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Posts posted by Bigfoot

  1. Gotta love the AI in Mario Kart SNES though haha. Depending on what character you were, that set who was going to be the computer to place higher. Although, you could always change that and try to cause a computer to place lower than what it was supposed to. Since the computer's place was based off of who has more points, they'd stay in 3rd(assuming you placed 1st) instead of 2nd.

  2. There's a Brawl thread. There was a Twilight Princess thread.

    Let the mods decide whether a game deserves its own hype thread. It will either get locked or it won't. No use flaming and crying over it.

    Online mario kart. Let's hope this one turns out better than MKDS.

    The game looks very similar to MKDS(except with the graphics of the Wii, duh), since everyone has their cars like they did in MKDS. I just hope that in MK Wii snaking won't exist like it did in MKDS. That really killed the experience for me. MK64 is probably my favorite MK title next to the SNES MK.

  3. Bowser's Castle was actually pretty difficult for what it was. It had a good amount of cross-overs n crap.

    This one seems to definitely look more promising in terms of difficulty since I'm sure it'll actually have music from other Bemani games(hopefully).

  4. wii ddr is gonna be weak since its gonna have pads like mario mix probably

    and i clock in at a mean 150

    But every DDR game comes with a pad like that. And actually, the DDR Mario mix Pad(and probably newer DDR mix pads) are a lot better than what they used to be. Old soft pads used to crumple up like paper after 1 song.

    If there aren't already, since the Wii is going to have more than 1 DDR game, that 3rd party companies will make pads for the Wii(Red Octane's Ignition for example).

  5. I wonder how well will they implement the online mode on this game, cuz so far I haven't seen any Nintendo game that excels online. I truly hope that this game will be different and better than any other so far.

    Since when has online been confirmed?

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