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Posts posted by Rexy

  1. Alright you panzards Imma take a short break from writing and shed some light on something I've recently discovered as far as composition goes. I've been using only a cheesy sounding drumkit and saw waves to create my remix thus far and I think it sounds pretty damn good as it is. That's probably a good sign, being that it sounds ok in its worst form. I do this to not get attached to any one sound while I'm writing, which usually influences how I play certain parts depending on the sound I use. So perhaps if some of you are thinking "gee, this really isn't sounding that great, but maybe it will once I change the instruments," maybe it's time to re-arrange some of the elements or re-write a certain part so that it sounds awesome when using crummy placeholder synths. Composition is key, and good sounds alone won't make your track sound good. This post is basically just a little brain dump and it's sort of how I've been looking at my track so far, so I figured I'd share it with you guys. Who knows, maybe I'm way out to left field and when I start choosing real sounds it will end up sounding crappy. Gah!

    That's an interesting way to put things; usually when I write, I try to build up a basic soundscape first, then write along that. No use trying to write around a specific aesthetic if you can't really create it well.

    Like, with "Magma on the Dancefloor" in the 2012 compo, my first couple of days were spent just trying to get the basic groove together - finding the right bass tone, percussion sounds, accompanying riffs and the like. The only means I'd change instruments in the middle of writing it is often to change my drum selection, and that's only because a handful of people have become really fed up with me using the AD Startup Kit. xD

    But enough about myself, the Sonic bracket roster looks interesting enough. I'm particularly hyped to see what will come out of the vox showdown between Jason and Wildfire x)

  2. Is this one of your first attempts at recording solo piano? It's not too bad at all :) I can see potential, but let me see if I can give you a few pointers for future tracks or refining this one.

    * While I do hear Ice Cap in the track itself, a good 60% of the track or so sounds more like original additions. If this is to eventually be refined as an OCR submission, the arrangement needs to have considerably more source material. Having at least 50% of the track contain source is a good threshold to go for arrangement-wise.

    * I don't know if it's more in relation to the FL piano soundfont, but the sound itself mostly feels very robotic, as if all notes are hit at the exact same velocity each time. You got the right idea at around 2:15 onwards, but even then it sounds a little more robotic than it should, and by the time the buildups start happening, the effect can't be heard. If there's a way for you to cut the attack slightly on the FL piano, that could be a start to help you get a slightly softer tone. That, and possibly go lighter on the first minute before going all-in with the mid section.

    * A performance suggestion would be to also listen to other classical piano pieces similar to the sound you are going for, and pay attention to the left hand for any riffs to add to what you already know. Through this arrangement, I hear the nice little riff in the first 40 minutes or so that gets repeated a little much, octaves, and a simple triad movement (I-III-V-III-V-III-V-III). Learning more ways to handle the left hand outside from what you know would benefit future performances and give them a lot more depth as well.

    I hope this is a start to getting you up there. You're grasping the concept - just keep learning and down the line you'd be going places :)

  3. Urgh! Rexy, that is both super cool and quite terrifying! Why? Pressure to make the track better of course! I'm usually content to post whatever I have into competitions (it's much better to do that even if you're not satisfied with the track yourself, in my opinion), but if you're going to play it to the public.. that does raise the bar significantly! Not saying that you shouldn't do it, quite the contrary, that's pretty awesome!


    Eino, I understand your concerns as to how tracks would get received. But generally, the RS side is pretty chill and open; I may say I have standards on the air, but they can be more lenient than you think.

    As I often say on the air, "if they covered a SEGA tune and did a 'lot of class' (my way of saying they had fun with it), then it's in." Just hang loose, have fun and be yourself :)

  4. Nice work there Matt! I got a good kick out of Brandon's that's for sure xD

    In the buildup to the compo, I can officially say that SEGA Mixer Drive will go for full coverage on this one.

    During the 2012 compo you heard some of the tracks on Saturday Night SEGA, and often all of the tracks as of Round 3 onwards. But I'm in to help reach out for some extra voters as well, so as unbiased as possible, I will play all tracks posted for the duration of this compo, and see how if any of the RS crowd will make a decision on the tracks posted.

    Also Matt, i'll need to contact you on Facebook about something soon xD

  5. It's an awesome song, true, but:

    Games that are shareware, freeware, or personal projects may or may not be accepted at our discretion. We strongly recommend arranging music from commercial releases to avoid any problems.

