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Posts posted by Rexy

  1. My opinion may be completely wrong, but I'd try answering this anyway.

    Let's start with remake, which is where what I feel your samples seem close to be. You'd copy the notes AND the style of the original, and don't add anything new other than an updated production.

    Covers can be a bit more versatile - while the remake variety certainly fits in this category, it's also entirely possible to do other things while still maintaining the progression of the original. To name examples, you could play it on a solo instrument like a piano or classical guitar; you could decide to do it in different styles (like with the Wheeled Warriors demo stated, changing the style to bossa nova for example can be a bizarre but interesting twist on a cover); or it could be just you and a bunch of friends playing the song as a garage band. There's more endless possibilities to go for.

    Remixes on the other hand can do more bizarre things arrangement-wise - you could add new elements to an already existing song, you could completely change the chord structure while keeping the melody intact, you could keep to the feel of the song but at the same time add more elements appropriate to the feel (again with the Wheeled Warriors example, a break with one of those 80s guitar solos won't go amiss), or even chop up the structure entirely and restructure to your liking. It all comes down to what you think will see fit - hence, offers more room for interpretation.

    I hope this kind of answers your question. Though, I'm fine if anyone wants to correct me as well. :tomatoface:

    [EDIT: Well, damn. Larry beat me to the punch. Guess short-and-to-the-point is the flavor of the day. :lol:]

  2. See, with features like this there'd be abuse to come with it. You may list yourself as instruments with that kind of skill level, but what if you don't have the evidence to back yourself up?

    Like, say someone signs up to the forum and marks themselves as an advanced violin player. You want violin in your mix. You ask the person, and it turns out they're not really the 'advanced' player they technically marked them for. This may sound extreme, but I can see people making themselves feel bigger than they actually are through this feature.

    On the flip side, in the past we've had people asking to try out certain instrument parts (or even vocals) regardless of skill level / experience. Those kind of dedicated newcomers will be given the shaft if they're too honest and mark themselves down as a "beginner" when they really, REALLY want to contribute towards the site to some degree.

    I'm not here to belittle Brandon's idea, but if you want my take on this, people have the right to collaborate with others regardless of skill level. We're not in the age of select snobbery anymore, right? Then I'd say keep things as it is, though I've got a strange feeling I'd be the only person that may say that. *_*

  3. As much as I love the Jak and Daxter series, I got hit big time a couple of times during the series. (white text below - highlight at your own risk)

    Jak 2 was frustrating as balls, but my challenging gamer-self loved going through it and the evolving storyline gave me more of an incentive to keep going. But when looking in advance at the last few missions on GameFAQs in relation to where I was at that point... I would learn that Sig - arguably the coolest NPC helper character in the entire game - dies at some point; as well as learning that Kor is actually the Metal Head Leader. Thankfully all the other twists since the Underport area were kept out of sight for me, including Sig actually SURVIVING. Whew!

    And then came Jak 3, which had a frustrating 2-month-long wait for me to play due to me being at University and without a TV to play my videogames on. So... I grew to like Damas as a character, whom while strong and firm under the desert conditions also treats Jak like his own son. I did learn that Damas is actually Jak's father through accidental shifting through some Jak wiki when I actually started playing it. Much like with the Sig case above, nothing would prepare me for how Jak finds out - right when Damas dies. Again, all other spoilers were far out of my reach.

    I hope I'm doing this code right... >_>

  4. While it's nice to do something for Sonic for its 25th, I think restricting it to places and music pieces covered in Sonic Generations would instead make the whole thing feel locked to just one game instead of being a full-on tribute.

    If you want my take in this, what the Mega Man 25 album did was allowed artists free reign out of a selection of games, provided each game out of that selection would get 2 or 3 arrangements out of it. I'd say that the artists should have more creative freedom over what source they want to cover, as long as there's 2 or 3 tracks for each game represented.

