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Posts posted by Bigfoot

  1. Are 360s now being sold with that new heatsink? If so, how can you be sure that you're getting one with it? Different model number/upc? Or is there no way unless you buy one when a new shipment comes in.

    I'm probably going to wait until after E3 to buy it just in case of a price drop.

  2. IIDX is generally hard. I don't really care much for the American version that came out though. The game is supposed to come with the controller and the game itself(factory sealed anyway).

    I have a jap slim PS2 that I use for IIDX and Pop'n Music.

    I would say IIDX has a pretty steep learning curve, which is probably why it didn't do too well in sales here in the US. People were probably like "wtf is this?". If you play it a lot though, you'll definitely pick it up quick and get used to it. At first, you'll probably have trouble locating the keys 100%, so you'll probably miss a lot until you get used to the controller.

  3. We forone, the amount of content in this game is ultimately hurting its "beauty". Look at the bridge. Its the same boring textures we've seen a million times. The characters look great, but the stage are pretty bleh. From far away they look nice, but up close they're mediocre at best. Don't even get me started on the assist trophies. Samurai Goroh looks like an N64 spat him out. I'm just as excited as every one else about SSBB, but it seems that the Wii may be actually pulling the graphics behind the GC to fit all the crap they want in this game. I have yet to hear the fully orchestrated music we were promised at the site's launch last year. The tunes are great arrangements, but the sound quality is terrible compared to SSBM.


    Wow, what kind of n64 did you have? That's pretty impressive if the N64 could display something like that.

    I don't know what you have against the music. I think they sound great so far, especially the Ocarina of Time Medley.

    Just wait until the game is released, and I'm sure you'll be pleased.

    But yeah, from time to time me and my friends love playing Hyrule Temple to really beat the crap out of each other.

  4. Nah, I think the makers of the game are really keeping them in mind too. There are sure to be many stages that are perfect for tournament play :)

    >_> Then again, there is always something to complain about...

    I think I remember reading somewhere on Smashbros.com that he said if you think your character will play the same as it did on Melee, then think again. I'm sure that's something they'll complain about from the get-go.

  5. How does this bode for refurbished models? Same coverage or no?

    I wish I knew the answer. People were asking about that, but I dunno if they got an answer. Honestly, I don't feel like going through 200 comments to find out heh.

  6. Turok is looking pretty damn amazing.

    Executions Gameplay:

    Normal - http://www.gametrailers.com/player/21228.html

    HD Quality - http://www.gametrailers.com/player/21227.html

    Ranged Massacre Gameplay:

    Normal - http://www.gametrailers.com/player/21226.html

    HD Quality - http://www.gametrailers.com/player/21225.html

    Also, if you were worried about purchasing an Xbox360, then worry no more. Microsoft is extended the warranty to 3 years for the Red Ring of Death. Covers both repair and shipping costs, and anyone who has recently paid for repair costs will be reimbursed.


  7. If MP3 did have online multiplayer, you know people would just complain about how bad it is because it's Nintendo and people say they don't know how to do online gaming right.

    People need to look at what this game actually is. It's Metroid, and Metroid is supposed to be a great single-player experience. I bet a lot of people that are complaining about no online multi-player for MP3 have never played a Metroid game before.

    I seriously saw comments about people asking for co-op. Co-op on Metroid? wth? A lot of the people complaining are probably just band wagoners.

  8. Yeah, I think a DS Micro is kind of inevitable. And it will shine with the light of a thousand suns.

    And the DS will just be one giant screen that includes both so there's no breakaway line. Buttons/dpad? Attatchment add-ons.

  9. I have never used c-sticking the whole time I have played the game (or at least not since the first time I tried it out). To me it isn't very useful because I can pull off a smash attack just as fast manually and you can't charge c-stick smashes. I think charged smashes can come in handy very often.

    Actually, you can charge a c-stick smash. When you use the c-stick, hold down Z and you'll charge it.

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