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Posts posted by Rexy

  1. So after 2 days so far, quick reminder on where we are with outstanding votes:

    * Flexstyle still needs to vote in his own matchup (don't be ashamed bro :))

    * On the flipside TheGuitahHeroe is yet to vote in all the matchups that AREN'T his own

    * Brandon Strader has so far only contributed to Timberz McBieber vs Grrrpocalypse and should do the other rounds to make that vote count

    * And the same applies to wch090 albeit with TGH vs therex.

    Other than that, interesting outcomes so far; I'll keep a good eye on this one :)

  2. Pete, awesome you brought up Tekken 2; at the time, the boss fight against Devil was one of the most somber final boss themes I had come across and adds a whole darkened perspective to the tournament's development at that point.

    And considering another Lapfox artist (albeit Kitcaliber) inspired a track in the previous SZRC, why am I not surprised in seeing it happen again xD Not that there's anything wrong with that, but it's just amazing to see where you gain some of your influences from.

    Kudos man :)

  3. I voted! Listened to the tracks many times to make my decisions.

    On wildfire vs halc I went with halc mainly because the arrangement was more varied. Both songs are pretty good, fun arrangements and nice vocals. wildfire shows a lot of progression in the vocal production from Round 1 too!

    On Hakstock vs Amphibious I went with Amphibious because I could recognize the sources more easily. Again, both songs are very good, Hak's is very energetic and has nice playing with a few rough spots. Amph's song has an amazing groove, very clean production and some lovely chords. The guitar also adds a nice touch.

    On me vs SuperiorX I went with me because I'm an ass :razz: Nah, honestly, I felt my source usage was more balanced between the two songs. Production in Superior's song is clearer and sharper but I have a hard time finding the Sky Road usage, while Metropolis is very evident.

    I also loved Sir Nuts' track. Nice production and vibe!

    Bizarrely, I voted in favor of Hakstok for the same reason you were more in favor of Amph. Think I'll need to re-listen to the latter and see if I could find the elements of Azure Lake I couldn't spot before. xD (hey, it happened eventually with Shaggy's entry last week!)

    Still it appears that we don't have any votes left outstanding from what I can see. Keep it up all :)

    [EDIT: Also, going by the vote totals so far... when did I miss the memo being "Vote Against Rexy's Picks Week"? :lol: ]

  4. "Fuck" is used 40 times. Tons of the comments are shitting on something with unconstructive comments. Not a paragon of virtue re: awesome reviews. :lol: It's one thing to dislike a piece of music, but it's another to be a douche with the criticism, which kind of goes back to people being mad at G-Mixer. If the panel gave feedback like this in this day and age, we'd (rightly) be criticized.

    That's the point about being 'blunt'. Sometimes you have to be to express an opinion. And I've been around DJ EAR a bunch of times as well and he has shown enough hands-on experience to back up his blunt criticisms.

    But it's not like anyone's gonna care about that anyway. Sonic Retro makes me sad enough for them tearing down everything that made me feel content. Twice now in this thread I've tried to link to something more positive and get derailed.

    The more this keeps going on, the more I feel like keeping on asking the age-old question of "why the hell do people love Project Chaos so much" - truth be told, my stuff on there is heavily outdated in comparison to what I'm doing now. I swear I'm fed up of hearing "hey, your 'Beneath the Ashes' or 'Divided from Grace' is incredible" when I really want it to be stated in reference to something more recent!

    Yeah... I can't think of anything positive to derail this conversation. Someone needs to help out, for the sake of the forum's mental health.

  5. I would just say don't generalize their community either. :lol:

    I'm not generalising it - I'm going purely by my own experiences within the community. Sonic Retro has done more than just attack OC Remix - in fact, they have a tendancy to attack other Sega related communities as well, which also extends to meeting other site admins / forum goers in the flesh.

    Now, I can understand they're great at dissecting the games' codes and either finding secrets or creating wild hacks out of them, but as people I just think it's best we'd leave them way alone in their purist bubble.

    You told me in the past that with the album's release, we should be focusing more on the positive feedback. Let's leave that in the dirt and instead re-read DJ EAR's awesome review work five times more. :)

  6. See, that thread is a CLEAR example of why people need to stay the HELL away from Sonic Retro. I've been closer-knit with the Sonic community since the SZRC2012, and from all interactions I've come to see Retro as one of the most close-minded clusterfucks (can't think of a nicer word, sorry) of a community that we'd ever see.

    I seriously didn't want to read that thread all the way through - it's all the most negative feelings I was anticipating with the album all bottled up into one. "This album isn't as good as Project Chaos..." "All the good tracks are made by outside people (Bev's note: not true, Hedgehog Heaven springs to mind)..." "People at OCR need to stop using shitty defaults..."

    I get the goddamn picture - what we did was an absolutely FANTASTIC remix album with a load of killer tracks and representing one of the Sega CD's finest titles. Were we ever thinking, in the first place, that we were going to cater it to a bunch of devilspawn that hates the idea of their childhood spoiled??

    Yeah. This may end up being my most aggressive post regarding this, but if you're ever going to think of reading that Sonic Retro thread, for god's sake, don't. Everything about that site's community and their opinions is completely INVALID.

    Now let's all move on and calm down and think of something happy. Like kittens:


  7. For the record, I started doing DoD because it was the only way I was going to see myself on the front page of anything!(Don't bother looking them up, all those remixes suck.) :)

    Oh come on Gar, there's a handful of people at RS particularly on the RPG-following front that really enjoyed your treatment for Skies of Arcadia on there; one person in particular would rather listen to yours than zircon's :P

    Addressing the 'extra compression', the mixer for SAM Broadcaster (the software that all DJs on RS use) generally deals with compression through the Gated AGC box. I brought the Gain level down to 3db (original value was 15) on one deck after similar criticisms when OneUp checked out the show a while back, but must've forgotten to do so on the OTHER deck. This'll take some time to figure out, but let's see what happens from next week xD

  8. If you want my take on the subject, it's that people have the right to remix what they want to - oftentimes, the best remixes come from those that do them out of nothing but sheer passion, not because they feel forced to work with the source material.

    So if you are an old-timer that still wants to remix the short riffs from Pac-Man or Dig Dug or whatever, go for it. Or if you're wowed over by the more modern scores of Journey or Portal and want to give homage to them, again it's your call. At the end of the day, OC Remix is open to BGM regardless of how old these tracks are.

    As for me, again I feel inspired by what I see/hear. It's just that a lot of my gaming passions appear to be within the 90s more than anything else xD

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