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Everything posted by Nekofrog

  1. Heh, I have memories of renting Silver Surfer as a kid and being floored at how bad it was. Also, I loved TMNT1 as a kid despite its badness. I could get to the technodrome, but couldn't beat it.
  2. Awful, just awful. How many times does Wolverine yell at the overhead camera as it zoomes out and pans over the landscape? Like 4 times? That was cliche in 1985. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Deadpool - raped him. Utterly raped him. HUR DUR DIS BULLET WILL MAKE HIM LOSE HIS MAMMARY HUR DUR whatever, stupid The only thing I enjoyed was the performance and characterization of the Blob, but the boxing scene? Utterly retarded.
  3. I'd kill for a port/remake/whatever of Sunset Riders
  4. Yeah, the SNES version had a few extra stages. To not include them would be very
  5. http://ninja-pizza.blogspot.com/2009/05/new-turtles-in-time-game.html Remake of Turtles in Time Live Arcade Full 3d Not sure how i feel about that last part but still TURTLES IN TIME
  6. My contribution to this mix is that I told Tensei to hold back on the harmonized guitar for one bar; and I think it sounds better for it :3
  7. You have just awful taste in music. Awful.
  8. Maybe it's just me but I liked Marvel vs. Capcom better than Marvel vs. Capcom 2. I liked the roster of 2 better but I didn't like the change in play.
  9. When there is a vocal demand for it, yes bleck. yes.
  10. It's not that we care about being on the ladder, it's that there are ladder-exclusive elements of the game that non-ladder characters can't access. Kind of gay, I know.
  11. We all play on East. Now, keep in mind with the ladder reset, we're all going to lose all of our cool gear (for the ladder side of things). If we have enough people, we'll probably be able to rush through things and, if enough time is dedicated, do decently well on the ladder. But we'll probably be disorganized and get nothing done because people are all up in different timezones :\
  12. Given what they've released for it so far (90% shit) yeah it's a ripoff.
  13. The problem with DLC is that companies believe they can ship a disc with bits and pieces of the game locked out, requiring just a simple DLC key to unlock it. How is that downloadable content? It's already on the disc. It's ready to go. YOU just locked it and required that we pay more than once just to activate it. DLC done right is the GTA4 DLC.
  14. Know why the Dreamcast is great? Self-booting CD ROMs. I now have the entire catalogue of DC games worth playing and it cost me nothing
  15. [quote name=big giant circles;534799 I guess I'm getting a bit off topic--I'm sure this will inevitably derail the discussion to something like "but that's invasion of privacy! They have no right! What I do on my own time is my own business!" And I have my own beliefs about that too' date=' which I might be happy to discuss if it comes to that. How can something be considered an issue of privacy when the entire point was to put it online for everyone to see? I don't see how anyone would be able to use that argument successfully.
  16. You just missed me. Moved out of Fort Wayne, Indiana a few months ago to Sacramento California.
  17. I used to use this, until I realized one day that scooping the mids doesn't magically make things sound better, it removes a lot of those key frequencies that make a tune shine. I spent a lot of time pursuing exactly what you are, never found a way to replicate it, and gave up. Mostly because I learned how to make my stuff sound good without killing mids. Now, mids are my friend, and I'd be lost without them. In other short, you're not the first to embark on this quest. Good luck!
  18. As someone who is a FERVENT supporter of Bit Torrent technology and everything it allows us to do (hello remix torrent packs), I have to say that they had it coming. It's one thing to create a tracker and have users submit illegal torrents, but it's another to boast and be proud of it, as well as encourage it. That crosses the line of legality, in my view. Too bad my view is not law.
  19. No real similarity. if anything, the first song takes a huge page from that shitty papa roach song that was popular like 10 years ago
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