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Posts posted by ocre

  1. So how about that Wii U? I'm pretty dang anxious to explore a new system UI, which is one of my favorite things about getting a new system. That and that new console smell. Nerdgasmic!

    Those of you planning on getting Mario at launch, are you going for the physical retail package or perhaps take advantage of the Premium Network reward program (bundled with the deluxe sku) and build up some points with the downloadable version? Even though I'll be in that program, the retail boxes are just so pretty and it IS the first Mario game pack-in since SM64 on the N64(No I'm not counting Luigi's Mansion; and yeah I know NSMB games aren't main series entries) so I'm more than likely going physical.

  2. You're looking in the wrong place for the 'growing up'(read: evolution) of the Mario franchise if you're looking at the NSMB series. The main series (the latest entries of which being the Galaxy games) which typically gets 1 entry per console is where Nintendo 'grows' the IP.

    Now if by wanting Nintendo to 'grow Mario up' you mean adding gore or hyper realism and sexual innuendo, you're kind of losing the plot.

    That said, it's a little dumb to voice an inflammatory opinion(inflammatory in its juvenilia) versus real sales data, business logic and the notion that people above age 18 can enjoy a game that doesn't utilize bleeding edge tech and then act like you're being the sensible one. I dont think anyone is asking you to 'love the Wii U or GTFO', just that you find a way to back up your criticism with something a little more solid than "there's multiplatform games at launch so the system must only be as capable as 6 year old tech" or "PC games blow consoles out of the water, Wii U is doomed."

  3. ocre, let me know how nsmbu plays. The Wii version took me back to Mario 3. Loved it.

    I got to play some NSMBU at GS Expo and a Wii U Experience event and I can tell you the game plays like all the other NSMB games, which is to say that it's quite fun. Mario feels heavy and controls as responsive as always. Thematically and aesthetically, this new game takes a lot of influence from Super Mario World, such as the fully connected map screen and returning enemies like Tordpedo Ted. The game looks great! Definitely look up a trailer video on YouTube. I know I was still hungry for more 2D Mario after beating NSMB 2 last month. This should do quite nicely while I wait for Pikmin 3!

    @jnWake: Funny how some people expect a full library of amazing titles right on day 1 isn't it. It surprised me how many people expected a full HD Zelda game so (relatively) hot off of Skyward Sword's release.

  4. -...the majority of these games will be cross platform and will be the EXACT SAME GAME you get on a different system that is already out and you have no reason to buy a new console to play.

    -I'll admit, I don't have much to go on outside of the footy that they have playing at my local gamestamp. However first impresions are usually right. I have seen the video over and over for Black Ops 2 and it looks like same damn game. NSMBU looks like NSMBWii.

    To the first point, I say: Because no new system has ever gotten a port of a game from the previous generation, right?

    The Wii U can do things the current generation systems can't do, period. It's not surprising that we haven't seen what those things are since devs will need to get used to making games from the ground up on Wii U. If most of the games coming out at launch are just ports of current gen stuff, then obviously the developers aren't utilizing the systems full potential yet.

    And the reason Nintendo is launching with an admittedly not very technically impressive Mario game is because: a) NSMB games sell far better (and sell longer) than any 3D Mario games. B) NSMB games are easier to make than full 3D (and now advanced HD) Mario platformers(which are still going to be coming out as true entries in the main series). It makes a lot of business sense, regardless if you personally don't find it compelling.

  5. Okay so Wii U's final launch lineup was unveiled earlier and includes 23 games that appeal to a wide range of tastes. I for one will be getting NSMBU and ZombiU.

    Notably absent is Rayman Legends, which I had reserved and expected on day 1. It was a wise move to distance itself from Mario, to be honest, so I don't mind waiting.

    No one should be surprised that Pikmin 3 isn't there on day 1. That was never going to happen.

    Pretty solid release slate, I say.

  6. They gave out condoms for Wii remotes because it was expensive HD TVs being broken(even with the replacement strap, I guess people were still not wearing them) , not the controllers themselves. Those things are made of indestructible Nintendium.

    That said, this was brought up earlier in the thread and someone was quick to post an image of that Wii U GamePad cover shaped that that Scribblenauts guy's hat. Not sure we'll see much in the way of officially condoned GamePad condoms.

