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Everything posted by Veritas

  1. thats one of my biggest qualms about getting a ps3. i just don't like how the new ones lost the backwards compatibility. i mean i know i don't know how often i'll really be using it, but it just makes me feel like i'm missing something. maybe if ps3 comes out with another configuration with another extra thing added, i'll reconsider. or if it gets any cheaper. or prettier (my personal opinion is that it doesn't look quite as slick as it should be; its very shiny yes, but not slick and a bit on the heavy-looking side). i really want to play valkyria chronicles though...
  2. greetings! its me again, back from yet another long hiatus. hello old friends and newbies too!
  3. holy crap! hey everybody. i ran into somebody listening to this soundtrack and was pleasantly surprised to hear that it came from my old haunt, so much so, i just had to come back here after like 4 years just to say how awesome this soundtrack is! fantastic work to everybody who contributed to this!
  4. hi! i'm not really a newbie but i've been away for a really long long time. amazing how much has changed here! i still remember when this website was all orange and had a big pretzel on top so i guess that makes me pretty old now. (but most surprisingly, i still remember my login and pass, so i guess that means my memory is o.k.) i was a lot less mature back when i used to hang around these boards so if any of you guys still remember me, i want to apologize for so mercilessly winning all those arguements back then. i was thinking about all those weekends i spent downloading remixes on my 56K and, feeling a little nostalgic, i decided to pay a visit to the old neighborhood and, boy, its good to be back!
  5. anybody remember koolex (?) from Mario RPG? you know the missplaced FFish looking boss in the monster village? that guy gave me lots of problems; kept being uncooperative and killing somebody important... well i guess i demanded that all my characters survive the fight to get experience so...
  6. I didn't think two Crissaegrims would make it any quicker, I just kept hitting the button, dodging from left to right from his hands.. pretty quick death. And as far as "Hardest boss" goes I'd have to saaaay... Lumina - Brave Fencer Musashi.. It took me forever to figure it out.. I guess it wasn't hard after I did though. 2 chrissaegrims dont do much but one is good...the broken thing about that sword is that you can move while waking away, so all you have to do was contiunally slash away with it and just concentrate on dodging...if you run low on life, pull a soul steal...hell you can even turn into your mist and let your familiar sword do all the work...the sotn dracula was more bark than bite...try the cotm one...now that was was pretty tough for me...you had to time your jumps just right so you dont get smacked for 80% of your health...
  7. i am saying that CC was bad...but you can imagine what i'd say about the recent final fantasies, ESPECIALLY ff8...at least CC kept me semi-interested through the game...i got WAY too bored with ff8... agreed, collecting some of the last equipment was cool! dual Einlanzers ownz you all! and MEGA STARKY too!!! hahahahaahha the no level system of CC was nice too...it kind of keeps the story interesting and cuts down on the walking-in-circles for cash and experience thing...keeps it challenging too...but the story telling was really bad in CC...SO anti-climatic...good story, bad story telling like i say...and i demand to have a definate answer as to where magus went! not all the CC characters had a purpose, which i didnt like...there was so much potential for that game that it never realized...the battle system was cool though, very streamlined and kind of xenogears-ish so you didnt get super bored -- i especially liked that field system thing...if you look at suikoden, of the 108 characters, a good number of them had some use, and not just fighting...so you have some incentive to collect some of the characters for your castle to make things more convienent and stuff like that...(well except of the woman who just gossips...she's probably only good when you forget what you were doing) of course the worst thing about Suikoden was getting yourself clothing and sharpening weapons for your characters...very expensive, very time consuming...(thank god for gambling) yeah pip was cool...(but mine got stuck at the level-glitch thingy fortunately my friend had a save for me right where i was so i didn't have to restart the game) and riddel SUCKS! sure go with the LOSER DARIO (who recently just got his ass kicked by me), instead of Karsh who really cares about you and is way cooler...hahaha oh yeah the fight with Dario was the most difficult for me in CC...dario kept being uncooperative and killing whoever WASN'T wearing the damage-absorbing armor...
  8. chrono cross was stupid...a massive disappointment to my chrono trigger roots...too many dumb characters who did nothing...and it hardly had anything to do with CT... it had some great music though hell the game itself wasnt so bad...controls, battle system, events and plot twists, (some) character relations...lot of them were some of the best i've seen... but gosh the story telling was SO bad....and that last boss playing-the-notes-to-beat-him idea was so dumb...it was frustrating and anticlimatic...it would have been better if you got a supercool spell instead...the music was the only reason i played through it...that and karsh...karsh was cool...
  9. hahahahahaha yeah i remember that game...i never did figure out how to land i just gave up and smashed right into it... same goes for lots of airplane games...i have my entire crew bail out first before i attempt a "landing" or, more percisely, a slightly-less-than-semi-controlled fall; its safer for them that way =p
  10. huh...i didnt have a problem with the ff4 boss in either game (zerometh or zerotith or something?) true, the japanese hard version was a bit more difficult and i had to use a good number of pheonix downs through out the game, but that last boss wasn't impossible...you just have to manage your casualities -- i had kain jump every time so he'll be the guy with full health after he lands so he can pheonix down if somebody died, and rosa became a full time nurse most of the time...but it wasn't THAT hard... i had more trouble with fighting the boss right after ashura in the monster village or something (sorry i cant remember...its been a while....was it leviathan?)
  11. man i forgot about demon's crest...i had it somewhere stashed in a box...i wonder if i can find a rom somewhere...it was a good game...and that true endboss was CRAZY!!!!
  12. ...crissaegram and ring of varda...the only thing sicker than a ring of varda is two...
  13. well, some games have bosses who don't have a level cap. so as you get higher in level, so do the bosses....in the end its a battle of wits...
  14. yeah the xenogears final boss really gave me a hard time...especially after getting all my fuel sucked out of me...i barely made it out alive...i think that silly looking pink thing saved me big time... hm...what else...Dracula at the end of Circle of the Moon was rough too...especially since i went in pretty low level and without 2 cards that eventually allowed me to beat him... the most frustrating would have to be the big brain thing (nil-something) at the end of half-life who kept zapping you to other places and you had to jump into these teleportation portals to get back (only they were situation on the ceiling or somewhere less than cooperative) oh yeah...near the end of max payne was really rough too...you had to be a quick-save whore to get past anything --- turn the corner, quicksave, dive out and shoot in bullet-time, quicksave, damn i missed, quickload, shoot again, missed, quickload, shoot again, a hit, quicksave...
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