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Posts posted by ocre

  1. Funny how worked up you all are getting over this. These pathetic plays for money occur all the time (where was LG when the PS3 first came out. HELLO 5 YEARS AGO). DOOM! GLOOM!

    I chalk it up to videogame journalist sensationalism. Guess it was a slow news week over at IGN.

    Also: image macro replies and general fanboy troll posts? There was a time on OCR when this was unacceptable.

    Also: No I'm not 'mad'. Just upset.


  2. The three shiny legendary dogs of Johto are being given away again but this time over Nintendo WFC! If you have any fourth gen game, just use the mystery gift option to get:

    - Raikou on Feb 7 - 13

    - Entei from Feb 14 - 20

    - Suicune from Feb 21 - 27.

    These are identical to the Gamestop ones except for their OT trainer ID names will read WIN2011 instead of GMESTOP. North America and Europe. Again, if you transfer any one of these into Pokemon B/W you can activate a special in-game event where you can catch a Zoroark.

  3. Throwing my two cents in about FFXII.

    I tried like 5 times to get into the game over the course of a few years, getting up to just past Nalbina before giving up and I just last year beat the game in it's entirety. So it was hard to get into but once I did I actually enjoyed it.

    Vaan is actually my favorite character in the game. Can't STAND Basch (mostly due to his stupid outfit and hair). Penelo is p useless too.

    The only gripe I have with this game, really is that the story takes a nosedive after you confront Cid the first time. After that, it feels like the characters have no idea why they are doing what they're doing.

    I personally felt that defying the Occurians was a bad move.

    I like how fleshed out the 'encyclopedia' entries are. They really put a lot of thought into the world. Also the music is brilliant. Sakimoto. :3

  4. I think the

    could make for some interesting remixes, arrangements.

    It was arranged for the

    Bioware RPG, just to give you a taste of where you could go with it.

    I'd be happy even if you wanted to do a straight-up arrangement just to hear it with better samples.

    Thanks for your interest.

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