  7. I haven't heard either way on this, but the greatest thing ever would be if they allowed you to be able to play VC games on the tablet/gamepad. I could see myself doing that even if nobody else was watching the TV. Just out of the convenience. Seems pretty likely, I just haven't heard anyone confirm it.

    This was actually confirmed to not be supported at launch, unfortuately. I was looking forward to playing all my old VC games on the controller screen. : {

    I wonder if they'd be able to implement this with a future firmware update.

  8. I disagree, as it seems a lot of consumers are waking up to the increasing usage of gimmick coming from the Nintendo Camp.

    Funny, I didn't think the tens of millions of people who bought the Wii and DS had a problem with the 'gimmicks' they've introduced before.

    Also, as of mid-august, the 3DS has sold upwards of 20 million units worldwide, so the tens of millions figure holds true for it too.

  9. I was being sarcastic with my first two points, you see.

    You CAN increase the Wii U's internal storage by connecting any external HDD (as I will be doing with the 1TB HDD I already own) and yes, the most powerful system doesn't always win. That's all I'm saying in respose to your post about how the Wii U presumably won't hold a candle to the unseen next PlayStation/Xbox. And PC Gaming hasn't phased out consoles despite offering better technical prowess, so that takes care of your other point.

    Offering an affordable and still technically very capable gaming option is something I think Wii U will do extremely well. If Microsoft and (especially the predictable as hell) Sony go the tried and true "POWER IS EVERYTHING" route, I can't imagine their systems will be within the 100 dollar range of even the base Wii U package.

  10. Because you can't hook in a 3TB external HDD and the most powerful machine has always been the most successful.

    If PC gaming is so much better why do consoles still exist (and thrive)?

  11. File:Wii_U_console_and_controller.jpg

    Okay, maybe this thing has potential. The controller looks fun.

    Now they have to convince us with the actual games. Consumerism, here we come…

    After actually giving the system a good look(presumably for the first time?), you say the controller actually looks like fun (after claiming Nintendo needs to stop making hardware), then you say they need to convince you that there's games worth playing on the system.

    I don't think it's unreasonable to ask you if you are even aware of what's coming out for it.

  12. watching people play this machine has actually made me more interested in it. watching the interface in action is a lot different than watching it off of a stream, and it makes it at least look much more engaging.

    I've had hands on with the GamePad(and the Pro Controller) at two separate events and, believe you me, it's even better when you get to play it yourself!

  13. Worrying about the Wii U GAMEPAD (if you think it's a tablet you might as well call the DS a tablet) is a little silly considering it's blooming rechargable and you can use it while you charge it(since you can just plug the charger into controller itself or into the charging cradle,, like the 3DS). It's not like the unit is a portable device usable on the go.

  14. Sony thinks making things prettier is a strong enough selling point on its own.

    If only this were one of those times. The ribbed grill makes it look quite hideous. I always thought it looked reminiscent of an early generation system that might incorporate wood-grain trim. I much prefer the first PS3 "Slim". Also, making the system more expensive. lol

    Also Bran: you're right this 'slim-slim' system has been known about for quite a while now. An image was even leaked months ago. Seems like Sony can't keep a secret worth a damn.

    @Brushfire's following post: that seems to be their approach with their handheld machine too!

    Anyway, how about that Wii U? :)

  15. Actually Wii U games will retail for $59.99.

    You want the system on day 1 but don't find Mario compelling lately, you're afraid ZombiU may end up being another Red Steel, and you're not into Lego. How do you feel about Rayman? Call of Duty? Assassin's Creed? The Wonderful 101(Project P-100) I think is a launch widow title.

    Pikmin 3 releases some time after the system launch too, I'm betting January but it could come out in December. It's a launch "window" title so, at latest March. I think it'll definitely be worth a day 1 buy.

    Here's a list of retail launch titles.

    For launch titles, I'm getting NSMBU, ZombiU and Rayman Legends.

    Also many people may not realize but 1st Party Nintendo games like NSMBU will be available to download off the Wii u eShop on day 1, so there's that option if you don't haw to have the physical box(which are amazingly beautiful).

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