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Corporal Eschebone

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Posts posted by Corporal Eschebone

  1. At first, I was like "omg, is this the credits?"

    And yep, I was right. This remix impressed me far more than the other one, as it had been covered much better by Ziwtra (no offense). However, I found the arrangement solid throughout the whole piece, and I thoroughly enjoyed the interpretation.

    The only other remix is by Mellogear and Mustin [which isn't of the ending credits], and Ziwtra has no Metroid remixes period.

  2. So yeah, this is awesome. Kinda like everything else that's been coming in and giving me a need to review nearly every damn piece for the last few weeks.

    The GBS-esque soundfonts remind me of those times a long time ago where I'd listen to the sound test on Game & Watch Gallery 2, only infinitely superior and with more reverb. Good times.

    Edit: Soundfonts, really, or samples? I don't know anymore, it's all the same to me. Heh.

  3. haha! yess! my words exactly!

    the 30 seconds at the start REALLY made me think this was gonna be one of the 10 best remixes from this site! next to mayfortunesmileuponyou and other just remarkable mixes!

    BUT then this shitty trance beat comes in and totally destroys all hope! could someone please make the rest of this song after the 30 seconds? maby some piano or other relaxing instuments in this remix?

    why! why o why didnt u finish that remix?

    I think you're making personal taste a bit too high a priority over technical skills and musical competence.

  4. The way this was sounding at around 0:33, it could've built up to a GREAT melodic trance track. While I'm sort of disappointed that that didn't happen, this is still very good. Uplifting and happy, and it incorporates reverbed trance-ish electronica with some slightly more human sounding instrumentation. Nice blend of different elements here.

    Yea, makes me sad when people refuse to destroy kick ass remixes by dumbing them down into fundamental trance. Oh well, ain't up to us.

    Personal taste, man. There's tons of good trance out there. And I never said I didn't like it; hell, I love it.

  5. The way this was sounding at around 0:33, it could've built up to a GREAT melodic trance track. While I'm sort of disappointed that that didn't happen, this is still very good. Uplifting and happy, and it incorporates reverbed trance-ish electronica with some slightly more human sounding instrumentation. Nice blend of different elements here.

  6. Hmm... Interesting.

    I think I've had this from the WiP forums well over a year ago, and for some reason didn't like it then. Then it came on OCR a few months later, and I thought it was okay up until around the time that I started playing it again a few months ago - and liking it.

    It may be because it's such a unique song, but just from rarely ever listening to it over about a year I realized what the mix was really like and fell in love with it. It's just awesome.

    Apologies for being so first-impressionistic about this mix. Very good if you have the ear for this kind of stuff.

  7. Actually, the fakeness of the "square wave" [as is apparently the technical term] is what I like most about this specific mix. Sounds a lot like music coming straight from an SPC700 chip, and I wouldn't be surprised if the SPC would've been able to play something very close to this.

    Certainly, a catchy and memorable melody is essential to keeping the listener's interest with this kind of sound, and Prot pulls this off nicely. I can't get the segment from 2:01 - 4:10 out of my head. Very nice.

    I personally didn't like the section from 4:20 on, but that's a personal opinion as it still continues the technical execution of the rest of the mix.

  8. We've been having plenty of cool stuff lately.

    I like the way this track sets each of the mixer's strengths to a specific area [foreground/background; main melody/driving synths] and blends them perfectly. I've always loved synthetic/acoustic-esque juxtapositions, especially when they mesh together so well as shown here.

    Great job, TO & Bladiator. I'm eager to see more stuff from both of you. :)

  9. http://www.vgmix.com/song_view.php?song_id=2622

    What I think is my final version, unless DarkeSword wants more revision on it.

    I'll start commenting on others songs hopefully later today when I have a bit more time ;) I hope all goes well.

    Wow, I came in here to see how much longer until this project is finished and I stumble across this awesome piece. Shitproximity of "piece" and "shit" unintended, you have some awesome guitar skills. If this is any indication of what's to come, then I can't wait until the whole thing is finished.

    Edit: And it seems I came in here at just the right time for the deadline, eh?

  10. Hm... The intro sounds a lot like Kai Tracid's "Life Is Too Short" [Energy Mix to be specific].

    Pretty nice all around. This is breakbeat or something close to it, right?... Or if it isn't, the percussion makes it seem like it'd be that.

    I like them string instruments. Electronic and [possibly fake] acoustic go really well together when done right.

  11. Excellent track. Really. Blows me away.

    Reminds me of Gorillaz's "Clint Eastwood" at times. Guitarwork is superb, and the instruments are chilling, ambient and give a confined feeling along with the echoing of Dan's voice.

    Nice work, all three of you. Certainly my favorite lyrical remix now.

    Edit: By the way, just so's y'all know, Lea was right. It's Lorenzen's Soil, as stated here in bold letters:


  12. With just three tracks on OCR, U-ji has made it as one of the absolutely best trance artists I have ever heard.

    I really mean that too. The moment your Zillion mix [the first one I listened to] had hit its climax, I knew you had some exceptional skills.

    The other two tracks he remixed were no disappointment. He certainly have his own unique style when it comes to trance, and it's a shame that his remixes are so widely overlooked for the sole reason that the source material is pretty obscure. It's also sad that he's only submitted three remixes and hasn't been heard from again. Had he done more widely known games and tunes [like the Hero Garden from Sonic Adventure 2 *cough*hint*cough*] then I'm sure he would have gained much more praise for his exemplary skills.

  13. Just to let everyone know, U-ji has remastered this already awesome mix with much happier and active synths here:


    [right-click, save as, or http://www.muzie.co.jp/cgi-bin/artist.cgi?id=a009386 ]

    "Under the Moonlight (U-ji's Hard Mix)"

    Both versions are excellent, and employ very professional synths. Certainly some of the best trance availible anywhere. MUST download.

    Edit: Hmm... Just realized that the "remastered" version has been remixed to take out the PSII theme. Ah well, I'll keep the link here anyway, as U-ji deserves the recognition.

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