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Posts posted by ocre

  1. ZombiU and Fire Emblem both jump to mind.

    In ZombiU's Survival Mode, when your character dies, it's a Game Over. And in Normal Mode, when your character dies from zombie infection, you start again as another character and have to hunt down your zombified previous character to get your supplies back.

    Speaking of Conker's Bad Fur Day, I love how they explain the lives system through this cutscene.

  2. ocre, I choose you!

    Hah. I would but not only am I RETIRED from applying to reality shows, I don't ReMix nor am I a comic book need or a Masters Degree holder. So there's that. But I appreciate your enthusiasm!

    I was thinking, if OCR comes up with anyone interested, they should tweet about it on the official account and ask if the OCR community would support a ReMixer on the show. :)



    Basically, King of the Nerds is a tv show on TBS where nerds, geeks, weirdos and scholars compete (largely in loosely nerd-related team based challenges and one on one face off physical challenges) for a grand prize of $100,000!

    I was thinking: How cool would it be if someone (more specifically, a posted ReMixer) from OCR would get on that show? I for one would love to root them on. I would think that someone who loves videogame music enough to arrange it and submit the arrangements to a website dedicated to such things is right up the shows alley! Or you could be really into comic books or something. (I guess.)

    So if you think you're nerdy enough, APPLY NOW!!

    Here are some tips for a successful casting straight from someone who made it onto the show.

  4. I do have a question about fire emblem though. Is it possible to turn off the weird sound snipits of grunts/affirmatives/negatives/whatever the characters give at the beginning of every single piece of dialogue? Something about it makes me want to pull all my hair out.

    *Chrom voice* Really?

    - But seriously, I don't think there's an option for that. :( Maybe you'd like the Japanese sound clips better? You can change the vocal language in the options. Hmm.

  5. Bram, you'll be happy to know that F-Zero was added to the eShop earlier this morning. :)

    Update: Ubisoft has enunciated that that one sandbox game about hacking stuff, Watch_Dogs is coming to Wii U.

  6. and we still have Luigi's Mansion, Animal Crossing and Pokemon to look forward to this year.

    (and an original Zelda 3DS - and possible Majora's Mask 3D - at E3.) Nice.

    I love dis system. (Just a reminder, we're getting the entire Mega Man classic series on the eShop via Virtual Console - already got MM & MM2 - MM3 thru MM6 will be trickling out.)

  7. Not sure why we're being preached to about the iOS/Android 'new gods' when the 3DS has held comparable sales to the DS (not such an easy feat). If the 3DS were selling like the Vita, I would say that there's a bleak future for traditional game systems(and the 'gaming media' would have you believe that they're doomed due to mobile/tablet boom), but as the reality of the 3DS vs Vita situation shows, it's all about, let me say it again, COMPELLING GAMES.

  8. Oh, so you didn't bring up Wii U struggling against the launches of the next PlayStation and Xbox(which was the point of my reply)?

    As for the casual market, since you extend the argument beyond the 'failed' launch again: they aren't required to survive. The PS3 never was the darling of the casual crowd (MS had their Kinect; Wii speaks for itself) and Sony was able to garner a very close race with Microsoft for second place in lifetime console sales, this past gen. Wii numbers aren't make or break but they did it once already so do you blame Nintendo for trying to make lightning strike twice?

    We'll see how Wii Fit U does. lol

    But yeah, my real point was that the Wii U basically needs more compelling games and it will be selling normally or better, 'casuals' or not.

  9. The in-all-likelihood expensive 'true next gen miracle boxes' from Microsoft and Sony will need compelling software to move a lot of hardware too. Can I judge those to be dead after 3 months on the market?

    And the casual audience really only matters if you expect a system to "sell like the Wii," which was much more a fluke than a benchmark for normal console sales. Do you really think Microsoft or Sony's systems will sell 30 million more than each of it's competitors? Casual market has always been icing on the cake.

  10. New Nintendo Direct today confirms a new Mario & Luigi title (Dream Team) and a new Mario & Donkey Kong 'Minis' game, as well as a Donkey Kong Country Returns 3DS port. Cool.

    Animal Crossing New Leaf is now dated for June, HarmoKnight is coming to eShop next month an we're getting another Dillon's Rolling Western.

    And some sales coming to the eShop, including Crashmo for 6 bucks.

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