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Everything posted by Nekofrog

  1. I'm almost 100% certain that was the game that I did based on unmod and actually got a lot of it done but never finished. But I honestly do not remember writing that dialogue. But the picture I remember...
  2. TEST YOUR MIGHT! How did he not know what that even meant?
  3. iunno, maybe it's just me but you coming down is cool but inviting your friends to come along on a tour at a place of work for someone they they don't even know seems kind of odd to me. i thought the whole point of this was an ocr meetup iunno
  4. Nooo don't look at me i'm ugly i don't have long hair anymorE also for the musically inclined lukas and i are prepping something
  5. Looks like Arek and I are in. Food is whatev, burgers and hotschlongs, chips whatev. I hope you're not planning on paying for it all by yourself, I'm going to chip in.
  6. too bad remod is absolutely devoid of anything that made unmod supposedly great
  7. Megadeth is better.
  8. It'$ $ort of a my$tery, your gue$$ i$ a$ good a$ mine.
  9. Eh. Metallica is boring to play on REAL guitar after a few years, so plastic instrument Metallica isn't doing anything for me
  10. What the fuck happened to moggie? I was vicious to that guy, I mean unrelentingly brutal to him. For no real reason, either. Even when he was buds with my girlfriend, I still treated him like total shit. Not that I regret it or anything, but I wouldn't do it these days.
  11. Don't let my copy and paste skills fool you. It takes 5 minutes to write a good drum pattern and then copy/paste it for a length of 2 minutes. Here's a picture of the project, and I'll break it down: Notice how short each wave actually is. That's because I can just record one bar of it, and then copy and paste until it's artificially lengthened enough. Compo has actually taught me how to cut corners very well; my early stuff was attrocious because I tried to do it the long and hard way. Left me time to write lyrics (which actually flowed extremely quickly), and superjoe enough time to record them.
  12. Mine was epic
  13. The guy is going to layer vocals over it (and there are parts that are empty without a solo).
  14. So my Megaman 2 remix that is currently in the queue got some attention on youtube, and I was hired to do the theme song for www.icwxp.com -- it's an internet television show / dvd show that is essentially MST3k with a metal vibe. http://tindeck.com/listen/wyak Here's the theme song about 75% complete. Lacking solos.
  15. Just thought I'd throw this up here, I layered some real guitar over the MMX3 Intro stage, and I think it sounds massively awesome. http://www.tindeck.com/listen/ksqb
  16. Think I'm gonna have to pass if it's a walk-all-day-city-tour-eat-out-somewhere kind of deal.
  17. Just not metal enough.
  18. i hate the one ups also anyone down for going to a strip club after the meetup? that would be epic.
  19. I honestly really don't feel like walking all around somewhere. Why can't we just get together somewhere, hang, bbq, play video games, listen to music, and maybe jam for those musically inclined?
  20. Oh, you're one of those types. Have fun with that.
  21. Boy, are you going to hate the death metal vocals in Crocodile Cacophany.
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