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Posts posted by ocre

  1. Yeah, I would be more concerned that they would 'mess (the game) up' if it were actually being rebuilt from scratch (then again Journey of Dreams was a new game and seemed to be well-received).

    This should go over as well as any other HD port.

    What bothers me is all the news sites reporting "OMG HD REMAKE" every time one of these HD retextured ports is announced. A TRUE 'remake' in the way of Resident Evil GCN, where assets are completely redone (no trace of the literal original engine) would be worthy of even more excitement, though admittedly not every game should be "remade", and remakes are a lot riskier than HD ports, both financially and in not disappointing fans of the original, so it's understandable why more of these aren't done. The overuse of the wrong terminology is what bothers me.

  2. Nintendo's E3 Conference intro made me cry tears of joy. The Pikmin games have been one of the big joys gaming has brought to me and to finally see something new and know I'll be returning to the pikmin planet after these long years just made me really emotional.

    The ending to Pikmin 2 makes me well up with emotion too but I don't think any other game has made me close to crying.

  3. They haven't so far because they were offered as an apology to those that bought the system before the price drop in the first place. It hasn't even been a year since the price drop and even less of a year since the GBA games have become available for Ambassadors. I'm sure after a year, if Nintendo feels like they need to dangle some carrots for those who haven't bought a system yet they may bring them to the public. I'd keep my eyes peeled after retail 3DS games themselves hit the eShop.

  4. Absolutely. I laugh at the people who see something like Pikmin 3 and expect everything to look like an actual photo(because that's what they think Nintendo is going for) when they're clearly going for a stylized realism. And then you have a game like Rhythm Heaven Fever getting points docked in a review because the visual style doesn't bend toward realism at all. Why should a game be penalized for looking unique and not conforming to some 'expected' realism?

  5. Games have a long way to go in terms of graphics. People say it doesn't matter because people don't notice small details; I feel those are the people that just cling to the old 90's ways of "ignore graphics play game" because that's how they were raised.

    They don't notice more 'limited' graphics because they're clinging to old ways? I seem to remember a lot of emphasis on graphical prowess in schoolyard debates back in the 90s. I'm not sure people ever 'ignored' graphics. Graphics have always just been one part of a gaming experience.

    And sure, graphics have a ways to go, but history (and the present) shows that they're not the most important thing. My mom never taught me that. Millions of people bought into the Wii, making it the best-selling console of this generation, and I really doubt it's because those people grew up playing on weaker systems.

    The bigger problem is going too far with system specs only makes "AAA" games and beefy hardware more expensive to create and buy. You go bleeding edge with your specs, higher price tag is required, your system doesn't sell, developers reluctant to support your system. Good luck with that.

  6. Is it bad that I'm still thinking about it?

    Depends on what you're still thinking about.

    If you're still on the fence about getting a 3DS even now that Super Mario 3D Land, Mario Kart 7, Ocarina of Time 3D, Star Fox 64 3D, Kid Icarus Uprising, Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater 3D, Resident Evil Revelations and more than a handful of worthwhile eShop games are out, think about whether or not Paper Mario Sticker Star, Luigi's Mansion Dark Moon, NSMB2 a new Harvest Moon, and Kingdom Hearts DDD coming out this year and Fire Emblem and Animal Crossing coming out early next year are worth buying this new handheld for. Tons of exclusives.

    Or did you mean something else?

    And some people's obsession with the 3DS needing another pad, how is the system suffering without one? It's not like the Vita is selling like hotcakes and the 3DS is missing out on key, do-able ports. If you like the games available, get the system. None of them require a second stick. Everything will be fine. I don't remember anyone bitching about the GBA needing more buttons because every other system had 4. And I seem to recall the DS had 1 Direction Pad. Did you not buy one of those because you were waiting for a revised model with an analog stick? It's a little pitiful.

  7. I wonder, how many YouTube videos of people accidentally hitting other people with the controller is gonna pop up once this thing gets released? :lmassoff:

    I was thinking about this earlier, they can't really come out with a condom slipcover for the GamePad like they did with the Wii Remote can they? I can imagine a wrist strap through. Blegh

    Also, NSMB2 is the 3DS game. NSMBU is the Wii U game. Nintendo marketing fails again! I actually have to read stuff to did out about what a product is?! Oh my god! (/overreaction)

  8. So guys, let's say they offer us a Black or White Wii system at launch. Which one do you think you're gonna pick up(for those definitely going to get the system; you chowderheads that have no interest in the system, feel free to not answer)?

    I say black. Not only is that the sexiest color ever but it'll probably be better for playing videos and games on the GamePad, since images will have a dark background to jut out of.

  9. Jimmy Fallon will feature the Wii U( or should I say Nintendo Land?) on his show tonight(Friday) to close out his Video Games Week thing. We all know how this goes down: Reggie lurches out onto the stage and tries to explain a game while Fallon ignores him and bellows awkward exclamations! Who's game?

    Maybe they will go the more entertaining route and have him play ZombiU instead.

    Update: He is in fact going to show off ZombiU on the show.

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