    Just my two cents :wink:

  5. I'm pretty sure if you dig deep enough through the comments of his videos, just about every song will get a mention at some point.

    At the very least, the theory holds true for this song.

    As RadioSEGA staff, I'm verifying Xarnax's statement - definitely that above source.

    Also, I'm interested in watching the whole thing now xD

  6. I borrowed the original from a friend when I was a teenager. Finished it within a week. Simple for what it is, but it definitely has its charm - its

    definitely managed to earworm itself into my head since then, and makes it feel really approachable to cover.

    The question is, how am I supposed to figure out where to go while keeping the whimsical charm of the original? If a tune's to be given proper respect, it's through the heart, I believe xD

  7. * Get more musically active (something new every 3 months)

    Completed a bonus track for the SZRC 2014, plus a second unreleased OutRun track. Not bad progress so far, plus there's a couple more projects to go!

    * Do whatever I can on that aforementioned PlayStation EP

    No dice. In relation to one of the points further down.

    * Arrange a remix and perform it at either the London Gaming Con / Alcon 2014 that DOESN'T cover Sonic or Mega Man.

    At LCG 2014, I performed the aforementioned unreleased OutRun remix, covering Splash Wave. Not a brilliant reception though, but I bet it's down to the fact that i'm better off rocking a keytar. :razz: I might perform "Pizza Time" off Shell-Shocked for a future convention this year - who knows?

    * Get back into work or education

    One step at a time. Look at the next bullet point.

    * Find help regarding my mood swings

    I'm on a sick note from my doctor regarding my mood. I'm slowly on the mend, with only a few instances of feeling emotionally distraught - and luckily no IRC ragequits at this point! :D Some things can still be improved in regards to how I take certain comments, but otherwise I'll keep plowing ahead.

    * complete a cosplay for PlayExpo 2014

    Got a couple of ideas. Haven't started yet, but I know one thing the costume requires is a printed t-shirt and I found a great place down town that does them on different types of tee. It'll be full steam ahead come the summer! :)

  8. I'm not even part of Bound Together, but I have a few things to say regarding this move.

    Most importantly, this is Joe Cam's baby first and foremost. Sure, it'll be nice to hear it lossless in the end, but I believe if it is going to happen, it's a manager's decision to make it happen.

    Besides, gathering all lossless forms by yourself, renaming the project and adding in djp's intended-for-but-removed-in-the-last-minute track does NOT count as an authorised re-release. Just putting that out there.

    It doesn't mean you can't ask if there's any lossless versions of any of the tracks though. Just don't go as far as a bootleg unless you're intentionally looking for trouble. :)

  9. Yeah, I believe I was the one that brought up the vocal delivery irk - and somehow responded with a funny take on the Fresh Prince theme when this was aired on SEGA Mixer Drive #54. :lol: Again, vocals are very tricky to actually get around, especially since they're naturally really difficult to pull off and get the sound you're going for.

    I've no idea what kind of tips Sir Jordanius gave you when working on "Time Traveller's Delight", but here's how I can imagine the kind of vocal delivery. Instead of just looking at your recording area as a recording area with just yourself in, you can instead envision yourself as shouting out towards an entire group of people as you really push your feelings across. Possibly the best way to envision the delivery is to treat it as if you're leading a group of boy scouts that happen to be Sonic fans, and you're addressing the entire group as its leader. Get the feeling of the new cartoon off to this young pack and make them want to watch it when it starts airing!

    Wow... when did I start turning into Sir J myself :tomatoface:

    Anyway, we want to see you become more street for another potential vocal spot, whether with O'sembled or in another asset. I hope these tips could help you improve your vocals further ;)

  10. Grabbing 'em now! :)

    This week's SEGA Mixer Drive will be the last charge for the SZRC 2014 - the Bonus Tracks will air on the show, plus I can confirm now that the Community Spotlight will be entirely dedicated to TGH.

    Way to go with the win as well, sir - you knew how to make a great impression every single week :D


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