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Posts posted by Bigfoot

  1. Question: What's the plastic block that comes with preorder besides a plastic block with "Castlevania 20th anniversary" written on it? Anything?

    It's a game case for two DS games: you have to slide the bottom part out a bit to unlock the cover, then it'll swing open.

    The only really worthless part of the preorder bonus is the extra stylus. If it had some kind of cool display around it it would be cool, but it's just a white stylus with 'Castlevania' written on it.

    The Castlvania stylus extends! It extends! Can't you see how great the extendo-stylus is?!

    I could make seeing it benefit for EBA :P

  2. I think it was something like 2-4 second loading times for Genji. If that's not zippy I don't know what is.

    Well, you need that speed, considering the incredibly complex programming that is required to flip the giant crab over and attack its weak spot for massive damage.

    I'm sorry. I had to. It's almost done being funny. Only a few more weeks and absolutely nobody will even remember it. Then it's done, I swear.

    I doubt it, I mean even Viva Pinata took a crack at it. First Contact for the DS, now this.


  3. ...except when you load from the HD. I know I jacked you, but I'm wondering what people think the HD will be used for? I mean, even with a virtual arcade and a few PS1 games that won't mean more than a gig or two of space. That leaves many gigs just sitting there. The whole point of the HD is that you can load whole games onto it for zippy loading times.

    You say "zippy", but I think it's more along the lines of "normal".

  4. Namco Bandai's Takasu Says PS3 Game Titles Must Sell 500,000 to make profit.

    With the low shipment of consoles, and this requirement to actually turn a profit, this will probably chase away game makers or maybe it won't. They may just wait longer until there are more people to own a PS3 that can actually buy these games.

    PS3 has sold about 300,000 units so far, by the way.

    No... PS3 has shipped 300 000 units. Slight difference.

    I think they were talking about gametitles, not the console itself. uhh... I don't know.


  5. I can nab a Sony blu-ray player for $475 :o and one with a 40" LCD 1080p HDTV for $1500. :o

    Ok now back to OCRers for bashing PS3 for little to no good reason.

    Talk is cheap :P


    American Express members only

    It's the Tuesday offer.

    Fuck that. How about the $49,000 Porsche for $5,000? lol

    My brother and I are trying for that one, but it's going to be insanely hard to get. :(

    But yeah, that's insanely insane at how much that TV and and Blu-Ray player is, let alone just the TV.

    When you say you CAN get this deal, what you really mean is "I can TRY to get this deal". :P

  6. People who buy the PS3 for that price should have the money for an HDTV anyway.

    Not necessarily true. I could have bought the PS3, but there's no way I can afford a 2000-3000 HDTV.

    I meant with regards to proper management of ones finances.

    Oh ok :P

  7. Reviews are in for Untold Legends: Dark Kingdom

    From Joystiq:

    # IGN (65/100) wants more PS3 and less PSP: "Apart from the repetitive combat system, there's a ton of gameplay issues that you'd hope would've been fixed with the transition over to the PS3. Load times are surprisingly long when you're accessing new levels. Rocks and boxes, as well as hills or background objects can cause your character to freeze in mid-jumping animation for at least five or six seconds. You'll also run into a lot of camera problems during combat, where the camera will unexpectedly zoom in or out during a fight."

    # GameSpot (60/100) thinks Dark Kingdom is ill-suited for looters: "Gear lust is one of the more prominent driving forces in dungeon crawlers, and it's here that Dark Kingdom comes up short. Pieces of armor with different names and radically different effects look identical on your character, limiting the joy of equipping new gear and seeing how it looks on your increasingly badass adventurer. Your character will use the same basic weapon, as well as most of the same combo attacks, from beginning to end."

    # GameSpy (60/100) hopes Sony is planning to make better use of the PS3's storage capacity: "What surprises me the most about the whole pre-formed character shtick is how confining it seems for a next-gen console with the power of the PS3. Look at the character customization options in Oblivion and you might understand where I'm coming from with this. All that power and I only have three options to choose from?"

    Looks like Resistance is still the game to get for the PS3.

  8. Alright, need a small bit of non-essential help near the end of the game.
    Back courtyard of Hyrule Castle, there's an extra room/chamber that I can't seem to access. I believe it has the key needed to unlock the room just before the castle boss chamber, which has the 3 extra treasures in it. Anyone know how I get to this room?


    A-ha! Found it. Wasn't anywhere I'd expect the entrance to be.

    I had this same problem... I saw the locked room with 3 treasures, but had no key. But since the boss room was right there I just ignored it.

    So how do you get into the back courtyard, anyway?

    Is that the area with the Wind things? I could not figure out how the hell to get that.

  9. I have a question to HDTV owners and techy fans around here. If I get a let's say 25" widescreen monitor with dvi input(or maybe HDMI too), can I in some way connect a ps3/x360 to it and get the HD output? does it looks as good as in a HDTV?

    I think it depends on if it can display 1080p/720p or whatever.

  10. So it's going to be a solid peice of hardware with many capabilities and a great game library? Sounds awful!

    Anyway, it's too early to call anything of the sort really.

    Nice great game library when 3rd parties can't even make games yet.

    Yes, there will be no 3rd party games for the PS3. You heard it here first, folks!

    Can you read? I said "yet".

    And if I'm not mistaken, that article says 1 year.

    Where does it say that? I read the article like three times and didn't notice anything about a year.

    The guy is basically just whining "OMG THE PS3 IS HARD TO DEVELOP FOR!" Exactly the same as the PS2 launch. He even mentions the PS2 launch.

    Nevermind then, Joystiq said that for some reason. "In other words, the GDC boss is giving it a year." Dunno where they got that from.

    This doesn't mean the exact same thing will happen like the PS2. We'll just have to wait and find out.

  11. So it's going to be a solid peice of hardware with many capabilities and a great game library? Sounds awful!

    Anyway, it's too early to call anything of the sort really.

    Nice great game library when 3rd parties can't even make games yet.

    Yes, there will be no 3rd party games for the PS3. You heard it here first, folks!

    Can you read? I said "yet".

    And if I'm not mistaken, that article says 1 year.

  12. So it's going to be a solid peice of hardware with many capabilities and a great game library? Sounds awful!

    Anyway, it's too early to call anything of the sort really.

    Nice great game library when 3rd parties can't even make games yet.

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