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Posts posted by ocre

  1. I picked up my reserved Deluxe just a minute ago.

    Time to get home, set it up, update the firmware for Miiverse, set up my NinID, explore the OS and eShop over and over again then play something.

    I'm about to finally play a game but I did get to reg my NintendoID! It's starkweatherTD

    Add me on Miiverse, you dregs!!

  2. I can't help but feel like this is the console that Nintendo should've released 6 years ago. Right now things look pretty peachy with full feature ports of big hitters like CoD and AC3, but once the next console gen is out, it will be back to severely neutered ports/shovelware, such as what happened with the Wii.

    Maybe the first/second party exclusives will tip people over though, as Nintendo is wont to do. Actual modern games are better played on a PC anyway.

    Tech specs didn't matter when it came to putting 30 million sales between Wii and the much more capable "HD Twins". I think the Wii U is going to be in a good place against the phantom "true next gen" systems from Microsoft and Sony, if those companies don't want to take a heavy loss just to secure that bleeding edge tech leap, which has been shown to not be such a factor in success- the PS3 trounces the Wii; the Vita trounces the 3DS; the PSP trounces the DS)- and Nintendo are said to be selling Wii U at a loss. The head start alone will help them more than hurt them. And let's not forget how powerful Nintendo's franchises are.

    Funny to me how people always pretend Nintendo is at a disadvantage.

  3. Considering the Deluxe model is by far the more desirable one (and the preorders support this), I think it's safe to say it will be the standard package and they'll prob discontinue the Basic Pack, then add a White Deluxe model next year.

  4. @Thalzon Unfortunately, but smartly, Ubisoft felt they didn't want Rayman Legends to go head to head with NSMBU for a grab at launch day platformer of choice. Fortunately, we're getting an eShop demo on day 1. I'm definitely anxious to get that game as well.

  5. Since we're so close to the systems debut in 3 days, can I get a show of hands for those that are getting the system day 1 and what launch games you plan on buying? I will be getting the Deluxe model with NSMBU and ZombiU.

    @Overflow: Yeah, I'm probably looking forward to exploring the UI and all the menus and everything maybe even more so than playing the games! Can't wait to dig into it.

  6. For those of us playing Paper Mario Sticker Star, here are a couple of tips to help you enjoy the game.

    - You can fast-exit from an area you've already cleared by pressing Select.

    - You can arrange your stickers by pressing Select while on the Sticker album page.

    - You can purchase any of the unpaperized 'Things' in a shady black market type corner to the left of the Stickerization yard in Decalburg.

    - Remember to use your action commands.

    - Remember to switch to Paperize view often, as there will sometimes be squares to place stickers(which often results in upgraded shiny stickers) or Scraps to fix.

  7. I really think people would be more excited about Pikmin 3 if they had actually shown off some real content. So far we've only seen the challenge mode and a boss battle. I'm sure this is only because the game isn't coming til very early next year but still, once they really give us a good look at it, I hope people will see the appeal.

  8. I'm pumped! Really the last piece of the puzzle for me is what the eShop is going to look like and what it will feature on day 1.

    Really pleased with what I've seen and played personally. Now all it has to do is launch.

  9. Hot off the presses, from today's Japanese Wii U Nintendo Direct:

    - Nintendo Network IDs detailed as unique usernames -NOT a string of random numbers- along with a display name you can change anytime (similar to Twitter). You input your password, birthdate, location and gender during creation.

    - You choose a 'User Account' (similar to User list on PS3- IE a name separate from your PSN ID) when you turn the system on, up to 12 User Accounts can be made per system and each uses a Mii of your choosing. This system-based User Account is tied to your NiNID.

    - Purchases tied to your NiNID can be played by all Users on your Wii U system.

    - Each User has separate save data management (no more saves erased by little brother.)

    - Your NiNID will not be limited to Nintendo hardware, but may be manageable on PC and smartphones too. It can also be tied to third party network services, presumably OnLive, uPlay etc.

