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Posts posted by Bigfoot

  1. I would care,if it wasn't for the fact that the last good Mortal Kombat game to come out was never.

    I'm thinking any of the mortal kombat 3 games. But seriously, what happened to 2d fighters you guys? There's not one 3d fighter that I like :\

  2. If they made a SC MMO, would they call World of StarCraft? Seems inappropriate, because SC spans many planets, solar systems, and galaxies. Maybe Galaxy of StarCraft? My guess would really be StarCraft Galaxies. Of course, I don't want this. Give me SC2.

    Yeah, it'd probably be something like that, or something corny like Universe of Starcraft.

  3. Bug/glitch or just extremely lucky? This happened to my friend:

    "the US pokemon has sooooooo many glitches in it. that, or my cartridge is fucked up. in a good way. in fact, i'm not even sure how my game got glitched. but okay, here we go, today alone i caught the following pokemon:

    1) 5 shiny bidoofs

    2) level 54 rattata

    3) a sandshrew in a random patch of grass (it's supposed to be in wayward cave with fire red in the gba slot)

    4) a PERSIAN in some random patch of grass

    and my personal favorite:

    5) a Starmie...with the OLD rod.






    -Wobbuffet (ITS PURPLE!)

    -Kyogre (ALSO PURPLE!)





  4. So pretty soon Wendy's will be providing Wii toys in their kid's meal, and Jack Thompson will have none of this.

    Good ol' Jack Thompson doesn't like the fact that the Wii is going to have a game called Manhunt 2. He calls it a "Murder Simulator".

    Manhunt 2 is what Thompson calls a “murder simulator”

    Manhunt 2 will appear on the Wii (among other systems)

    Wendy’s is promoting the Wii, therefore;

    Wendy’s is promoting Manhunt 2, which promotes murder


    "A dear friend of mine worked for Wendy’s and with Dave Thomas closely for years. From that I know that Dave Thomas never would have tolerated the use of Wendy’s good name to promote Nintendo’s Wii, not with this game available on the Wii platform."

    Now, he's not suing either company(Nintendo or Wendy's), but I guess he just wants to get the word out there that since the Wii will be providing Manhunt 2 which promotes murder, so since Wendy's is promoting Nintendo, Wendy's is also promoting murder.


    I guess you guys can't see it, but the message is very clear. It's quite obvious that the 2 puzzles are brainwashing the kids to become just like Jigsaw from the Saw movies. The baseball stadium is telling kids to beat up people with baseball bats. It may not look like it, but the disc shooter is exactly like a glock. The Mario on a turtle is pretty self-explanatory, and the Excite Truck vehicle trains kids how to run over people on the streets.


  5. Why are film makers allowed to change the story lines of something big like Spider-Man anyway? When they get the licensing, I'd be like "You guys better follow my damn original story line dammit" lol.

  6. I can't stay interested in Super Paper Mario for some reason. I beat a stage, then I want to stop. If stage 3-4 was the only cool thing that is in this game, that I'll probably keep playing like this.

  7. I've had a few random people group with me when i'd ask for help with a quest, but it takes a little time to get someone.

    All I know is that I'm so sick of getting bot /ts or whatever about some PLing/gold selling website.

  8. OK! WE GET IT! YOU DON'T LIKE MMOS! do you feel the need to say that in every thread about em?

    No, I agree with CE. I mean, so is Blizzard going to turn all of their games into MMOs instead of making sequels?

    They love the money they're getting from WoW subscriptions, so why not make another MMO, right? They'll probably have some package deal thing where you get $5 off your subscription fee if you have both WoW and a Starcraft account activated.

  9. Meh, I got a few new high scores on some 9s, but that's about it. Had a blue combo on Ize Pie until the slow down was almost over :P I didn't play too much because I went to go see Spider-Man 3.

    I need to get some new shoes though, but I can't find the damn shoes I want in my size :[

  10. I remember people complaining about it taking forever to level. I don't see how this is a bad thing because I hate it when people can reach max lvls in a matter of days or in some cases, 24 hours.

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