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Posts posted by ocre

  1. The reason Nintendo didn't include glasses-free stereoscopic 3D in the Wii U GamePad is the same reason the bottom screen of the 3DS doesn't include it: the Touch Screen gets smudges from being touched, and smudges run counter to the glasses-free 3D tech. Or so they have said.

  2. I stated an opinion about the game:

    They should release both games for Wii U. HD port.

    This lead to a lot of butthurt for irrational reasons. If you disagree that this game should be on other systems, or remastered, that's fine. Take a chill pill and don't join an angry mob every time someone states an opinion that differs from your own.

    To repeat for anyone who has not actually read the thread, we were talking about 4 Heroes of Light (DS) and Bravely Default (3DS).

    My issues (and I only claim what I post or quote in my posts to represent them, it's not my intention to 'join a mob') with your posts in this thread had more to do with the additional supplementary statements you included with them, as I stated in my last post. Again, you're conveniently changing the problem from "Brandon said all this inaccurate and ignorant stuff" to "Everyone's getting upset because I'm port begging."

    Also this thread is only about Bravely Default, not Four Heroes of Light. Four Heroes of Light was very briefly mentioned because Bravely Default is a spiritual successor to 4HoL.

  3. I don't have a problem with his weird desire to have Wii U ports of a DS and 3DS game (as super unlikely as that is), but I do have a problem with supplementing that opinion with inaccurate sales info, making up history ('DS XL'), wrongfully stating that the Nintendo 3DS is nothing more than a 'Nintendo DS with 3D screen' then trying to backpedal and say he was commenting on the product names being too similar, using any little excuse to bring up faults with Wii U(I count two times & this isn't even a Wii U game thread) and then coupling that with the ignorant stance that these are just 'inferior handheld games' that don't matter anyway, THEN saying his points were 'upended by ignorant bickering' when the only ignorance was coming from the aforementioned supplementary statements he made.

    It's all pretty dumb.

    But yeah, super excited for this game. 2014 can't come soon enough.

  4. 3DS and DS look exactly the same and are different by 1 character.

    Just like the Wii and Wii U.

    Do you even know what point you're trying to make?

    In the post we were addressing you were clearly talking about the system capabilities and features ("one has a 3D screen"). You're now talking about the NAMES being 1 character apart.

  5. Brandon, do you ever research anything?

    How on earth could you possibly say the 3DS is the same as the DS by any stretch of imagination?

    Even if you ignored all the spec sheets, have you even played or seen anything related to EITHER? Screenshots, trailers, the units themselves? Clearly the 3DS is on a whole other level graphically

    Research? Why should he be bothered to state facts when he can go by what he has 'heard'? It doesn't matter anyway, guys, handheld games are always inferior to console games. :eyeroll:

  6. I was wrong about the 3DS sales, it was DS that sold 150 million, but they're both pretty much the same device anyway, just one has a 3D screen. Let's not even go into all the tiny variations of DS, DS XL, DSi, DSi XL, and so on. :-/ So maybe it makes no sense to port these to a system that sold 3 million, but it definitely couldn't hurt. That's the point I was trying to make.

    And ultimately it wouldn't be the first time Square-Enix moved a subpar quality handheld game to a real console. They did it with Chain of Memories I believe, on the PS2.

    You're wrong again and again. The 3DS is a much more capable handheld. DS could never have run a full Wii game like DKCR 3D. And what is a DS XL?

    And that part about handheld games being "subpar quality" is just plain ignorant. Though not surprisingly so.

  7. I think the point of his post was to use an upcoming 3DS game announcement as an excuse to point out that Wii U needs more games* again (using another made up sales figure: 150 million 3DSes sold) without knowing or caring about what Bravely Default even is.

    *Wii U needing more games is a well established sentiment over at the appropriate thread.

  8. I really doubt that people are sitting on their hands waiting for a Final Fantasy game for a Nintendo home console. We haven't had that since the Wii Crystal Chronicles. And that didn't sell very well either. Not saying it wouldn't be nice.

    A lot of those rumors are pretty damn vague or no-brainer stuff. "•A new Nintendo 3DS revision is expected, but not within the next two years." lol really? Pretty weak.

    There's no credibility whatsoever in your '2015' date for Zelda U. Skyward Sword came out in 2011 so they've been working on it for a couple of years now.

    I expect Wind Waker HD, however, this year or early next year at latest.

    Also: Malaki, Game & Wario is hitting in June 23rd for a $39.99, while Pikmin 3 hits August 4th!

