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Posts posted by Bigfoot

  1. By the way everyone, if you subscribe to Nintendo Power, you have many choices of something free to get with your subscription.

    One of those choices is a TP Player's guide and the Soundtrack.


    Think of it as a free subscription with your Player's Guide and Twilight Princess soundtrack.

    The Zelda: Twilight Princess Player's Guide features:

    * Complete, detailed walkthrough

    * Maps of every region and dungeon

    * Detailed boss-slaying strategies

    * Find every Piece of Heart, insect, and Poe's Soul

    The Zelda: Twilight Princess Soundtrack CD includes the following tracks:

    * The Legend of Zelda: Orchestra Piece #2

    * Hyrule Field Main Theme

    * Odron Village

    * Kakariko Village

    * Death Mountain

    * Midna's Theme

    * Ilia's Theme

  2. Didn't I get yelled at earlier for saying that was possible? :wink: Oh well, I just meant to say that if something goes wrong with your PS3, be it an out of the box malfunction or not, it would probably suck because it will be really difficult to get it replaced and stuff, what with the high demand and low supply of PS3s.

    I'm guessing something happened during shipping. I doubt they'd let something just go without testing it first.

  3. I know ya'll have already heard the story of the "Sony Playstations, 3 of them" guy, but have you see the man who got a 60 GB PS3, 2 year warranty, 2 games, Blue-Ray movie, and an extra controller for .99 cents?

    Someone made their auction a buy it now instead of an actual starting bid.

    I'm gonna call BS on that. Maybe it was 2 friends doing it as a joke to get attention.

  4. So I just bought a PS3 from a store that just received 3 20GB systems today and nobody knew about it.

    Wish me luck for selling it on eBay.

    Might as well do it now I guess. I hear they're pretty low compared to what they used to be.

  5. Stupid question but...how do you give stuff to people? Someone wants hot spring water, but I can't seem to figure out how to actually give it to him. Talking doesn't work, I tried Z-target then B. Nothing.

    Edit: nm, because it's turning into plain water too fast.

    Give me something with C!

    lol, silly me. thanks

    btw, "Sell me something with C!" :P

  6. I need some help with the forest temple, I am the(highlight for question): I need to free the last monkey from his cage, and its on a platform i can't reach. there is a bomb guy to the right of the platform, and i can climb to the top where there is two holes in the ground with webs covering them. how do i free this monkey?
    Since it's been a while, im going to guess. Is it a platform that you can roll into and shake so he falls off?
  7. For those like Atomicfog, you should find this useful:
    Speaking to CBC News, Sony Computer Entertainment of Canada's marketing and public relations manager Matt Levitan announced that North American gamers who missed out on the launch will have another chance to grab a PS3 next week.

    "We are getting a second shipment next week, probably around the middle of next week. We'll know by Monday or Tuesday when they will be available.

    "We are flying in shipments from Japan and China, and will probably ship them directly to retail" [instead of to Sony's warehouses], he said.

    Levitas expects 4 or 5 additional shipments by the end of 2006, with each shipment containing a quarter of the units that were available at launch. He unfortunately didn't state what that number was. If Sony's original 400K launch number is to be believed, that means another 400-500K in the next six weeks.

    So does this mean more people camping and more riots/shootings/robberies?

    Let's hope not.

  8. Ever have one of those friends that just constantly IMs you asking what to do? Jeez, just play the game and figure it out :P

    There is one puzzle that had me wanting a faq/walkthrough. But after aboun an hour I figured it out.

    And in Temple 5 I took a breather and came back and figured out the solution by accident.

    Now I just wanna redo boss 4...

    When you need to melt the ice, I took a wild guess and warped to Death Mountain not thinking at all. Lucky guess, lol.
  9. OK, we get it. Evilhead likes Sony systems, but it's not like he's a representative for Sony. He's not going to know how the PSP is doing lol.

    This is the PS3 thread, so come on now. Let's all just calm down.

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