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Posts posted by Rexy

  1. If you want my take on the subject, it's that people have the right to remix what they want to - oftentimes, the best remixes come from those that do them out of nothing but sheer passion, not because they feel forced to work with the source material.

    So if you are an old-timer that still wants to remix the short riffs from Pac-Man or Dig Dug or whatever, go for it. Or if you're wowed over by the more modern scores of Journey or Portal and want to give homage to them, again it's your call. At the end of the day, OC Remix is open to BGM regardless of how old these tracks are.

    As for me, again I feel inspired by what I see/hear. It's just that a lot of my gaming passions appear to be within the 90s more than anything else xD

  2. A few voting reminders, since we're about 3 days in:

    * Flexstyle still has 4 matchups to vote in (Gar/DusK, therex/Dom, Chernabogue/Arceace and his own) for his other 3 to count.

    * urdailywater also has 4 left (Tuberz/Sterling, Gar/DusK, therex/Dom and his own).

    * Shrackattack has only voted in the Chernabogue/Arceace matchup so far and would need to do the other 6 for that vote to count.

    * And wch090 is missing the Gar/DusK matchup.

    You'll be punching yourself in the teeth if you miss out after Sunday morning :)

  3. An update on The Damned's nickname censoring irk:

    I too also have a Generation 3 Flygon that also got hit hard by the censors (original name "Kakeru"; my main six there were named after Ape Escape characters). And nope, neither the Gen 5 / 6 Name Raters are able to change it to something else other than the generic Pokémon species name.

    Sucks, I know, but I'm greatful that none of my imported starters have suffered as a result of this *_*

  4. I got that message too when transferring my main six from White 1 over. It doesn't tell you which Pokemon are affected by this, but I had a hunch it was my Krookodile, "Fukawa" (named the main 6 after Danganronpa characters!); so I quickly changed it to "Foukawa" by means of the Gen 5 Name Rater before trying again, and the warning disappeared.

    So if you get that message when getting to that stage, and you're attached to at least one of your Pokémon (like with The Damned's Flygon example), try and change it if you caught it in Generation 5 first. You'd be out of luck if it was in Generation 3 or 4 unless you've still somehow got them stored on their original cartridge you caught it from and you're able to name check using Gen 6's name rater.

    Still yeah, this is bizarre o_o*

  5. I'm currently looking at how the votes are standing after a couple of days. I'm not quite too sure what happened, but:

    * urdailywater still needs to contribute to the remaining 4 match-ups for his previous 2 to count.

    * StarDragonJP only voted in the Oil Ocean / Volcano Valley matchup so far and should contribute to others to make his vote count.

    * And DJ Max-E is yet to vote in his OWN matchup. :razz:

    So if you're any of those three, I suggest you get a move on before it's too late. Though, given there's 5 days it's probably not too late just yet o_O

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