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Posts posted by phill

  1. I'm told using http://www.videohelp.com/tools/PgcDemux and following these instructions work.

    To demux menu audio with PGCDemux from a DVD on your HDD:

    a)if you want it from top menu (VIDEO_TS.VOB), open VIDEO_TS.IFO file,

    b)if that menu is in a VTS (e.g. VTS_01_0.VOB), open the corresponding VTS_01_0 file.

    Select 'menu' domain in checkbox, select PGC for that menu page by its time duration. 'Demux all audio tracks' is on by default, uncheck unwanted subpicture streams etc., select output folder and process.

  2. Stupid according to who? They are printing hundreds of millions of dollars a year from WoW. D2 is old and releasing a new patch is not going to generate even a fraction of that.

    Stupid according to me, and that's all that matters :P but more seriously, WoW is essentially their only source of income right now and generally, that is a poor business model. And my comment about reassigning developers was actually talking about D3 and SC2 developers being reassigned to the last WoW expansion and not so much the D2 patch group.

    It's expected of Blizzard now, if it isn't WoW, then the release date could be anywhere between 2 weeks and never.

  3. Take a look at Ergotron at you're favorite computer supply site. Been a while since I last looked at this sort of thing, but they always looked like solid products even though I never picked one up (I was to cheap). Hell, I would be happy if I could afford one of the dual arms ($280 Cdn) because it would clean my desk off and since I became a student again, I find I need to use my desk for more then....holding my coke can :D

  4. I couldn't find that boot.ini file anywhere on any partition. Odd... Well, I wasn't going to screw around with it any longer, so I just wiped the partition. I can always reinstall if I need to. However, I tried expanding the W7 partition to incorporate the newly-released space, but the partition manager that comes with W7 apparently can't do that for one reason or another (something about where the space is located on that drive, I think). So right now I have a newly-formatted, 60GB NTFS partition. I can use it, but does anyone know of a way to merge it with my W7 partition without data destruction? There's got to be something out there that can do it...

    Well, the boot.ini is a hidden file, so you would have had to tell windows to display them.

  5. i don't use n, and it doesn't really make a huge difference. stick with g.

    Last I heard, N still hasn't been finalized as a standard yet. Also, are you sure your router isn't a WRT54G? The Linksys website doesn't even list a WRT45G. Any ways, take a look at installing DD-WRT on your router by default the firmware increases the signal strength and if you don't mind frying your router you can increase it further.

  6. The only alternative solution I can think of is installing a flavor of Linux and hoping its bootloader works properly with both XP and 7. But frankly I don't like the idea of hoping it works. I'd much rather have a separate drive entirely for Linux (which I plan to do anyway as soon as I can get home and retrieve one of my old IDE drives from an old computer).

    Anyone have experience with Vista's (or 7's, they're the same thing) partition manager? I think reclaiming the partition may be my only option.

    Grub won't help you in this situation, all it will do is pass you off to the Windows boot loader. Someone may want to double check this but I think BCD does the same thing when it boots XP, so you could always try moving the XP boot.ini to the root of C: and make sure it points to the correct location for XP. Something like "multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(2)\WINDOWS"

  7. So I kinda guessed on which Lumix you had based on your "in the rectangular point and shoot form factor." and did some digging into the problem (and similar) and came across this. It may be of some help, if nothing else it is a place to start.

    I recently had the lens cover stick partly open. There are 4 segments to the lens cover, and if we number them from the top, number 2 was not closing.

    I gently flicked the segments a few times, in case there was a grain of dirt causing it to stick (although the camera has never been in a dirty or dusty environment). This caused the lens cover to close fully each time, but now it would not open fully, segment 1 would not open, although it would stay open if moved by finger.

    Anyway, after a bit of fiddling, I got it working properly again. The way that the lens cover appears to work is that only segments 2 and 3 are pushed open or shut by springs, segments 1 and 4 are pushed open and shut by tiny tabs that catch on segments 2 and 3. If the segments somehow get pushed out of alignment, then they either bind (causing the cover not to shut), or they get disconnected (causing the cover not to open fully.

    Now I am not sure exactly what I did to get the mechanism form the stuck open state to the not opening state, but from there the way to fix it is to:

    -With the lens open...

    - Hold segment 2 in the closed position with firm finger pressure (which will tend to push it towards the lens).

    - Push segment 1 towards the open position until you can see that it has cleared the edge of segment 2.

    - Lift segment 2 way from the lens so that it will rub past segment 1 as you...

    - Move segment 1 to the open position.

    - Repeat if necessary to get the technique right.

    I can't provide any guarantees, and I am not about to repeat the excercise on my camera, but it was a lot easier than sending it off for repair.

  8. The DEP error box can be useless sometimes, but the event viewer should give you more specific information on what is causing the error. To get to the event viewer, just right click on "My Computer" and select "Manage" then select "Event Viewer" from the panel on the left. I can never remember where DEP errors show up, applications I think, but find one, should be near the top, and see if it gives any more information on the error.

  9. The chances that two video cards both go at the same time is low, even lower if they go without taking the rest of the hardware with them. To find out one way or the other, just take your new vid card and pop it into the old setup and see if it boots. If it does boot, I will be impressed, but considering these are 7600GT and get their power from the motherboard and not the PSU like higher end cards I'm not to sure it will boot.

  10. Brownout is a drop in power resulting in dimmed lights, slowed electric motors (blender, drill, etc) and often pooched computers. What you described is a dropout, a short (milliseconds-seconds in length) drop in power and can be as bad for a computer as a brownout. You should keep in mind that a computer at sleep isn't off in anyway, components remain powered and active, hence why resuming happens so fast and why something like a blackout/brownout/dropout can still screw it up something fierce.

    Now, as for purchasing new stuff you can try http://www.newegg.ca/ or http://www.memoryexpress.com/ since my personal opinion of tigerdirect is that it's garbage.

  11. Based on your description of the beeps, it is a faulty mobo or component and if you booted the machine with only the memory in it, it's a good chance it's mobo and/or cpu. However the way it happened is kinda strange, have any brown-outs while you were working? I'll let mephisto do the CPU/Mobo/Mem purchase stuff, I'm a little lazy at the moment.

  12. 64-bit XP was a place holder, Vista was still not ready but there was still an interest in a 64-bit OS from Microsoft. The 64-bit version of XP was released to fill what was still a small niche and really wasn't a...mainstream? OS. It was/is treated as a placeholder by both Microsoft and soft/hardware vendors which is why you still see a lack of hardware drivers or software intended for an 64-bit XP environment.

    Personally, I am waiting for the 64-bit Windows 7 to RTM at which point I will backup my computer, download and install the 120 day demo to make sure I can install it as I wish (C = windows install, D = program files, E = My Documents) and it runs the way I want.

  13. Flash is wonderful for games or media(audio/video) but personally, it's garbage for everything else. If you're using flash for site navigation or content displaying (minus games/audio/video) you really need to burn in hell. Needing a plug-in and an app just to navigate a website is ridiculas, then there is the problem with bookmarks. I could rant further....but I'm lazy and it looks like you are good to go anyways, so good luck.

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