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Posts posted by ocre

  1. In regards to the "dedicated consoles are dying" debate, why didn't PC gaming ever kill consoles? The PC is a massively adopted multi-function machine that you don't just play games on. (I think it's because the TV exists.)

    Oh and zirc, the 3DS hasn't been selling at a loss since last year. Sorry that doesn't fit your narrative.

  2. Most people seem to really prefer just having that one device that does everything as opposed to a camera, GPS, PDA, MP3 player, and a Nintendo 3DS all being carried with them along with a dumbphone. The market is only going to keep moving more in this direction, not away from it.

    It may be true that people don't want to carry their 3DS if they're carrying their phone but as of April Nintendo 3DS North American sales were outpacing Nintendo DS's by a million units (and the iPad didn't even exist back when the DS was 2 years old). So I guess people want to game on their dedicated (Nintendo) handhelds after all. Can't really speak for the PDA.

    I know for a while there when the 3DS was doing abysmally (and the Vita is still doing abysmally) it was tempting to attribute all their ills to the rise of the mighty smartphone, but let's not give them too much credit.

    Though I will admit that maybe there's not enough room for two dedicated handhelds anymore (and there barely was at that - DS vs PSP.)

    Oh, this is the Xbox One thread. Hm. I guess someone should've let Phil Harrison know not to say anything one way or the other about that 24-hour always-online check-in. You'd think they would've been well-prepared to tackle related inquiries, with all the controversy.

    As for how I see the PS4 and One launches playing out:

    The way I see it, the 360 took the early lead last gen for two reasons initially: a) the lower price (compared to PS3's $599 US DOLLARS) which begat the second reason B) "my friend has one so I'll get one" - this translated to a preference for the 360 concerning multiplatform software as well(you could also factor in PS3 earning a reputation for being hard to develop games for). All of this in spite of Sony's landslide dominance of the previous gen with PS2.

    Thinking about how Xbox One and PS4 (PS4 has a Cloud-based solution for legacy titles but I'm not sure how it works) virtually reset all physical and digital game collections and noting that no-one's friends have one yet (as was a common deciding factor for those deciding whether to get a PS3 or 360 last gen), it looks like both consoles start from scratch again concerning a literal install-base. Leads me to wonder which console will be less expensive, which could be the decisive key to victory since both consoles will probably offer comparable 3rd multi-platform options again in addition to the seemingly less important specialities of each company (Microsoft's timed-exclusive CoD DLC & Kinect - Sony's stable of 1st party dev studios and IPs - Gaikai).

  3. Kotaku: If I’m playing a single player game, do I have to be online at least once per hour or something like that? Or can I go weeks and weeks?

    Harrison: I believe it’s 24 hours.

    Kotaku: I’d have to connect online once every day.

    Harrison: Correct.

    Wow. Obviously not a problem for everyone but this is exactly why Adam Orth was fired after that twitter exchange recently. Those who live in areas without a stable connection may not get on well with this setup.

  4. So apparently some company is pitching another crowd-funded endeavor for Wii U. Looks kinda cool.

    Actually, it's just Nintendo of America's genius KickStarter parody ad for Game & Wario (which will retail for $ 39.99 on June 23). Pretty dang funny cause not only does it make fun of KickStarter but also the people who start KickStarters that don't even need the money (Wario is rich).

  5. You can assume whatever you want.

    Just like the uninformed people saying Nintendo are taking down videos(or imposing copyright strikes) assume that to be true and are wrong. I'm pretty sure Nintendo know what they have to do (release games people want) to make people aware of Wii U. It's hard to be percieved in a positive light when you have almost every media outlet painting every piece of Wii U bad news as the doom of the company.

    As for Miiverse not letting you share your posts with Facebook or Twitter, there's some merit to the criticism.

    For example, I like to draw on Miiverse and then I have to take a few extra steps to share those drawings with my friends on twitter. One point in Nintendo's favor is that they recently opened up Miiverse to be accessible on the web from a computer or smartphone. So it's basically another social network now (though you do still have to register an account on a Wii U system). Anyway, now that it is on the web, you can share things more easily across social networks (and Miiverse has seen many many changes since te system launched. I'm sure we will see more that open up more sharing possibilities.)

  6. LITTLE MAC 2014

    God yes. Aside from Mac, Smash Bros newcomers I've been thinking about include: classic Mega Man, Isaac (Golden Sun), Lucina (Fire Emblem), Dixie Kong, K Rool, Louie from Pikmin 2(with the Titan Dweevil as his final smash) or maybe a new captain from Pikmin 3.

    I wouldn't mind Medusa from Kid Icarus too. Some folks want Palutena to be a fighter but I could see them replacing Snake's codec gimmick with Palutena talking to Pit about the characters (they've done a similar series-homage with Star Fox.)

    I dont really know much about him but Takamaru is more likely now that his franchise saw representation in NintendoLand. Admittedly, I'm kind of ho-hum on another sword user but he's a ninja so at least there's that differentiation.

