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Everything posted by RocketSniper

  1. Their sacrifices are so...so hilarious...
  2. So all of this talk about being four-stocked makes me confused. Is that like, you fight in a four lives vs. four lives battle (hence the name four stock)? Or is it 5v5 and the other guy just died once to your five times? Also, what the crap is with the bag of darkness characters? I've seen 'em several times, but can't quite place 'em...
  3. I thought Diddy and Dixie were Rare-owned characters. It would explain their absence in the earlier games...
  4. Try µ-ziq... or U-ziq or whatever that guy shows up as. Song called carpet muncher... worst name ever, but I friggin love it. Not quite as hard core, but with a little more jazz influence. Pretty cool, methinks.
  5. Just because of this thread, I googled myself. Fortunately, on the front two pages of google, only about four of the links weren't references to me. Most of which were references through http://www.gginteractive.net/ , even a site entirely in asian characters linking to a youtube video of a combo I did... It's kinda funny looking this stuff up and then thinking to yourself "Wow, I'm really something", then coming back and realizing "Oh shit, UnMod's still after me for making war on (and losing horribly) pwb". I wonder what ever happened to that guy... Anyway, came up with the name at my grandpa's house when I was about 10, and stuck with it ever since. It was such a ridiculous concept it seemed to fit my personality fairly well, and it just seemed to stick after that. I've used it for everything from hotmail (which I lost due to inactivity) to gmail, to counterstrike, to here, so on, so forth. Someone stole rocketsniper@hotmail.com (after I lost it due to inactivity) and rocketsniper as a login name for gunbound (no real loss there) and talks a lot of crap about quake. Apparently the other me is also an avid gamer... just talks a lot more crap. And plays quake. And talks crap about quake.
  6. We're assuming that they have balls now?
  7. Sounds a lot more like 70's drug trip music than video game music. Then the drums kick in and I begin to doubt drug trip music. What was the file called? Anything in the ID3 tags? As a last resort, if this is, in fact, video game music, try checking the unreal series. This sounds extremely similar to some of the music playing in UT2K4. Good luck finding it!
  8. I'm sure it got better later on, but aside from "Klingots", the first couple seasons were pretty horrible. No, not every episode was someone being held hostage. However, a very large portion of the earlier episodes were that, someone being lost, a couple of people taking a shuttle and crashing, a couple of crewmen getting a disease and getting stuck in the sick bay... yeah. It wasn't the worst series ever, but given the budget, they could have done a lot better. And no, I didn't see the later episodes because I couldn't stand the first ones. And all of the Vulcan hate. And how many Andorians were there. WHY WERE THERE SO MANY ANDORIANS?
  9. I hate to say it, but enterprise was pretty much the same episode over and over and over again. The captain gets kidnapped, the crew has to rescue him. Travis gets kidnapped, the crew has to rescue him. Two people are kidnapped, the crew's gotta save them. Space nazis go back in time to destroy the united states. The captain gets captured by them, too - the crew has to save him again. Voyager was a lot better. Or even stargate. Or even the 50's space horror genre. At least then it was zombie mutant space communists.
  10. I think you just described Venusaur.
  11. If only they had an editor. Psycho's. /end feasibility.
  12. This is made of win. Only if it will attempt to out dance the power rangers robot though. Otherwise it will fail.
  13. Woohoo! Sorry about not voting - I was going to but I ended up getting several dozen hardware error blue screens over the last month or so. I'm still not sure what's causing the problem, but it seems to have stopped for now... Oh well... GG Next map
  14. Just... Holy crap. That's easily worth twice as much as all of the input I've ever gotten on the WIP forum.
  15. Argh, it was Oonts oonts snakeman oonts...
  16. The cutoff control on that was amazing. Along with use of sound effects. And actually sounding good. Well I just lost.
  17. Ahh jeez I didn't see this post till I read back through the thread (for whatever reason my brain skipped the post - thought it was just me and nuts), but now it's expired! Aaargh!
  18. More liek http://rocketsniper.googlepages.com/MM3_7.zip Name: Oonts oonts snakeman oonts
  19. Ahhh I did the snakeman theme too... Oh well, It'll be posted here later today. Still trying to get rid of as much crappiness as possible. So... Prepare yourselves for lots of vocoder, crazy too loud percussion, and a lot of misplaced instruments. Edit: I just downloaded the .zip and ended up with a bunch of broken 3xosc's with missing shape samples... I think I'm doing something wrong again :confused:
  20. Hell, I need to figure out how to beatbox that fast.
  21. So bundeslang... I went to your site and got the .flp file, but half of the samples appear to be missing. I'm running off a clean install of FL, so I dunno what's up - may need .zippage.
  22. Do entries need titles? Normally I save things with random characters... so my most recent song's names are "asf" and "Okamvoweocaowc." Yeah, the names are that bad. Song almost finished. Blarrh.
  23. I'm seriously working on one this time. Fear false lo-fi percussion.
  24. The game in which you slowly float around all the time. Great improvement. *faceplant*
  25. Bump. I've gotten so used to some of my synths that it's hard to go back to 3xOSC... and my ears are hurting for it. So, yeah. I've got about 1:00 of acceptable sounding song. Question though, can we use stuff we've recorded ourselves, such as beatboxing or singing?
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