    Image of Japanese Miiverse profile and a breakdown of the displayed data. Note that you can Follow someone's activity without actually becoming Friends

    Update: English Mini Nintendo Direct for NoA hosted by Bill Trinen showcasing WaraWara Plaza. Kind of underwhelming for its brevity and no mention of NiNID stuff.

  10. I played the "beta" and even as a fan of Sony and their IPs, I find the game to be a bit soulless. The menu design was so plain and lackluster, the characters blend into the background and I often couldn't figure out where I was because the action is so chaotic. As for the actual gameplay, it's kind of fun to pull off a nice multikill. I played as Fat Princess, Parappa and Kratos and I think I had the most fun as Fat Princess, but the game feels slower than it should. Eh. Disappointed.

  11. NSMBU runs in 1080p.

    "In recent hours it's been reported on a number of websites, including our colleagues at Eurogamer, that New Super Mario Bros. U will support a full 1080p HD resolution, a bump up from the 720p seen in various demo and hands-on sessions of the game. The game's official site has been quoted as saying the following:

    Experience Mario like never before... in full 1080p HD, only on the Wii U console!

    It looks like someone at Nintendo of America got over-excited when that was written, however, as the sentence in question has now been edited:

    Experience Mario like never before... in high definition, only on the Wii U console!

    It seems as if the 1080p reference may have been in error, making it likely that the 720p resolution seen at events is reflective of what the final package will offer. There are some games that will be "full" HD, however, with download title Toki Tori 2 expected to be one of them."

  12. Well for consoles, the manufacturers have to cater to the widespread adoption of displays that cap at 1080p resolution; since people don't tend to upgrade their home televisions that often. They've barely taken advantage of that resolution(it certainly isn't standard for console games) yet Sony are reportedly going to support "4K resolution" on the next PlayStation (to possibly go hand in hand with new 4K TVs and recreate their success with Bluray).

    There is always more you can do to improve in the visuals department, such as making "an interactive Toy Story 3" but that kind of vision is held back mostly due to development costs (a 'AAA' game typically costs tens of millions of dollars and requires the work of hundreds of employees to create; millions of copies must therefore be sold just to break even, which is the reason many developers have shut down in this generation).

    Couple these things with the trend of the general public to not care so much about graphics, so long as there is perceived entertainment value, as with the Just Dance games or even the recently discussed NSMB series.

    Back to Wii U supposedly using Nintendo Network IDs, if they are going to allow Usernames, what are you guys gonna pick?

  13. For those of us worried about Nintendo opting for Friend Codes with Wii U, EA seems to have let out a little info when detailing their OnLive data collection for each console, mentioning that your "Nintendo Network ID, friends list and Mii information" would be shared with the service from Wii U.

    Very interesting. I for one definitely don't think we will see anything as unintuitive as the DS game-specific friend code system (which practically ruined the term) for Wii U. I think Nintendo made a great improvement in the system for 3DS, which raised intuitiveness by requiring only one friend code for your system- the only thing missing is friend requests. I really think they will utilize a PSN-esque account system. We'll see.

  14. @Overflow: Isn't it clear by now that Nintendo is the company that people can point to when they feel like exaggerating and blowing things way out of proportion to satisfy their irrational hatred?

    Copying and pasting Kotaku's stupid voice chat article that ASSUMES for some reason that Wiii U won't support bluetooth headset devices, which seem like the easiest way to chat online with the system, and then everyone believes for a fact that the system doesn't and get in their head that it will be 'complicated' to voice chat on the system. I don't see how it's any more complicated than what Sony has in place on the PS3. And don't even tell me you wouldn't have minded hearing everyone's button-presses and the noises of fumbling around with their controller if Nintendo had allowed online voice chat with the GamePad microphone.

    People are acting like Wii U won't support voice chat of any kind and games that support online multiplayer won't have that feature. Give me a break. How exactly are Nintendo "falling behind" in offering online chat if they actually do support the option (and at the same level of their competitor?) I'll remind you that PlayStation 3 doesn't support cross-game chat nor does it have a microphone in their controller. How is Nintendo the disgrace?

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