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Posts posted by ocre

  1. Jungle Beat is the non-music oriented, bongo-controller game that portrayed DK as a mindless ape punching his way through various Fruit worlds in his quest to become "king of the jungle". It's as if Nintendo Japan went out of it's way to totally shed every element of progress that Rare had injected into the series with the game.

    That said, notice how the PAON-developed KoS and Jungle Climber retained a WHOLE lot more of what made the DKC games great, even without bringing over the series staple gameplay. Good man.

  2. We <3 Katamari - Bluffing Damacy

    I think it's a testament to how good a song this is that I can find it so catchy and I can't even understand the language it's sung in. True that the Katamari games have all had pretty amazing music, obviously the first and second ones, this one is my favorite of them all. I think that if this song were translated into English, it would lose some of the interesting 'syllable squeezes' that make it sound the way it does, if that makes any sense; I'm glad they kept the original Japanese tracks for these Katamari games (though I'm aware they throw in a few Romanized Japanese words in there too, which also add to the experience).

    We <3 Katamari - Houston

    Another great one.

  3. I didn't even know this was coming out this year. I will probably Gamefly it, eventually. I'm not sure I care anymore. A console Golden Sun game would be cool, though.
    Excerpt from the Joystiq developer interview:

    "During the development, we were concerned that players have generationally changed after seven years," Takahashi told Joystiq. "Although the success of the older titles shaped the direction for this title, we were not convinced that doing the same thing again would lead to success. What we wanted to do was not to follow our past glories – but to exceed our efforts in the past Golden Sun games in every aspect. Now that the game is launching soon, I'm eager to see how it is received by both longtime fans as well as those being exposed to the series for the first time."

    Sounds like you can expect more than just the same old thing. I hope you change your mind about returning to the series. Here's hoping the game is everything we wanted for all these years.

  4. Any of you gonna get this?

    It comes out today.

    For those not in the know, this game takes place 30 years after the original two games and will boast all 72 Djinn creatures.

    Joystiq Review

    Kotaku Review

    I'll be getting it in a day or so.

    NOTE: This thread is NOT for nitpicking about how the Golden Sun games aren't the best games ever. Any such discussion should be considered off-topic. (You know who you are.)

  5. The fact that they changed the region name kind of irks me. Kanto, Johto, Hoenn and Sinnoh all kept their Japanese names for the first 4 generations; I don't see what the problem was with Isshu.

    As for the Pokemon starter names, I guessed 'Snivy' would be the official name for the grass one; not really surprised they went with it as it's a good name. The other two are less good.

    Especially "Oshawott". Osha-what? Maybe he's obsessed with safety in the workplace. I guess it's time to start nicknaming my pokemon.

  6. Congratulations on the release to everyone involved. Glad to finally see this thing out.

    Just a quick little note: I highly encourage listening to the source material (they're conveniently linked below the ReMix links on the site),

    particularly before listening my Bonus track, so you get the full effect of the arrangement.

    Thanks! I look forward to reading everyone's thoughts.

  7. To be fair, I think a lot of the subtleties, the darker chords and the way different melodic lines interweave, I just didn't appreciate as a child.

    I don't mean to finish posting the entire DKC3 soundtrack (as much as I like it) but I have to chime in with these two personal favorites (that demonstrate the darker mood you described):

    this one I didn't notice way back when I first played the game and it's become my second favorite tune. Our own anosou remixed it:

    Another great moody tune.

    I think Eveline Fischer did a remarkable job at replicating the "atmospheric" somehwat minimalist feel of Wise's DKC1 soundtrack.

    As for DKCR: I'll be getting my copy in the mail tomorrow. Can't wait to explore the jungle again. :3

  8. Since when are people around here interested in the PSP for PSP games? I thought everyone just used theirs for SNES emulation, so who cares if this new one has better graphics.

    But seriously, I haven't played my PSP in a long long time. And I already have a PS3 and will be getting a 3DS. Not sure what exclusives the system could get to make me want one. Even if Uncharted 3 came out, who is to say it wouldn't be ported over to the PS3 in a few months time. Actually, that would be one of the few games that could make me want the system (and I'm afraid Sony is aware of that.) I'd rather have Uncharted 3 on the PS3, thank you.

    If they manage to get PS3-level graphics on this new system do you think the battery life will be very long? Nintendo is already fessing up that their 3DS's charge won't last as long as its predecessors. Then again, I guess battery life doesn't matter much if you're among the aging casualized gamers. Or you play your handheld systems at home plugged into the wall.

  9. to be fair, DKC3 wasn't as charming as its prequels;

    ...really I don't even know if Rare could've ever matched the first two again.

    I feel I have to chime in with some DKC3 defense here. On a recent play of DKC3, I had a lot of fun finding all the bonus barrels in all the levels and clearing it to 103%; a lot more fun than I can remember having with DKC2, as great as that game is. The level design is still brilliant, the music isn't horrible, there's no shortage of challenge, there aren't really any bizarre design flubs.

    I don't think it's that DKC3 is a less good game than DKC2, it just has a very different flavor. Maybe it's the lack of a pirate theme, maybe it's the more 'Northern,' brighter environment, or the non-Wise soundtrack. Maybe people just don't like Kiddy.

    I stand by the opinion that DKC3 is as good a game as DKC2.

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