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Posts posted by Bigfoot

  1. Metroid Prime 3 box art.


    Wait a minute.. her corrupted side has the arm cannon on her left arm? Odd. I dunno what the deal is with the face in the upper left hand corner, I think it could have done without that.

    But anyway, I can't wait.

  2. Hitting a mine does lower your score and health bar, but it doesn't break your combo. They're also very annoying when you hit them, so i'd just try to avoid them as much as you can lol.

    Some charts try to fool you and make you think you have to avoid them, but you don't.

  3. I don't know if you can really consider this a boss, but the song Jumping Jack Flash from EBA must have taken me somewhere around 100 tries to beat on the most difficult setting. Took forever.

    <3 my many years experience of playing bemani games, haha. They really helped out a lot.

  4. I think they should have held off with the Elite. I haven't seen one since we first got them in on release. They should have waited and included the new processor coming up to really make it earn the title "elite" compared to the previous model.

    I'd like to have an Elite, because i'd like to take advantage of HDMI(which my TV has 3 ports of) instead of the mess of a component cable :P

  5. I have a friend whose still on his first.

    And as to twelfths, I've had some bad luck but I'm doubtful a person can get that much bad luck unless they defile churches for a hobby or have there house built on a foundation of lodestone.

    Well, check the link. He has audio with a customer rep for proof.

  6. sucks

    all the arcades near me are dieing because fags who play video games are too lazy to leave their houses

    there isnt an extreme machine for miles

    My location for dance games was pretty bad back in the day. I used to have to travel over an hour to play on a good machine.

    Luckily, my friend is a manager at the place where the Extreme machine is, and our ITG2 machine is owned by a really nice guy(Owns the park I mean), and the arcade manager listens to any problems we have. He even gave me his email address if the pads start acting up at all.

    But yeah, our player count isn't as big as it used to be years ago, but there's a good 5-6 regulars.

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