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Posts posted by Bigfoot

  1. Want to see the most disgusting DS Lite you'll probably ever see? I'm guessing the person at customer service didn't even look at the actual DS Lite when the person said it "stopped working". There's no way it should have been returned.

    I'm wondering how old the child was that was the primary user of this DS Lite.. it looks like it's been dropped, chewed, molested by Cheeto infested fingers, and who knows what else.







    It's so busted, that the upper part doesn't even snap when you open it. It just keeps going back.




  2. I play arcade DDR when I can. I have the XBox DDR Ultramix 2 and 3 at home. ANd I have SM on my computer, where I'm trying to make a Stepfile for a song by a Christian rock band called PILLAR.

    The dude that was taking requests, I wonder if you'd try one for me. "Fleeting Ecstacy" by chthonic, here on OCR. DIRECT SONG LINK

    And... IIDX... what does that stand for? I feel dumb.

    And and... anyone hear the news about Beatdrop?


  3. I tried watching it on another site but the intro was like 20 minutes long, then they played the actual game intro which was cool but I was pretty bored by that point.

    From reading about it though, it sounds like it's going to make a pretty awesome online game. I just hope they support it with patches and whatnot to kill exploits and shit.

    I like the way they're doing the points system. You only get negative points for disconnecting. You get points for doing things in a match, so even if you don't win you will still earn points. This encourages players to finish a game instead of disconnecting when they're about to lose.

    The season will last 3 months(IIRC), then the rankings reset.

    You can't directly play with a friend in a ranking game. This will prevent people from constantly playing one another over and over and over and winning to increase your score(Metroid Prime Hunters, anyone?).

    I think I left out some stuff, but that's all I can remember.

  4. Actually, from what I've been told, it's to be used in the next arcade version of the game (Supernova 2) as well as home versions, likely PS2 and Xbox 360. I'm as excited as everyone else. Looking forward to finally having a reason to memorize a song.

    As for the DDR clone which was mentioned, it's still in the works, but almost certainly going to be finished, and that features a whole bunch of my stuff, including some songs from 'In The Dark.'

    I'm starting to get used to receiving envelopes in the mail from Konami Digital Entertainment, Inc. Got one today that returned my copy of the contract with the CEO of Konami's signature on it. Pretty surreal.

    Thanks, everyone.

    Ah, sweet. I'm really hoping Supernova 2 is a lot better than Supernova, and I really hope they at least make your song a 9 footer :P

  5. But Gunpei was a great man. Ken is a smart man but he's an asshole. Obsessed with power, kinda like Yamauchi. And his smile gives me the creeps. O_o

    Well, I meant in comparison as in Gunpei came out with the Gameboy, did wonderful, and then he came out with the Virtual Boy which failed miserably. I'm not saying the PS3 is a failure, but I'm sure it's not heading in the direction Sony wants it to be heading.

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