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Corporal Eschebone

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Posts posted by Corporal Eschebone

  1. I don't even want to know what it would've been like with advance notice, especially considering the lack of maturity that some exhibited and are known for.

    I would like to point out that we did sort of have an "advance notice" when Darke mentioned OffTop before all the drama started taking place. Honestly, I don't think that many UnModders at all would have been too against the concept itself. However, with all the powertripping and disrespect coming from the mods just before the deletion of the forum, we were (and still are) naturally very skeptical that OffTop would become any more than "GenDisc 2," where the mods could ban anyone that they had a personal grudge against - Hell, I'm sure zircon wouldn't have hesitated to ban someone for trash-talking him or Pixie on UnMod despite the fact that the original purpose of the forum was to provide an outlet to bitch about DJP, of all people.

    And honestly, the "retroactive banning" crap was just bull, because the mods were deliberately opening wounds from eight months ago which we thought had largely healed. Those members thought they were given a second chance for something that was really quite petty in the first place, and then when some of the mods decided on a whim to ban them without warning it became all too clear that that was merely an illusion and that some of the mods did not care at all. I hate to sound like a child, but they started it.

  2. Gragh, once again Coop shows his boundless wisdom before I got a chance to get my thoughts together. Damn you, Coop!

    Still, it's nice to know that you care, DJP. <3 But I hope that you'll come to comprehend all that's happened so you'll know why we feel the way we do. The bannings, the powertrips, the dickery on IRC, the way we interpreted the pictures Pixie posted of the party, and the way UnMod went out as a whole... It's all too much, you know?

  3. At any rate, I doubt it means much, but I'm sorry you guys lost your forum. At least you made one random lurker laugh, I guess.

    Yeah... There's honestly not a lot of people (if any) who understand what that forum meant to us regulars. And it's not so much the deletion itself, as has been stated before, but more the way in which it went out. This may sound cheesy, but I feel the forum hasn't been given a proper goodbye - a point which the posts linked to above only reinforces. I'm sure a lot of UnModders feel the same way. Sure, the community will still be around at .org, but it'll never be what it once was - and this last blow will leave a deep and indelible scar on the very spirit of UnMod.

    I mean, shit, I've been going to that forum for 3.5 years. I can only be expected to have sentimental feelings towards it, even if it WAS just a forum on the internet. The community was unique, and I have to wonder if there's any community anywhere that even came close to it. It's not something that any outsider would be able to comprehend. You had to participate in it to appreciate it, and you had to be connected to it to love it.

    Well, I guess that'll count as my eulogy to UnMod. Requiescat in pace.

    Edit: Goddammit, last time I felt like this I was watching Elfen Lied.

  4. rofl how the fuck did I outlive UnMod?

    You didn't actually break any rules, maybe?

    Sorry Yami, but it's the truth. :(


    Well, I didn't know those pics had been posted in this forum. Even more, that they were kept and not removed. If the whole issue is hostility when certain unmodders posted pics or fanfic of her (I'd personally never go that far), why aren't those pics considered hostile? The intention of them is quite clear despite the "sorry guys, all in good fun" disclaimer. Such disclaimer would never work in favor of unmod's case.

    QFE. This is just sad.

  5. ...Those pictures are really infuriating, because it's so obvious what Pixie was thinking when she posted those pictures. Same goes for everyone who crowded around DJP when he deleted UnMod. They just had to rub it in, didn't they?


    Edit: Yes Coop, and the captions identify zircon, Bahamut, and of course DJP himself. Probably more than just that, but I can't tell.

    Edit2: Figured the Pixie roleplay was inappropriate, so... yeah.

  6. Heh, I'm 17 as well.

    Pretty silly that some of us young'uns have been acting more mature. :rolleyes:

    Maybe... Depends on how immature it is to make fun of Pixie's nose.

    Edit: Oh yeah, and I'm still curious:

    Who posted the "UnMod getting deleted" picture anyway?

    And who posted the middle finger picture? Does anyone even have that now?

  7. Yeah. Like people have said before, it's been done on both sides. It's very easy to generalize, and there are a lot less moderators than UnModders so the percentages are going to be skewed.

    Isn't that one reason why the staff of this site should be more careful in how they act towards this site's members (even the ones they view as "worthless")? Much of the shit that certain staff have flung in UnMod's direction only shows that they don't have the maturity and self-control that their position should demand of them. If they really think that they're mature and intelligent than we are, then they should REALLY start acting like it instead of saying, "well, you really don't contribute to this site at all seeing as how you're an UnMod abuser, so we don't give a damn what you think. Sorry! ;P"

    By the way, I am 17. I should not have to tell a bunch of college-age jerkoffs to act more mature. It should be the other way around.

  8. I think the claims that ALL mods generalize about Unmodders is a uhm.. generalization.

    No, but most (if not all) of those who have voiced their opinions of UnMod before people like zyko and Bahamut spoke up have made negative and generalizing comments towards the whole of the UnMod community.

  9. Who posted the "UnMod getting deleted" picture anyway?

    And who posted the middle finger picture? Does anyone even have that now?


    i completely agree too. being labeled like "nothing" is painful.

    Yeah; pretty much everyone in this elite social clique has said "good riddance" and directed it towards all of us UnModders. Which is really shitty, you know? You can't really blame us for thinking the staff here consists entirely of people who hate us.

  10. Most likely, as referenced in an earlier post that I have been unable to locate, they aren't being deleted, but moved to a private forum where they can be referenced. I don't know why, but I'm sure the mods have a reason for it.

    I won't post after this just to see if my postcount goes down.


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