  9. I was THISCLOSE to biting on this...at the checkout, the first recommended item to add to my cart was Nintendoland. After a little digging, I confirmed that this is the Deluxe Console, which is different from the Deluxe Set. It's 32GB, but no game with it...looks like I'll be waiting just a little longer to pick this guy up.

    I didn't even know there was a Deluxe SKU that doesn't come with NintendoLand... In fact I'm pretty dang sure there isn't.

    Unless this is some kind of weird specific retailer-exclusive SKU, which I doubt. Just because the game was in the Recommended list doesn't mean your item doesn't include it. How deep did you dig?

  10. If Wii U continues to sit at 3 million units sold it may already be crashing... I know from opinions here that people aren't too fond of the Xbone and PS4. I could see Xbone moving maybe 5 million units in the amount of time Wii U moved 3, and I'd say PS4 might move around 7 to 10 million.. that's just a prediction. But the gist of what I'm saying is I expect it to be farther away from 1 billion than the last generation was... That's just an opinion.

    Since you insist on bringing up Wii U and how it's 'failing', let's take a look at global Wii U sales compared to PS3 sales in their first 5 months:

    Month 1 (November): PS3 (~400K), Wii U (~500K)

    Month 2 (December): PS3 (~850K; ~1.25M total), Wii U (~2M; Est. total to this point: ~2.5M)

    Month 3 (January): PS3 (~380K; ~1.6M), Wii U (~250K; ~2.7M)

    Month 4 (February): PS3's worst ever month (~240K; ~1.8M), Wii U (~150K; Est. total to this point: ~2.9M)

    Month 5 (March): PS3 (~985K; ~2.65M), Wii U (~146K; ~3M)


    During the same period in their first 6 months, the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 both sold under 3 million units. This doesn’t change the fact that Wii U sales are still below what Nintendo estimated (they wanted 5.5 million units in the first 6 months).

    Yeah, good luck with your prediction numbers, Brandon.

  11. Do I really have to bring up the fact that the entire last generation of systems didn't even break 300,000,000 consoles sold? How exactly do they want to sell 700,000,000 more units this time?

  12. I think that might be part of why Wii U and the U version of NSMB sold so bad. People probably thought it was just an expansion of the existing Wii, and after seeing pictures or gameplay video of NSMB Wii U, it would not convince you otherwise. It looks like exactly the same game.

    So while NSMB Wii sold 26.91 million, NSMBU sold 1.84 million since 2012 launch... ouch.

    Yeah, because New Super Mario Bros Wii was a Wii launch title and totally didn't release when the Wii was 3 years into its life.


    Also, if it's one thing that history has shown, it's that the New Super Mario Bros games have sales legs and sell for years after their release dates, unlike other games that stop selling after a week or two.

  13. Given how predictable Microsoft have been, I believe they will spend a good deal of their press conference demonstrating 'Kinect One' at E3, there will be a demonstration of Call of Duty Ghosts and Usher will perform a concert.

  14. I love Windows. Office is great. No need to boycott Microsoft products because you don't like the Xbone and think that dweeby looking probably-rapist said something you don't agree with.

    Really, dude?

    Oh, and that "dweeby looking probably-rapist" (and former President of EA, I should add) lives here.

  15. Right now there are still people that will by a dedicated gaming handheld, but that number is dropping. That is indisputable. No amount of links, graphs, and figures about how many Nintendo 3DSs have sold world wide is going to change the fact that it's just not as popular as smart phone gaming. You can write off Angry Birds and Temple Run all you want, but they sure as hell make money.

    I linked the "NA 3DS 2-yr sales outpacing DS sales" article for a couple of reasons. 1) The original DS sold the compared amount before iPhones & tablets hit the scene and 3DS sold more in a time when smartphones are said to render dedicated machines obsolete 2) the article cited only North American sales not global sales ( so you can't say the figures were influenced by Japanese sales- Japan being a region where the 3DS is selling extremely well).

    I wasn't trying to say the 3DS sold more units than smartphones. I wasn't denying that more people download more free apps on their phones than people buy $40 3DS games. I just want to point out that this data makes it sound like more people have bought the 3DS than the DS (in the respective systems first 2 years on the market)in a world where smartphones are already on the scene. What am I missing about this data that makes it irrelevant & dismissible?

    NOTE: DS, I started my post before you had requested we change gears in the Xbox thread, please move this post as you see fit.)

  16. You add nothing to this conversation with comments like that.

    My comment was more relevant than the reply you dedicated a whole post to.

    I'm just saying maybe one day people will be sick of Angry Birds.

    Back on topic, Don Mattrick calls backward compatibility 'backwards' (yet Xbox One charging you to play a used game you already bought is progressive).

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