, same reasons as above.

    * Arrange a remix and perform it at either the London Gaming Con / Alcon 2014 that DOESN'T cover Sonic or Mega Man. Yes, they're both great series, but I want to do more than that in front of a live audience this year... :(

    Anything more personal, I'll need to think of closer to the time. See how it goes. x)

  9. Sure, when "Friday" came out, it was a pop music abomination and showed everything that was wrong about the pop scene at the time - corny lyrics, uninspired backing and grating voice work.

    On the contrary for this one, I'd rather listen to "Saturday" on repeat than most top 40 pop hits for the past year. I think the direction with this is a huge improvement. :)

  10. Yeah, about the first play of Mega Ran / Mister Wilson's new album on RadioSEGA brought up in this week's episode, and saying that I wasn't the one doing it...

    ...well, I ended up doing it anyway. xD

    That aside, was a great appearance this week! Crazy get-together and one to really see / deliver some insights in regards to the Sonic CD album; and I am agreeing with the vast majority, Jive should be on more often :D

  11. Keep at it with my weight loss

    No significant improvements, but no diastrous gains either. Then again I put much of it on my health problems last year.

    Finish that PlayStation based EP I started last year

    Couldn't even touch it. I got to get it done in either 2014 or 2015, matching with the PS1's 20th anniversary in any of the territories it was released in. o_o*

    Keep being musically productive otherwise; in fact, try and shoot for something at least every 2-3 months

    January - lots of tracks made for the Sonic Stadium Music Adventure 2012.

    Following 8 months - nothing too refreshing, but did have a lot of OC Remix mixposts at that time plus stuff put forth on the FF6 album.

    October - tracks for For Everlasting Peace and Vampire Variations 2.

    November - Temporal Duality. Nuff said.

    So, not technically as productive, but at least the goal was kind of met in terms of exposure :P

    It's cool to support yourself, but it's also cool to support others. I'm on the right lines with a forthcoming weekly broadcast on RadioSEGA, which I aim to see through a full working season and look out across the community for some great arrangements appropriate for the station. I'm also game to do some more stuff behind the scenes for OverClocked University as well, offering as much help as possible for any future endeavors they take.

    Success on both! SEGA Mixer Drive completed a full season last night and I am now on Christmas break. I've also helped a bit with the visuals for OCRU's MAGFest set for this year as well.

    Get back into work / college

    No pernament work, but have done some contracts in the meantime.

    Not a brilliant year on an accomplishment standpoint, but considering I went under the knife in May, I can give this the benefit of the doubt, I guess. :P

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