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Posts posted by ocre

  1. I just beat the Elite Four and, everything else for the first time, and now what the fuck everyone everywhere new is level 65 is there some kind of better transition point?

    Haha, I thought the same thing when I was at that point. At first I thought I was going through to eastern Unova via the wrong route (east of Opelucid,) then I realized it didn't matter when I ran into the Lv 65 guys on the route east of Nimbasa.

  2. Some advice for those doing the Liberty Island/Victini event:

    I used the ticket after exploring Castelia a little but before I beat Burgh. I was around level 20-25 and it seems like it was the best time to take on the enemies and Victini without being overpowered.

    Nice job, Deia. :3

    As for Poke Balls, I like to color-coordinate the Balls with the Pokemon. For instance, I caught Joltik in a Quick Ball because of the Yellow/Blue scheme the Ball and Pokemon share, regardless of Joltik not being a "Pokemon that flees". I wish there were a special Ball for each type of Pokemon that would compliment them, or maybe a Ball customization feature. I like stuff like that.

    I seem to have solved my Berry shortage. All I did was get a list of Wild Hold Items and away I went with CompoundEyes Joltik and Frisk Gothita (courtesy of Tensei). I pretty much spent all evening yesterday hunting for Hold Items. Now I'm swimming in Berries!

  3. Oh Schnapps, I done been called out. Hopefully I dont lose again. :< Hehe. It's a date!

    Also: Why the hell are there all these little preschoolers running around with their own Pokemon? Brave new region. Our protagonists must feel like such late-bloomers.

    Also also: Am I the only one hoarding the few berries I get? I wish they had put berry planting in this. :( Dream World, get here faster. By the time it launches, I think we'll all have beaten the game, no?

    ALSO ALSO: My pokemon have the Pokerus, so if you want it, I can send you a random wild pokemon infected with it and you can have it too. :3 Also, that will give you more IDs for the Lotto, if this game has a Lotto.

  4. Just to get the ball rolling, we have:

    from Super Mario RPG. This is an iconic "sad theme" I'm sure a lot of people here will recall. Who can forget the sad/comedic moment when Mallow is revealed NOT to be a tadpole? Or Boomer's crushing defeat? Now if only someone would make an "Italian" violin arrangement of this.


    Painful Memories from Heavy Rain

    Unlike my previous selection, this one is from a game that has probably flown under most OCRer's radars. Look into it. I think it should be mentioned that the games soundtrack was approached more like for a film than a game. Back to the track, this piece is played in the beginning of the game, when Ethan Mars is remembering not sad things that have happened, but his life at it's best. He was happily married, with two children and a nice home. It's these memories that cause him pain when he no longer has these things, and I think that makes this theme very humanizing for the character.

  5. This would be a shame if it had happened in Rare's hayday, but as JH said: the company is a FAR cry from it's former self. It went downhill like a giant rock, especially after the Stamper Bros left and hasn't really ben the golden-egg-laying goose Microsoft thought it had bought. Now they're relegated to working on Avatars and generic Kinect Wii-copycat games.

    Put it out of it's misery.

    If this is even true.

  6. I heard on the WIRE that Black and White will be the first Pokemon main series games to be translated in-house by The Pokemon Company international. I'm a fan of how the previous games have been handled by NOA's Treehouse, so I'm kind of bummed. I guess we'll see how this new team goes over. Hopefully not another repeat of their shake-up of the anime. Apparently they have coined an official subdivision of Legendaries called "Mythical" Pokemon, to include Pokemon already introduced like Celebi.

    As for the 3DS, apparently BW will feature some sort of enhancements. I'm guessing they'll have to do with the C-Gear and networking options.

  7. I agree with DarkeSword. It looks brilliant.

    This watercolory look is a great design choice after Twilight Princess.

    The whole "dark and mature" thing felt a tad forced. I think the character design was particularly bad; a mish-mash of cartoonish and realism that ventured too far into uncanny valley.

    That damn Ordon Village store keeper. And the BABY man.

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