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Everything posted by Crazyonr1

  1. Where might we download a copy of this mystical "La-de-Da!" Solitare remix, since it sounded pretty sweet. And I voted bwahahahaha
  2. I need to get back into this, for some wierd reason, I stopped. Is there some way I can retrive my old stats, cause I can't find the program on my computer
  3. Is there any way I can cancel my order of shirts, and get my money back?
  4. I've always liked po!'s style, the laidback groove he portrays in the songs I've heard, so when I saw that he had remixed Gemini Man (I was going to check it out anyway) I started crying tears of joy, no joke, and the tears were not undue. Great funky stuff 11/10 even if it is clichéd
  5. Zicon, after finishing his Calamitous Judgment mix, proceded to slap himself in the face, and set the bar ever higher And he succeded with a vengence
  6. Seconded Omega, and a very smooth piece all in all Nice groovetastic piece overall, was there a special sound effect at like 2:09 though? like a screach or somesuch, it was an interesting touch, but its suprising if your tired, and its the first time you've heard it My two cents, rant over, great job
  7. Don't think I've posted anything in here yet, and I'm too lazy to look, but the first 3 minibosses in Viewteful Joe on mode, weren't hard, it was just annoying because I had to restart like twice, meaning going through that non-skippable story, at least that gave me good incentive to play better, muhahahaha I know I suck, but whatever
  8. Once again Blad kicks some serious ass May type up some semblance of a review tommarow, but I'm incoherent tonight, so all I can say is, great mix keep up the awesome work
  9. I agree with RedShadow, and is it just me or is there also a Starcraft referance?
  10. seconded, AND I suck at arranging, one sort of builds on the other, I guess Excellent work *bows*
  11. Agreed, I haven't played MM2 in years, but both themes came right back to me.... maybe thats the game, or your style, I don't know In any case, awesome, mellow first mix
  12. First off, I've got Zipp beat, I stopped playing at 7, and I haven't even beaten that... but ON TO THE PIECE! although many of Bladiator's works as collabs have made his amazing piano skillz, and thats what they are, go somewhat unnoticed, I thought this was just going to be another amazing solo piano Arrangment, for whatever game I always appreciate a piano take on it, so's to see what I could do if I had half the will. Although never hearing the orignal, I see now that this man, nay, LEGEND in some circles, does as well with a piano, as with a multi instrument ReMiX, be it collab or whatnot 11 out of 10, amazing work good sir /Endrant
  13. Despite what everyone says about the bassline being wrong, I think it works with at least some of the notes, and the rest of the time its dissonate, so be it, great work Peeples 10 outta 10
  14. All the comments that DJP made in his obligitory writeup are true, almost to an unbelievable state. I've played enough of Earthbound to know its supposed to sound strange, but this ReMiX takes it to a new level, but personally, I think it works quite well. Great job Mazedude!
  15. Seconded Like a noob's opinion matters though
  16. wow.... would have never expected something like this, but hey I'm a n00b, and thats what OC is all about right? what do I know though? This is definitly going into my OC playlist, my only gripe might be the length, but hey, it got the point across, and with plenty of power to spare 9.7 outta 10 if there might be any sheet music, might you have it scanned? I'd really like to check it out
  17. ok ok, I feel really dumb posting here, but no matter what I try, neither the offical BitTorrent client, or BitTornado, will download anything, it comes up with the message "Rejected by tracker - Torrent is not authorized for use on this tracker I am behind a firewall, so do I need to open some ports or something? Any suggestions would be much appreciated Thanks in advance
  18. Wow, I've never been a big Fire Emblem fan, but this makes me almost want to search high and low for any remnant of the game, be that cartrige or rom I've always been a fan of clasical piano remixes, like The Trial In Concert and this is no execption. I'm adding it to my playlist as I listen for a 3rd time, and wow.... this is a good remix
  19. VERY COOL! if too short, impressive, I couldn't write like this, or play it this well anyway, but it got me thinking, where's that OC remix that Kirby Swoosh was gonna do.... Grape Hill Harmonic or something... is it somewhere in UnMod or something? well back on topic, very cool and well played hope to hear more like it
  20. Out of the four "Final Stage" remixes of Morriwind, this is the GREATEST! absolutly MINDBLOWING! if you are reading this, deciding to dowload this mix, stop right now, and dowload it cause, hey, you can delete it if you want to, and like I said, THIS IS AN AWESOME MIX OF AN AWESOME GAME .... and if anyone would find it in thier hearts to transcribe this to piano sheet music, I'd be forever in thier debt... please?
  21. This is, hands down, my favorite Megaman Mix on the site, despite the lack of depth, that Geko mentioned. it helped that this is my favorite track of all the Megaman tracks ever A while back I found Dan's gallery of MM3 Mixes. Good stuff, but I've been looking for days now and I can't find it again. does anyone know if the site is down and if its not, could someone pass on a link or somthing Many many thanks, and again a most execellent mix indeed
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