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Everything posted by Nekofrog

  1. Haha, oh wow!
  2. Because it is a terrible game, Bleck. Terrible game cursed with an outstanding soundtrack.
  3. I can buy as many TVs as I want, as long as it's just one per model (W, D, etc). So if anyone wants a good deal....
  4. Well, I don't know shit about TVs these days, so that's why I'm just asking for suggestions. I bathe in your envy, though.
  5. So, I work at Circuit City for now, and I'd like to take advantage of the employee discount there while I still can (seasonal help). To make a long story short, I get 60% of ALL Sony brand TVs. Every single one. I want to take advantage of this deal, so I'm looking for a decent/good 1080p TV for gaming and movies only. We've been looking at some $1,000 TVs at 40 inches which is fine, but have no idea what to get. $1,000 + 60% discount = like $400 TV. So think within the $800-$1200 range. Any suggestions?
  6. I'll take a shot at Stickerbrush Symphony. Edit: ohshi, I didn't realize when I volunteered for this that I would be heading up a big collab as the primary sequencer. F that. I'll just contribute to it.
  7. Submitted! We'll see how it goes. In a few years. http://tindeck.com/audio/my/dgdd/Wily-s-Requiem-17 This was the version I threw at 'em.
  8. It's out (in Japan), but despite that you can still get it from XBox Live if you know how. A few thoughs: 1. Default control scheme is utter ASS. If you're used to RE4 controls you will HATE them, after a few tries I simply changed the scheme to the RE4 scheme. Why this wasn't default is beyond me. 2. Sheva sucks. The coop is just terrible. Ashley may have been utterly defenseless but I never had her take a single hit in any of my playthroughs on the GC or the Wii versions. Why? Because she stayed RIGHT by your side and always jumped behind you when you drew your weapon out. Sheva? Hahaha. Terrible AI. Terrible terrible terrible.
  9. smoke is still in #ocremix. In fact we made fun of him today for not having a huge Megaman boner anymore.
  10. Well, like I said in the first post, drums are all last, so when the final bit of dialogue is recorded I'll move onto the drums and sort them out (both production and sequencing). I can't believe no one has commented on the orchestral bits in the beginning. Anyone have any input on the strings behind the clean guitar? I don't know much about working with 'em, but I figured I got them sounding okay.
  11. I still think she's not Chinese
  12. Wow that sounds like an amazing contract.
  13. http://www.comingsoon.net/news/movienews.php?id=50955 "We've received five new photos from 20th Century Fox's Street Fighter: The Legend of Chun Li, opening in theaters on February 27. Directed by Andrzej Bartkowiak from a script by Justin Marks, the video game adaptation stars Kristin Kreuk, Michael Clarke Duncan, Neal McDonough, Taboo, Chris Klein, Moon Bloodgood, Edmund Chen, Cheng Pei Pei, Josie Ho and Robin Shou. The movie focuses on female fighter Chun-Li (Kreuk) and her journey for justice." So in a cast filled with asian people, they use the least asian-looking person they can find to play a Chinese woman? Asrggfgrgrgh
  14. Your face is besides the point, sir
  15. Can what you do in Animal Crossing online really be considered "playing" something?
  16. It was a response to not being able to find people with ClanOCR. Thanks to the awesomeness of X-Box Live, you never, ever, EVER have that sort of problem. Edit: for example, I am in #clanocr (or, what its current incarnation is CAN'T TELL YOU NYAH NYAH), but games almost never get organized there. It's another chat channel now. But as soon as I logged into Street Fighter II HD on X-Box Live, I got an invite from atmuh to play, and played with a bunch of OCR people. Just from logging in to the service, it automatically announced that I was playing the game to my friends, allowing those who were also playing to say "hey let's play with that guy" or even if they're playing something else to see me and say "hey I want to play that game let's play it". Nintendo Wifi? Pffft... good luck, pal.
  17. Shut up and do more dramatic takes for our Lufia remix, jackass >
  18. If only I were trolling...
  19. XBox Live > Nintendo Wifi
  20. It's almost exactly the same melody.
  21. So... FF7 = Batman?
  22. I was actually listening to the VotLS track for this song when it just suddenly hit me. Now I will never hear it without thinking "I'm BATMAN"
  23. I AM ON TO YOU, NOBUO. I can't believe, in the ten years since it was created, that I did not notice this before, but Final Fantasy 7's "On That Day, Five Years Ago" is essentially just the Batman theme. Not the TV theme, but Danny Elfman's Batman theme, just in a different key. WARNING. WHAT HAS BEEN HEARD CANNOT BE UNHEARD. The song in question: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vlnk5ThilSo And Elfman's Batman theme: Your honor, I rest my case!
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