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Corporal Eschebone

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Everything posted by Corporal Eschebone

  1. http://s15.invisionfree.com/Cyber_Nations/index.php?showtopic=9759 Shouldn't you guys be listed here? And CE, how do you only have 25 nation strength? Edit: What happened to the nations list in the first post? I don't even know where any of you guys are on CN.
  2. Wow, infra gets expensive quick. I've barely passed 50 infra and it's already nearing $1000 per level compared to, what, $500 at the start of the game?
  3. I'd say that if there's any other improvements that are significantly less expensive but give a large income boost then you might want to go for the first to help pay for the harbor. Of course, it all has to do with which has a higher payout, especially since you can't get another new improvement until 2000 citizens and the fact that you're saving for another improvement will cause your population to stagnate... So yeah, go for the harbor, but don't save up all your money at once - set some aside for infrastructure and whatnot.
  4. That's probably 'cause you spent all your starting funds on land, eh? Also, you really need to start trading. I've been around for about the same length of time of you and I already have 111 nation strength while you only have 8, and I'm not even two miles wider than you are. All I've done differently is trade and focus on infrastructure. It's a good idea to thoroughly read into the game mechanics if you want to be as efficient as possible (which has apparently helped me a ton). I haven't gotten that $10,000 gift from IRON yet either, but I expect I'll get it within the week. I'm already making nearly $5k per tax collection anyway.
  5. http://s15.invisionfree.com/Cyber_Nations/index.php?showtopic=16632 o ok
  6. I don't even know what the hell I did. Edit: Actually, I think it might be because there's boobs on my LJ. If so, then I'd say that's pretty lulz.
  7. Whoa, this thread grew since I last came in. I guess that means people are getting as absorbed in it as I an, eh? Edit: Also, of interesting note is that when I went to select a location for my country, I put it in what I thought was the Faroe Islands but turned out to be the Shetland Islands. I feel like a moron. Edit 2: Woah. Sorry for double posting, but does this offer mean that EACH link will get the nation $10,000, 10 miles etc. Because if so, I could over $50,000 within a week. Read the Link Offer Conditions. Also, you can't just start up a myspace or blog, it must already be well-established with regular traffic. Other than that, it's an excellent deal for new nations like us. I might go the donation route, however. Define "regular traffic" - If I have, say, an LJ with 15 or so mutual friends, would that qualify or would I have to start a thread in General about it?
  8. Except there's the problems of "location doesn't matter" and "you can only attack within your own rank."
  9. Don't worry, you'll get more money at 1AM tonight. Also, once you do get money, spend it on infrastructure. It's best to have a 2:1 infrastructure:land ratio. Also, don't bother buying land unless there's more than 70 citizens per square mile.
  10. There's links off to the side of each stat, yanno.
  11. Well, location doesn't really matter in the game except that your map shows you everyone in your "rank" who's within 500 miles of you. That number will certainly fluctuate as you get more powerful and you realize that there's been then uber-powerful dude right next to you the whole time. Essentially, yes - Unless you're a member of one of the top alliances, in which case the alliance gets a stats page if you go to View My Nation > Ranking (top right corner). Edit: Don't bother, use this instead. http://robocracy.net/taxtest/ That doesn't work correctly for me though (and yes I punched in the right info). It says the best tax rate for me is 16% ($9.06) when it's really 23% (~$10). There's some "hidden" factors apparently, perhaps including resources. I'd suggest doing it manually.
  12. By the way, the best way to manage taxes seems to be to try all the rates between 19% and 28% until you find the most profitable rate since it works on a curve with more than one maximum.
  13. Based on team? That sounds good, though I think most of us are orange. I'll do that later tonight. Well if you color-code them then it'll make it even more clear which team to join, not to mention tricking a bunch of people into trying to click on the links.
  14. Most alliances like to troll for newbies so they can boast about their amount of members. I personally don't like it. The NPO might do it to, but I wouldn't know because I had to go to them to sign up a few months back. Yeah, they offered me $10,000 and I'm skeptical as to whether they'll actually live up to that, particularly since it'd be so expensive to recruit new members. There's also at least two dozen nations out of 265 who don't look like they received such a huge sum also. But eh, I guess you can't control the ethics of individual members.
  15. I happened to get an invitation to IRON just as I was signing up in their thread. w00t, and I've only been on for a few hours.
  16. Just to make sure, it's most benificial if we trade with nations who don't have any resources in common right?
  17. I'm the Alesian Protectorate, an orange nation on the Faeroe Islands. Gonna join that IRON thing as soon as I figure out how... Edit: Also my resources are aluminum and pigs.
  18. The piano could be a little less "wet," but other than that very high quality. I needed only the first few seconds to know that this would be great.
  19. I listened to this back at VGMix too; I didn't like it much the first few listens but it grew on me. I still think some instruments are "off" at times, but it's not too bad.
  20. I always figured Yoshi's stage would sound great in disco.
  21. Wow, this is the closest anyone has ever gotten to "professional" trance on this site. I'm having a party next month that will have entail 10 hours' worth of trance over 100 trackse (that's just how it worked out when I decided how many hours I could fit on one CD, and I was off by 20MB), so I may need to bend the "rules" by about 8 minutes since there's no way I'm passing up something as good as this.
  22. I've not reviewed anything in a while. Anyway, yeah. Good stuff. So relaxing. Would be well suited to bizarro What Is Love where they're traveling down a country road in a stereotypical antique chevy truck. All it'd need is a mean bassline.
  23. Heh, I liked this mix a lot. I'm generally a sucker for traditional Celtic-themed music [among other things...]. And indeed, Makke is hot sauce.
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