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Everything posted by Nekofrog

  1. Just fyi classes I am great at: scout, pyro, sniper classes I am good at: spy, engineer, medic classes I hate and wish would go away forever: everything else
  2. When he uses an infested marine to take out a batch of canons, the camera cuts to Kal who is now visibly sweating pretty badly. This was probably his reaction when he first saw it.
  3. And some more This one caused some controversy This one was used for years after my switchover from my original username, Clydefrog I drew this for neminem's birthday oh so many years ago. Notice most of the people in the picture no longer even lurk here (CapnHulk, Firedrake)
  4. So I just logged into photobucket for the first time in years and years and found a stash of my old old old sigs This was from one of my many post-banning troll accounts, Judge Nekko Classic Hypnotic rofl
  5. Midwest meetup (that occurred during VGLive). I hope something can get organized.
  6. Last year's was pretty awesome.
  7. This. Very much this. Yahtzee needs to go back to making adventure games yesterday.
  8. Some of our more knowledgable players (myself, battousai) could probably commentary on skype and record it during matches. That'd actually be kind of fun.
  9. Whatever you do, MOAR PACMAN People always bitch and moan and complain when it comes up for nomination, but then everyone votes for it and has a fucking BLAST. Five seconds don't go by where people aren't uproariously laughing on the mic thanks to the antics of the ghosts.
  10. Beta 7 is when they got it right. Beta 7.1 was the ultimate version of Counter-Strike. It kind of declined after that.
  12. I don't want to take anyone else's hard earned money :\ Maybe if it was an officially sponsored OCR tournament and it involved some kind of prize that didn't come out of the pockets of someon else... though it still would in a way.
  13. <3 one hour compo for giving me the idea I wound up starting this at like 2AM and finishing it at 4AM.
  14. I wouldn't be opposed to two tournaments; a 1v1 series and a 2v2 series. Pair the more experienced players with the inexperienced (ie don't put battousai and myself on a team).
  15. That and, you know, Kirk and Sulu didn't have an entire planet imploding and self destructing around them at the time.
  16. I listened to them, but I'm just not getting it. They seem pretty ho-hum to me.
  17. Dude, it's time for an intervention.
  18. I'm in and don't be offended but battousai is my only challenge in the lineup
  19. pacman 24/7 please or at least heavy rotation
  20. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++1
  22. I blame Nintendo for singlehandedly killing all interest I have in E3.
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