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Everything posted by Nekofrog

  1. After the nightmare that was the Vista launch, I don't think Microsoft is willing to take ANY major risks (or major steps forward for that matter) without having some kind of safety net under them; hence the 32-bit version. I wish someone would kick 32-bit in the face and just make 64-bit the new standard.
  2. GAAL2PB. (go away and learn to post better)
  3. List updated with SOLDs.
  4. Yeah, but cell phone needs to be paid. I'll take the offer, paypal when at your convenience.
  5. Received. Will ship out tomorrow. Also to anyone else, I'll be holding onto these games until Friday; all you have to do is make me aware of your intent to purchase by Friday, in which case I can hold onto them PAST friday until you can afford to pay for them.
  6. Yep. nekofrog@gmail.com . Thanks. Edit: After researching it a bit more, lowered the price of Princess Peach to $10
  7. Last call before I take them to GameCrazy and get ripped off selling them there; cell phone bill needs paid.
  8. Significant experience in prior systems administration positions (2 to 1,000 years) You know what, this is one of the many reason our economy is in the shitter right now. People only want to hire people with a ton of experience; entry level jobs are almost nonexistent, and even the entry level ones they want someone with a ton of experience. How the F am I supposed to get experience if you want it to begin with? ARGHGHGHGHGHG
  9. I dunno, just seemed that's what it was worth.
  10. No, that's okay. It was a good idea, but it's A.) Bloated B.) Too much to ask of one person to manage C.) Who cares if there are a couple FS posts on the board every now and then? It's not as if people are flooding.
  11. Got a whole bunch of DS games up on the chopping block. All are in great condition (I take cares of my shit, yo). Didn't want to use the FS thread because it's getting very cluttered. Please note that shipping for each game will be $5, unless you order more than one, in which case I can easily do combined shipping ($5 for all). Pokemon Diamond - $25 New Super Mario Bros - SOLD Super Princess Peach - $10 Hotel Dusk - SOLD Trace Memory - SOLD Animal Crossing DS - SOLD Mario Kart DS - $20 Tetris DS - $30 Trauma Center: Under the Knife - $20 Nintendogs Best Friends (no case, came with the DS bundle) - $10 A few notes: Tetris DS is now out of print (Nintendo no longer holds the Tetris rights -- why they would only hold them long enough to print the game for like 6 months is beyond me), hence the higher price. New copies go for like $40-$50 depending. Nintendogs came with the DS in a bundle, hence no case. If you have any Q's, let me know.
  12. http://www.tindeck.com/audio/my/srdh/wilyfirstdraft The majority of recording has concluded for this piece, and the first draft is complete. Next step will be to work on the drums. The clean break is freakin' tits, IMO.
  13. Finished it last night, and yeah, there are SO many reasons that this did not get localized. NOA would freak. First the transexual gypsies, the humorous "rape" scene with the tranny gypsy and lucas (I know there wasn't actual rape, it was just supposed to SOUND like it via the dialogue). The death in chapters ones and eight, and the extremely mature way of handling things would just never fly with NOA. Too bad, because as Nintendo grows up in other aspects -- blood and gore -- they still refuse to grow up in other aspects -- real maturity and emotional experience.
  14. I bet mine is older and yours will still skip over mine to be posted
  15. I dunno, this list is just way too post-VII heavy for me. Maybe a few older tracks and I'd give it a go.
  16. I wish my tune would get posted D: Wait. Let me rephrase that in the form of a question. Wish my tune I posted would get?
  17. NO NONONONONONO NONONONO NO NONOONNONO DO NOT SCOOP YOUR MIDS WHEN YOU RECORD. EVER. Worst.advice.ever. Common advice from noob guitarists is to SCOOP TEH MIDS. It does not work for recording, and it does not work for a live environment. Your mids are what cut you through the mix; what makes it so that you can even be HEARD. Record at a NEUTRAL EQ setting, with slight boosts/cuts here and there, and then EQ it LATER if you must. But if you cut the mids, you neuter the guitar tone entirely. Same for a live environment; if you cut your mids you are NOT going to be heard over the bass, drums, and vocalist, no matter how loud you get. There are GOOD mids and BAD mids -- the punchy and the honky. The only time I ever cut the mids is at bedroom level whilst practicing; it sounds sweet as hell but you'll never be able to reproduce that in a live environment that sounds as sweet as that. And recording.. forget about it.
  18. There's actually a very logical reason for those enemies, audix.
  19. Noticed a bug. When talking with those fruity transexuals (that's what I call them), before the needle gets pulled on the one that starts with an A, it incorrectly quotes the speech as coming from Ionia, who is in your party at the time.
  20. I can do bass and guitar as well, but not vocals.
  21. NEW VERSION http://tindeck.com/audio/my/dgdd/Wily-s-Requiem-17 Getting close to finishing it. Comments? OLD http://www.tindeck.com/audio/my/srdh/wilyfirstdraft The majority of recording has concluded for this piece, and the first draft is complete. Next step will be to work on the drums. The clean break is freakin' tits, IMO. Old: http://www.tindeck.com/audio/my/oxbw/mm2wily1 If it sounds familiar, it's because I started it like two years ago, lost the progress in when i formatted, and didn't feel like starting it again. I started it a few weeks ago and finally have it to where it was before (almost). There are some changes since the last one, a few lead lines are different, but for the most part the melody is the same A few notes: Drums are temporary placeholders, so don't complain about 'em to me, I know they suck The end is not the end, I just haven't recorded more yet.
  22. I've got a laptop that's just up that ally. Only problem is the battery is dead so it has to be plugged in to be turned on D:
  23. So my GF and I had interviews at Game Crazy for managerial positions, and I happened to bring up the fact that LBP had been delayed. The regional manager looked at me and got this exasperated look on his face and said, "that is going to be a fucking nightmare. People are going to be pissed off about that."
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