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Posts posted by ocre

  1. American Beauty was a pretty good watch.. I enjoyed the director commentary too.

    I think Fargo is pretty good.

    Tarantino does a lot of cool stuff too, though I prefer his 'banter'/dialogue stuff of Pulp Fiction to the melodrama of the Kill Bills. Ingourious Basterds was entertaining.

    Going to 2nd 'Shawshank'.

    I have to mention 'The Crazies' as an exceptionally entertaining 'disaster' movie. You can tell a lot of love and effort went into it. It's not in the realm of 'masterpiece,' admittedly, but it's no 'House of Wax'. I had expected a half-brained "Rob Zombie" horror gorefest (not that I'm averse to horror movies/gore in movies) and was pleasanty surprised that this turned out to hold my interest and just plain entertain me.


    Coming back to commentaries, I hate it when filmmakers endlessly list and thank people who worked on the film during a director commentary. I find it a lot more interesting if they talk about what considerations went into the way they lit or shot a certain scene. The American Beauty commentary did a pretty good job of that. Pretty enlightening.

    "Crash" was a piece of crap.

    Careful how you go about posting in this one, guys. I think it might be considered a borderline 'Favorites thread,' which are no-no's.

  2. Another note* I never realized how many won't play horror titles because they either dislike it, got overly imaginative minds, or are merely bothered by such a genre in the first place.

    These kind of people sort of bother me. I have a friend that refuses to watch "scary movies" purely because he thinks they're "dumb". I mean, do what you want but it's fun to explore the dark and deadly realms of reality/fantasy once in a while.

    Anyway, I like these themes because they made brushes with the dangerous denizens of some of my favorite horror games/game scenes more memorable.

    Leechman 1 from Resident Evil 0 - If you've played RE0 you know to dread this song. The mysterious leech man enemy had a habit of showing up at the most inopportune times.

    from Conker's Bad Fur Day. Good old fashioned unsettling music for the aptly-named 'Spooky' section of this N64 masterpiece, in which you deal with zombies in and around a vampire's castle.

    from Silent Hill 3. I distinctly remember making note of this music when I fought the Leonard monster in the sewer. There's something very unsettling about something dangerous swimming barely visible beneath sewer water and this theme managed to make it even more unsettling.
  3. I wish they would just do all event give-aways through the WFC so everyone can get them. (Why make us jump through another hoop of a physical location if there's already a timeframe).

    In any event, these will apparently be obtainable in EVERY 4th generation game. :) That's a LOT of shiny Legendary Beasts (if you own more than one gen 4 game; and, really, what are you doing in this thread if not)

  4. Well, the towns from GS not showing up in TLA were due to the fact that you don't have access to those areas from the original GS (I'm aware of the boat glitch; I'm speaking legtimately).

    Between TLA and GS, we had access to all of Weyard, and a lot of the peoples (Sana comes immediately to mind) aren't mentioned or referenced to exist (I realize they may not have been thought up in development yet). In this new game, it seems like they went overboard with the ancient civilizations and how all of a sudden everyone in every town is a history buff, but rarely even mentions the Angara towns that existed (I haven't heard any mentions of Altin, Xian or LUNPA so far) in the previous games.

    I find this game most fun and interesting when they're referencing back to things we've actually seen or heard of before. Frankly, there are just too many ancient cultures that suddenly became common knowledge since the Golden Sun event just 30 year ago. Don't get me wrong, I'm willing to believe that all the new towns/ruins jutted up out from underground and that the old towns were destroyed (they twice directly state that two of the towns were destroyed via the GS event).


    But I do love the new summon directly lifted from the original North American Golden Sun


    And HOLY CRAP YES the Saturos battle theme is back!

  5. Continuing my opinions of the game, I delve into more spoilerish territory, more than 15 hours into the game. (Boy, am I glad this game isn't nearly as short as I thought it would be) I'm playing at a pretty brisk pace too, though I'm definitely not trying to miss any treasures of djinn, or leave any barrels unturned.


    The game feels much more 'right' after the Luna Tower activation. I'm really liking the Spirit psynergy. (Who knew talking to dead people was so much fun?)

    I also have to say, revisiting Champa made me feel happy. I like that the caves retain the exact same layout as in TLA. And WHAT IN TARNATION‽ Obaba is alive?! Hilarious. Love it.

    Turning Tret and Laurel into know-it-alls (who know Piers) was a bit odd, but I'm really happy to see them retain their designs from the first game. And I don't mind at all that their species is given more insight into.

    All in all, I'm feeling better about this game, though I really feel that you should've been able to mind-read with Karis from the start.

  6. I keep inadvertently skipping plot points by exploring a town/ruin ahead. |=[ First, I explored Kaocho too early, THEN I got the Ice Queen before I was informed why I needed it. It's kind of annoying.

    But yeah.

    Puzzles: Great

    Plot: Kinda shoddy.

  7. I've spent around 7 hours with the game since getting it yesterday and I have a few opinions to share. I don't really mention anything that should be considered a spoiler, I don't think. I do name a few of the new locations a new npc, but nothing earthshattering.

    The Good

    - The Sol Saga books. Wonderful retelling of the events of the first two games. The fact that this set of books is scattered through the land is kind of a double-edged sword. On one hand it's good for us veteran players, but on the other hand, it would've been a great retelling of the first two games for anyone playing this one, to give them access to it right away might have been a wise choice. I love the little picture-book-esque visuals and how they recall stuff like the statues in Sol Sanctum and the Altin Hydros statue.

    - The music is wonderful as ever, with some nice arrangements of previous GS music peppered between mostly new tracks.

    - The puzzles are as great as ever. Of course most of it has become second nature, but the developers still manage to provide well-designed puzzle challenges.

    - I definitely am loving the new summon animations. The Djinn and attack unleash animations are great too. Kinda cool that you unlock unleashes by using your weapon more.

    - Throwbacks. I loved the Psynergy training grounds. I love how Nyunpa is mentioned(and shown in the Sol Saga along with Feizhi and Hamma).

    - The Psynergy. Great stuff. Growth is now readily accessible. Touch control for the psynergy is optional in most cases(thankfully).

    The Bad

    - This one is pretty major and it's kind of making me dislike this game. Why the HELL are there so many ancient civilizations suddenly being talked about. This game feels more like a '1000 years ago' prequel or that it takes place in an unknown land rather than the world we explored supposedly 30 years ago. King Wo? The Fori? Ayuthay? (At least the Konpa Ruins was explained to have risen up from the ground after the GS event.) Everything else is just too much. Very few of the old towns are even mentioned so far.

    - Dialogue during opening mission with Isaac and Garet. I couldn't help feeling they were being very redundant in what they were saying.

    - The emoticon response system. Just a tiny nitpick, but I often pick the 'inappropriate' mood and get a "You shouldn't be so happy!" or a "Don't be angry!" and it kind of bothers me. More "Yes/No" stuff would've been... less weird.

    All that said, so far, I'm definitely a little bit underwhelmed with this game, BUT I am enjoying it for the most part.

  8. Sonic Adventure 2 - 'Rouge' stage themes

    : Pretty much any Rouge track from Sonic Adventure 2 is a sure bet for awesome. This one probably has the most vocal action going on. The rest are a little more instrumentally driven, but still contain some jazz scat stylings. Not sure jazzy spy music has ever been done so well anywhere else in video games.

    Here are some more Rouge tracks:

    : This actually has some non-scat singing, but I chose the other theme as it more exemplified the 'spy' motif of these songs.

    : My favorite of the bunch.

    -34ºN, 12ºE (Mad Space)

    Heh, my friend actually used some of these tracks for his breakdancing routine videos.

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