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Posts posted by Bigfoot

  1. Hey, it's not like I came in here and said "lol this game sucks". I've head there are a lot of bugs atm(what fresh MMO doesn't have bugs?").

    You asked if anyone plays this game, and I gave you my answer :P

  2. I honestly believed people wouldn't be dumb enough to blame ALL asians over the Virginia Tech massacre and would just see him as the lone crazy that he was. But humanity never fails to disappoint. I believe the kid in this story was asian as well (so say the people on Slashdot).


    Can you copy and paste? I have to log in to see that.


    But another thing to think about, doesn't a pretty good and well thought out map take a decent amount of time to complete? People are probably thinking he made this map after the VT shootings, but he has probably been working on this map for weeks or months.

  3. One tragedy happens, and now look how scared the world is. Is it ironic that the student is also Chinese? I've played a CS-S map that mimicked a store, so I guess whoever created that map should be targeted as a terrorist threat and arrested as well.


    "a hammer was found in the boy’s room, which he used to fix his bed, because it wasn’t in good shape, Chen said. He indicated police seized the hammer as a potential weapon. They decided he was a terroristic threat." ROFL, wow...

    Edit: bleh, I hate how we can't edit the title :|

  4. * Donkey Kong Taru Jet Race (DK Jet or DK Bongo Blast, US) - June 28, 2007 - Maybe

    * Wii Health Pack -- 2007 - ??

    * Disaster: Day of Crisis - 2007 - Haven't seen it, but I assume yes

    * Mario Party 8 - 2007 - Hell yes

    * Project H.A.M.M.E.R. - 2007 - Hell yes

    * Wii Music - 2007 - ??

    * Super Mario Galaxy - 2007 - Definitely hell yes

    * Super Smash Bros. Brawl - 2007 - See above

    * Battalion Wars II - 2007 - Maybe, never played the first

    * Forever Blue - 2007 - ??

    * Mario Strikers Charged - 2007 - Definitely hell yes

    * Metroid Prime 3: Corruption - 2007 - What do you think? :P

    * Mario and Sonic at the Olympics - 2007 - I dunno

  5. Sony explains the reasonings, taken from http://www.joystiq.com

    "The media event for the PS2 title God of War ll took place in Athens, Greece on 1st March. Approximately 20 journalists from European countries attended the event from a variety of gaming and lifestyle media - although none were from the UK.

    The event was a theatrical dramatisation with a Greek mythological theme and, as part of the set dressing, a dead goat was provided by the production company from a qualified local butcher. Following the mainstream popularity of shows such as 'I'm a Celebrity, Get me out of here' a series of challenges were set for the journalists. The 'warm entrails' referred to in the invitation and in the Mail on Sunday article was actually a meat soup, made to a traditional Greek recipe and served to attendees in china bowls direct from the caterers. There was never any question of journalists being able to touch the goat, or indeed eat the soup direct from the body of the goat, as one report has alleged. The goat was returned to the butcher at the end of the event.

    The article in UK Official PlayStation Magazine (OPSM), from which the Mail on Sunday article was sourced, was written by a journalist who did not attend and done on the basis of the invitation for the event, which employed a degree of hyperbole in order to encourage attendance - the journalist chose to take it as fact!

    The photograph was one of many supplied to the magazine to provide a balanced view of the event. Unfortunately, the article was sensationalised and focused on a picture that was unrepresentative of the wider event. When we saw the article for the first time on Thursday of last week we contacted the Publisher of OPSM who accepted that the article was not appropriate for their broad audience. On Friday, before we had received any contact from the media, they agreed to remove the centre page article before the magazine goes on general sale.

    We recognise that the use of a dead goat was in poor taste and fell below the high standards of conduct we set ourselves. We are conducting an enquiry to establish the circumstances behind the event in order to ensure this does not happen again. We also apologise to anyone offended by the article in the OPSM (subscription copies were sent out ahead of street date)."

    Dave Karraker

    Sr. Director, Corporate Communications

    Sony Computer Entertainment America

  6. In the context of the God of War series being partly based on Greece and Greek mythology, a goat sacrifice and topless girls with grapes don't seem too out of context. Not that I'm supporting Sony, but you know, ancient Greeks did that kind of stuff.

    What's sad is that people don't seem to be offended that whores and animal sacrifices were features of Greek temples or Greek religious practice, but no, do this for a game promotion and people pretend like they've never heard of it before.

    We're talking about the promotion of a video game here though.

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