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Corporal Eschebone

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Posts posted by Corporal Eschebone

  1. I haven't listened to this song for like 4 days, and 4 days ago it had a 92.5% rating in my head. But, then I decided to give it the honor of being the first mix to receive a 95% from me. Honestly, if I find anything better, I'm going to have to toughen up my rating system.....maybe even have to find an exact formula for what I shouls rate things. :)

    Let me put that in big, bold letters for you.


  2. This is a nice co-op mix of Ogre Battle [which I've never played, though I wish I had...well, at least I rented Ogre Battle 64 and have Tactics Ogre, but I'm getting sidetracked.]

    This has a great dramatic feel to it...the voice samples, those string-instrument-sounding-things-whatever, the very pace of it... I just can't stop listening to it. I don't know what else to say, I'm already mimicing the people before me. So...here.


    Cherish it and love it forever, I still haven't found a mix that surpasses that rating.

  3. I'd just be repeating what everyone else said about this mix if I did a full review, so I'll just give it a 90%. Nice Work! :nicework:

    Oh, and one more thing. I don't really mind the guitars in the heavy areas, but that's probably because of one or more of the following things:

    1. I was using headphones on my laptop to listen to this, and/or

    2. I'm deaf in the left ear [poor me]

  4. Well, I've decided to go on another rating rampage today like I did a few months ago.

    This is a nice mix of the Starfox theme song. The drums and horns give it a military feel, and [to put it in a sissy, "I think people care about what goes on in my head" way] it's as if Fox is walking down to his Arwing.

    Bah, I hate doing papers like that in English class... :x


  5. Dude, I love the intro.....reminds me a hell of a lot like the little intro to Corneria, when it says, in big, bold, flashing letters, "SCRAMBLE" with uninterpretable voices in the BG.....you remixed the corneria theme nicely....second half was a nice little relaxing thing, but there's very little trace of any SF music there....not from what I remember anyway....

    EDIT: Screw it. After further listening I found nothing wrong with this mix whatsoever; in fact I loved every part of i.

  6. 50% happy, 50% sad, but it's one of those strange, mathematically impossible times where equal amounts of oppisites don't cancel out, but intertwine nicely to create a confused remix. (I sound like some sort of crazy art critic, don't I? :roll: )

    Approval Rating: 87.5%

    (As stated before in another post, my approval ratings are not based on school grades.) (Yes, I am copying-and-pasting this disclaimer on every review I'm going to make tonight. :twisted: )

  7. It's a real nice track....upbeat, happy.....the *eeeeeeeeeeee* thing doesn't really sound all that great, but it is a good excuse for a break, and besides, it's elecman, of course it's going to have something like that somewhere. :P

    And....one last note........for some very strange reson, it reminds me of the op to Gundam 0080.....don't ask me why, I don't know, it just does....


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