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Xenon Odyssey

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Everything posted by Xenon Odyssey

  1. Same here ;_; I guess that means it's time to up the ante

  2. Owl City wrote a blog about you (give or take a bit): http://owlcityblog.com/2011/01/24/halcyon/

  3. drink a citrus drink you know, one that's lemon-lime
  4. Totally badass dude. Really dug the second half with the background loops.
  5. Which is better, beer or liquor? Some days I prefer the former, and some the latter.
  6. note to self: do not leave Doug alone with my computer
  7. i bought this thang is there a money-back guarantee; i am siding with chth
  8. Pssssh forget that I want dem sound libraries! I can eat after I make dem phat beatz.
  9. I think he just didn't have anything else to say I mean, really? $75/month for checking e-mails rather than dealing on the phone with people plus the option for sound libraries? How could you NOT expect the entire forum to jump at that. Also, I have interest in future openings when the time arises. Obviously.
  11. CAAAAAAAAAAAKKKKKKKEEEEEEE and other festivities!
  12. Happy birfdai!! and thanks for being punishably easy in Super Mario World.
  13. Hahaha, I don't think I've heard that since I've played OoS a decade ago...but yeah, they sound like long-lost cousins.
  14. OH WAT, the RAR! soundtrack got released? Man, I missed that by a long shot.
  15. Your princess is in another castle *ratatatatatatatatatata* good shtuff
  16. Larry I sent you a PM about the Dhsu credit thing so since it's been posted here (which is another thing I didn't think about...clearly the end of the semester is rotting my head), you can ignore it when/if you ever get around to looking through your inbox. also, hopefully i'll get around to listening to this thing! can't wait
  17. surprise, my track is a solo tambourine jazz odyssey artsy
  18. Well first off Baha, I did not know you offered assistance for struggling projects, so my apologies on that end. I also agree wholeheartedly about poorly run projects; that's truly the core of my distaste for project hate in the first place. However, the problem that gets me the most is everyone's intent on making a project an OCR official project. I wouldn't mind having new music every day; heck, it seems like I'm trying to find it myself. But once the "official" aspect enters, it seems as if many directors don't really understand all of the different elements that this encompasses, and it gets ugly when there is already a backlog of projects that have been patiently waiting for their turn in the spotlight, especially when it comes to having release dates that correspond with certain events with the game. Now, in terms of how the projects have been divided lately (1 disc and 2-4 disc albums), I think this works and should be the format for a while, until the eventual overall that will happen due to the growth of the community. But in terms of quick turnaround, I don't think OCR should be involved, sans for a posted mix and a "Hey, check this album out!" kind of deal a la Essence of Lime and ilp0's Mega Man album. I mean, look at the project queue as it is now. Teen Agent just got released, so who knows how much longer before either Link's Awakening and Pokémon will come out, and then once one of those do, the other will be next. Meanwhile, halc's got to wait all of that time with a finished project because everyone deserves their time, despite that he finished The Sound of Speed waaaay faster than either of the other two. I singled you out because at the time you started the Lufia project, you hadn't finished DKC2, had just started MMX a month or so prior and to be honest, looked like you were just creating projects for the sake of creating projects. This was a bias from me, and I apologize for doing so on this album as well, especially since you were just proposing the idea. But even then, since you've said I'm not the only one who has shown disdain, perhaps some people are just getting burned out from the fact that all these projects just keep piling up on one another like there's no light at the end of the tunnel.
  19. I don't care if he already has all of the remixers lined up with all of the mixes finished. I'm tired of the current trend of projects out the ass. We already have too many fucking projects, and yet another one with 'quick turnaround' means what, all of the other ones get pushed back even further? I know some projects try to line up and be released on a day that commemorates the original game, but trying to get everyone's plans to line up is bad enough, especially when we need breather room from each album so each can have their time in the limelight, not release one project one day and then have another release the next day. I mean, it should be evident that we need to back off on these projects when we have several trying to get off the ground in the Recruit forum by people who aren't even known in the community, let alone be able to keep the project afloat by themselves (ie. aren't remixers). Not that it's a problem for some people (see Jade and Wild Arms), but I'm also a bit tired of people starting over nine thousand projects for the sake of doing projects, and I am looking SQUARELY (not rectangularly, or triangularly) at you, Baha. You've got Mega Man X, Lufia 2, and your concept RPG project. Is that really not enough? Now that that's over, I agree that it's a cool idea (I planned on doing a holiday album myself with at least three of the sources mentioned), but if you're gonna start it now for a December 2011 release, that's fine, as long as no one else has already vied for a release then. Or you could always make it non-OCR but still have an OCR quality standard, but I assume if it's going to be through OCR, you want the publicity as well. my 10¢
  20. I'm in favor if this album comes out in 20XX.
  21. I haven't been on IRC in years, BUT, if ETG is the suck, I know richter set up #olremix on that server and it'd be nice to follow suit and switch in the 0.000001% that our channel will actually have people in it in the future. so yeah if this happens i'd like some help in switching too (provided it's something I can do and not something richter needs to do)
  22. I haven't heard anything but the previews, but this is probs how it'll be: Hedgehog Heaven < Project Chaos < The Sound of Speed < Gecko's album of 'Proper Sonic 4' i can dream, can't I? then we just get to wait to see when/who will do the next Sonic 2 project because that will eventually happen also I just noticed that it's pretty much in release order; does that mean we're just getting more awesome all the time?
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