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Everything posted by ocre

  1. Spring 2013 is February, March and April, so around then.
  2. NSMBU needed more secret levels!!
  3. NSMBU, ZombiU, Nintendo Land, Pikmin 3, Bayonetta 2, Rayman Legends, Lego City Undercover, and The Wonderful 101 seem like a good start to me, as far as exclusives in the first few months. I won't deny that a lot of those third party offerings you guys are talking about have been shoddy efforts but don't act like those games are the only thing Nintendo has in their hand. It's been out for 2 weeks, guys. lol That said, if Bioshock Infinite and GTA V don't hit the system with competent versions, I'm gonna be miffed.
  4. Half-hearted, non-optimized, third party 'demographic test' ports? Psh, it's ALL about NSMBU, ZombiU and Nintendo Land. (And that expands to Pikmin 3, The Wonderful 101, Rayman Legends and Bayonetta 2 in the near future.)
  5. I have to say, I really like the look of the Wii Mini, but can't say I'd ever need to buy one, even if it's not even an option here in the US.
  6. In case you don't have a Wii U and missed out on my Miiverse posts: I got ZombiU yesterday and I am really enjoying it. It's very tense! Pure survival horror goodness and Ubisoft really put the GamePad to good use with this game. I recommend it!
  7. Happy Jakeday!
  8. It's weird, your name doesn't appear when I search for it; that was happening with my friend and he didn't have his Friend List stuff set up. Hmm. Have you made any posts on Miiverse?
  9. DS, you gotta set up your friend list before you can get any friend requests! Press the home menu and click on the friend list icon then I dunno. But do it soon so I can add you!
  10. turkeeeeeeeeeeeeeey
  11. I'd post a cake or something but I'm on my Wii U (and even though I'm pretty sure I COULD pull it off, the ways I can think of take too much energy for midnight) so I'll just leave it at HAPPY MIRBIRTYDAY.
  12. No time for Wii U impressions! Must play more NintendoLand! Also this browser is killer. ( I'm posting from my GamePad right now! ) Guess OCR won't be seeing much of me now that I have my new addiction. and yeah, pretty sure the TVii thing will feature the DVR control stuff. We'll see in a couple of weeks. Also, is it possible you admins would add a Nintendo ID icon to the OCR forum profile? Thanks.
  13. I picked up my reserved Deluxe just a minute ago. Time to get home, set it up, update the firmware for Miiverse, set up my NinID, explore the OS and eShop over and over again then play something. I'm about to finally play a game but I did get to reg my NintendoID! It's starkweatherTD Add me on Miiverse, you dregs!!
  14. Tech specs didn't matter when it came to putting 30 million sales between Wii and the much more capable "HD Twins". I think the Wii U is going to be in a good place against the phantom "true next gen" systems from Microsoft and Sony, if those companies don't want to take a heavy loss just to secure that bleeding edge tech leap, which has been shown to not be such a factor in success- the PS3 trounces the Wii; the Vita trounces the 3DS; the PSP trounces the DS)- and Nintendo are said to be selling Wii U at a loss. The head start alone will help them more than hurt them. And let's not forget how powerful Nintendo's franchises are. Funny to me how people always pretend Nintendo is at a disadvantage.
  15. Considering the Deluxe model is by far the more desirable one (and the preorders support this), I think it's safe to say it will be the standard package and they'll prob discontinue the Basic Pack, then add a White Deluxe model next year.
  16. @Thalzon Unfortunately, but smartly, Ubisoft felt they didn't want Rayman Legends to go head to head with NSMBU for a grab at launch day platformer of choice. Fortunately, we're getting an eShop demo on day 1. I'm definitely anxious to get that game as well.
  17. Since we're so close to the systems debut in 3 days, can I get a show of hands for those that are getting the system day 1 and what launch games you plan on buying? I will be getting the Deluxe model with NSMBU and ZombiU. @Overflow: Yeah, I'm probably looking forward to exploring the UI and all the menus and everything maybe even more so than playing the games! Can't wait to dig into it.
  18. Has it really been a year since the last one? CAPA Langnam style! Also happy birthday to all three of you mugs.
  19. I would like to ask here and now where the FUCK Harvest Moon GBC is.
  20. For those of us playing Paper Mario Sticker Star, here are a couple of tips to help you enjoy the game. - You can fast-exit from an area you've already cleared by pressing Select. - You can arrange your stickers by pressing Select while on the Sticker album page. - You can purchase any of the unpaperized 'Things' in a shady black market type corner to the left of the Stickerization yard in Decalburg. - Remember to use your action commands. - Remember to switch to Paperize view often, as there will sometimes be squares to place stickers(which often results in upgraded shiny stickers) or Scraps to fix.
  21. I really think people would be more excited about Pikmin 3 if they had actually shown off some real content. So far we've only seen the challenge mode and a boss battle. I'm sure this is only because the game isn't coming til very early next year but still, once they really give us a good look at it, I hope people will see the appeal.
  22. I'm pumped! Really the last piece of the puzzle for me is what the eShop is going to look like and what it will feature on day 1. Really pleased with what I've seen and played personally. Now all it has to do is launch.
  23. Hot off the presses, from today's Japanese Wii U Nintendo Direct: - Nintendo Network IDs detailed as unique usernames -NOT a string of random numbers- along with a display name you can change anytime (similar to Twitter). You input your password, birthdate, location and gender during creation. - You choose a 'User Account' (similar to User list on PS3- IE a name separate from your PSN ID) when you turn the system on, up to 12 User Accounts can be made per system and each uses a Mii of your choosing. This system-based User Account is tied to your NiNID. - Purchases tied to your NiNID can be played by all Users on your Wii U system. - Each User has separate save data management (no more saves erased by little brother.) - Your NiNID will not be limited to Nintendo hardware, but may be manageable on PC and smartphones too. It can also be tied to third party network services, presumably OnLive, uPlay etc. Image of Japanese Miiverse profile and a breakdown of the displayed data. Note that you can Follow someone's activity without actually becoming Friends Update: English Mini Nintendo Direct for NoA hosted by Bill Trinen showcasing WaraWara Plaza. Kind of underwhelming for its brevity and no mention of NiNID stuff.
  24. Hot off da presses: New WayForward Shantae game coming to 3DS! Shantae and the Pirate's Curse. Details here. Also: Nice Denpa review, Mirvy!
  25. Happy birthday to my irc pal Neb!
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