    Brandon: Do I have to look at them? :P also I don't think they could make anoter Mother without him. He wrote the ones that exist and they're not exactly formulaic.

  7. I'm wondering what direction they will take 3D Mario, myself. I would like to see a return of cohesive explorable environments (read: more like SM64 and less abstract like SMG). Definitely will be underwhelmed if they go with a space motif again. I don't want Super Mario Universe.

  8. Don't be melodramatic, people. It can easily get back on track. We've covered a lot of topics on both sides of the discussion, so we should just let those issues rest until some fresh Wii U news surfaces.

    May I ask what specific games you all are hoping will be announced for Wii U at E3? Without being a smartass.

  9. That only goes up to 2011 from.... 1981 something...? What? At any rate I don't think that picture belongs in this thread about the Wii U, which began its downward financial spiral in 2012.

    Here ocre, this is for you.

    What does that video have to do with Wii U, hypocrite?

    Yeah, the graph starts at 1981. The year Nintendo got into electronic games (with the Game & Watch). Following along?

  10. The one you posted is a little misleading. First, It's cumulative, and 2, only goes up to 2011, which is where it starts to level off.

    So, from these 2 graphs, it's clear to see Nintendo is not making as much money as they once did, but certainly have money stockpiled. Which, the same could easily be said for Sony. It's also worth noting that Microsoft and Sony do not depend on video games for sales (this graph is specifically from video game sales) while Nintendo's business is dependent on it.

    Again, I'm not saying Nintendo is GOING TO FAIL or the console IS FAILING, but it indisputable whether or not Nintendo is making money.

    Consider that the past two fiscal years are the only two in the history of the company where Nintendo have posted operating losses.

    And I didn't think you were saying things like that. You made that clear in your first post.

  11. Nintendo made these flyers after focus groups couldn't identify differences between the two systems.

    I read the same stuff about 3DS/DS brand confusion* right before Nintendo slashed the price and released Mario 3D Land and Mario Kart 7.

    After those things happened the theory that 3DS's 'crippling brand confusion' was the end of the system suddenly went away. Hm. Or people just wanted games to play on the damn thing.

    I don't think the people who don't know Wii U isn't a Wii are the main problem (though I do acknowledge they exist). We all know what the main problem is and it starts with a G.

    * and about how 3DS would be stomped by the PS Vita (which also has suffered from a crippling lack of exclusive high quality games, if you're keeping track) because it didn't have two analog sticks and was so technically inferior and wasn't receiving ANY WESTERN DEV SUPPORT OH GOD WHAT WILL THEY DO

  12. For my part, the only potential I'm talking about is the potential of the announced in-development games to increase the appeal of the system, in response to people spouting nonsense that those efforts are not enough.

    Nintendo saw a lot, and I mean A LOT of money last cycle. They want to see that kind of money again with this. Anything shorter than that will be seen as a failure.

    People sure seem comfortable calling the system a failure already. Speaking realistically though, the Wii is one of the most successful systems that has been released (the 3rd best selling home console after PS2 and PS1). Those lofty heights shouldn't exactly be a standard benchmark for success.

  13. Real talk: Delusions are ok to have. You three seem to be teeming with em. But be realistic. Seriously.

    For my part, I don't think it's such a delusion to think that Nintendo can turn around their struggling system like they have with 3DS.

    I think it's more delusional to say the system is already a certain failure based on ignorant opinions.

    I try to be rational too but every time I see a reply on here it's coupled with a ridiculous fallacy. Brandon judging Pikmin 3 and Bayonetta 2 as if only his opinion matters, for example.

    There certainly has been no desperation coming from Nintendo themselves because they can't figure out why people don't want their system.

    What desperation?

  14. In this thread the people calling others trolls are the trolls themselves, unable to acknowledge legitimate criticisms about Nintendo and the Wii U.

    Pikmin 3 and Bayonetta 2 will only appeal to a small audience, people who like micro-managing bugs and people who like objectifying women and big boobs as an attempt to hide subpar gameplay.

    You're making yourself look stupid. Again.

  15. There is no reason to sing the WiiU's praises when the only things it has going for it is a handful of meager to mediocre at best ports, a Mario game that, just like the 3DS version is a rehash, and a theme park game that gives you nostalgia goggles for good Nintendo games long past.

    Controllers dont sell systems. Games do.

    I agree. The games are the most important thing. They're coming. And luckily 3D Mario, Smash Bros, Pikmin 3, Bayonetta 2, Mario Kart don't seem like games that will rely much at all on the touch screen. I know Wonderful 101 makes use of the touch screen but I'm confident it will be used interestingly.

    You really didn't find NintendoLand enjoyable? I will never ever say it's a must-have but I thought it would be terrible and ended up being pleasantly surprised with it. And yeah, Brandon, you're right about it sucking not being able to play all the attractions and the game not having any online function.

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