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Corporal Eschebone

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Posts posted by Corporal Eschebone

  1. I never noticed Quinn's style much in the past, and even the ones I really enjoyed by him I had never really attributed to him. But I think this is some very good stuff, and now that I'm looking more into Quinn's stuff I'm finding more mixes that catch me just as well.

    I like this interpretation of Flashman. The futuristic synths sound damn nice.

  2. I just about pissed my pants when I saw a brand-new Turrican 2 mix on the main page. I've never played the game, but after Mark7's mix introduced me to the awesomeness of the soundtrack and helped me recognize the name Huelsbeck through my journeys over the Internet, I came to appreciate Chris Huelsbeck as a god.

    I loved the combination trance/80's vibe that certain sections have going for them. That melody was what made me love The Desert Remake, and it'll definately make me listen to this song with religious frequency.

    Nutbustin' work Awesome-A.

  3. With apologies in advance to Reuben Kee, who seems like an amicable bloke who won't take too much offense, I've gotta cover the Oscars a bit.

    That made me chuckle. Ah, must be getting late.

    OCR has had some good stuff on the front page this past week. Plenty of variety, which refects on the site and its members pretty accurately.

    Anyway! As for the mix, I loved it. It feels vaguely similar to something that Jeremy Soule would write/produce at times. I loved the changes of pace and instrumentation throughout the remix. Damn, this kicks so much ass. If there's anything wrong with this mix, I flew right the fuck over it, because the sheer quality of everything is enough to drown out any flaws that I'd ever notice, even if I looked really really reaalaallyylylyy hard.

    Keep up the good work, I look forward to hearing more from you.

  4. Oustanding, Sir Nuts. Typical of your style of electronica, and I liked the subtle Asian elements thrown in. Seems slightly more melodic than some of your previous submissions, which I like a lot. This mix held my interest from beginning to end. Again, great job.

    Edit: Hm, just noticed that this mixes the same tune as "Sprinting Riffs"... Which I also liked a lot. Anyone listening to this who likes it should download that too.

    Also, hurry up and submit "Introduction to Heaven". Just 'cause it's old doesn't mean crap, it's still one of your best works ever.

  5. Gray you thought the arrangement was great? I don't see how you can come to that conclusion. I didn't really find it particularly innovative, nor did I like the way that there was no real flow or progression within the music. Seriously, listen to it again!

    You don't seem to have any appreciation for the musical style.

    It's not supposed to progess at all, and if by "flow" you mean "composition", then yes, this song has plenty of flow.

    I like the song, personally. The quiet atmosphere and low-quality samples make it sound a lot like a track from an old RPG, perhaps during dialogue or a cutscene.

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