    If someone does a remix of tracks from Before / After the Sequel, there's a high chance that it won't be acceptable source material because they're Sonic fangames. Do bear this in mind if you want to see coverage of it from here.

  6. Boss levels should only be considered for levels that are just a boss; so Death Egg S&K definitely isn't, and so isn't Wing Fortress.

    That's right, and neither is Eggmanland - from all my attempts at the INSANE hot dog missions (unleased plat yay), it is more like an extremely long platforming level.

    SupX, what's your stances on the multi-character final levels (Cannon's Core / End of the World), mind we all asking?

  7. SMD_Banner_Season2_small.png

    Coming live every Friday night (9PM GMT / 1PM PST / 4PM EST), SEGA Mixer Drive is a show focused around arrangements of SEGA music new and old. Originally a 1-hour show during its first season, this 2-hour Friday night show will go through a wide selection of arranger / source spotlights, listener requests and some of Rexy's own explorations - as well as being on hand to premiere some of the newest remix releases before anywhere else.

    Wow! Can I request something on one of your shows?

    You can indeed, and I am definitely open to what you want to hear! There are some rules to what can be played though:

    * If you state a source you want to hear on the show, I'll do my best to find any mixes for it, but in the event I can't find anything, I will have to break it to you.

    * Following that rule, no source material itself. However, remixes in later game soundtracks are fine (e.g. most of the Sonic Generations score) so I am open for that if that's your cup of tea.

    * Being OCR, I'm not quite too sure if you guys are familiar with this rule, but the game in question must have been developed or published by Sega to begin with. If the game had multiple publishers, I will review them on a case-by-case basis.

    * If there's a remix you want to hear, and I somehow don't have it, I would ask you to link it to me so I can pick it up.

    * You can request as many things as you'd like, but I'd only play a maximum of 2 requests of yours per week. Variety is the spice of life after all!

    I want to request something that just came out! I think you'll like it!

    If that's the case, definitely send me the link so I can check it out. I surf around the wider community a lot, whether it be OC Remix, Bandcamp, RKO, Youtube or various other places. Often when I find something new, most often or not it would go under the 'Remix Highlights of the Week', premiering the newest releases here first when possible.

    I have a new album out / have been involved with a new community project - do you want to play it?

    I'm up for it - if you've got an album release, send it my way and I will take a listen. I've done SMD album shows in the past for the Sonic Stadium Music Adventure 2012, plus the OC Remix albums 'Be Aggressive!' (Gunstar Heroes) and 'Temporal Duality' (Sonic CD). I've also gone through Mega Ran & Mister Wilson's 'Blur Bomber' as part of RadioSEGA Presents. So to sum it up, I'm all ears - let me see what you got!

    That's cool and all, but how do I get in touch with you?

    There are four ways you can do so:

    * By sending me a private message on the RadioSEGA forums

    * Via Twitter - my own personal twitter is preferred, but you can also send it to the official RadioSEGA twitter too. In either case, be sure to include the hashtag #SEGAMixerDrive so I can see it!

    * In the RadioSEGA IRC - send me a query and let me know what you want to hear!

    * By posting in the RadioSEGA Facebook group

    * Or if you're too scared to socialize (!), you can always hook me up by email at bev [dot] wooff [at] gmail [dot] com - I check my email on a daily basis, so I shouldn't miss anything here.

    Awww, crap... I'm gonna miss the show. Can you save the recording for me?

    Yes I can! The show will be archived and saved as podcasts on RadioSEGA Media! You can also subscribe on iTunes or alternatively subscribe on Stitcher, with all new episodes being listed in there as soon as they are available to download.

    Let me know if this thread is in the wrong place. I've seen other radio shows get promoted in community before, so I thought this would be no different *_*

  8. I'm pretty sure that in a similar fashion to the Unleashed sources and the Sonic 2 2-player stages, the separate tracks for stages on Sonic Adventure would count as two separate places if they are extremely distinct from another (like in your Casinopolis example).

    So if someone wants to compete with "Run Through the Speed Highway", while another person would use "At Dawn", both for SA1's Speed Highway... then I don't see a problem. But I guess we'll see what Matt thinks.

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