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Everything posted by KWarp
Windows XP. Don't have the CD.
I think that there was one a while back, cant quite remember the price though. It may be $179 now but I`m not sure. Kwarp you changed your avatar... I almost did not recognize you with out that Kirby. Getting used to that myself. <(> The Kirby icon here really isn't that great IMO.
Any sign of a price drop in the near future?
I arrived to the launch event at Universal Citywalk about six hours early, but I only got into a preorder line around 3 hours before I snatched a Wii (including post-midnight waiting). Damn fine night actually. I have lots of pictures and videos (great material for the photo channel actually). Would anyone like me to put the stuff online?
I think I've read enough to make a prediction: Metroid Prime 3's release date will be announced in Q1 2007, and it will have an online component, probably multiplayer.
Nintendo has a Christmas present for Wii owners. Take a peek in the closet if you want, but you'll feel bad.
Or maybe Nintendo makes us pay for a good product? I'm interested and afraid to see how the Wii browser works. After all, internet browsers are the number one most likely way to obtain spyware. It's probably why Xbox Live doesn't have one. Then again, Wii's hardware should be so alien from anything else that there won't be issues for a while.
I'm not saying this to promote the site or be anti-myspace or anything. Facebook is a genuinely excellent service and frankly I'm astonished. A few things I like: Unlimited photos. Incredible uploading and organizing software. Same for event management. Clean, solid interface with non-intrusive ads. It's fast.
DING DING DING! lil Mac still kickin' ass! Credit goes to MammaMia12.
When creating the Weather Channel, Nintendo's designers asked, "What would make the weather channel more appealing than a television channel?" and thus the spinny globe was born. I can't wait for the thing.
I say "ork" >.>
I'm not buying another DS redesign. Kirby Squeak Squad will have to wait a little while.
Farcry and Redsteel are both instances of games that needed more development time. Redsteel for its controls, and Farcry for its graphics engine. We'll gladly wait for a more quality product Ubisoft, so don't screw up Prince of Persia k? I think the speaker works well for everything but the crappy sword sounds in Zelda. *sigh* <3 Elebits.
Won't we have holographics by then? [Offtopic probably] Good points Injin. The next barrier Sony and Microsoft have to deal with is appeal. Certainly shooters and action games have their uses for HD, and justify the price tag for hardcore gamers, but how can they justify less graphically intensive games with a casual/nongamer appeal. Will they even exist? I suppose Nintendo flat out owns that market though. Silverstar, GoNintendo's been tracking patents laid own by Sony for their own free pointer device. The have three already and probably will submit more later. I'm curious to see how this pans out these next few months.
I recall the biggest reason Zelda was delayed was for unity issues. TP still has evidence of that methinks.
I wouldn't quite say that it's a matter of being limited or not. Even in the NES days with the likes of Ultima and Zork, they had plenty of freedom to make free-roaming, multiple-endings types of games. It was restrictive to be sure, but it didn't hinder them from making them and making them playable. I'm talking about cramming in the art itself. You couldn't accurately put Picasso's paintings into a NES game, but certainly the Cube could take it. HD could improve the clarity certainly. The point is lush, graphically immersive worlds are no longer limited to a console's processing power. Wii gameplay is hard to describe on paper as well, so I see where you're coming from. I spent my yesterday at a party with a 45" LCD HD screen and a 360 on it, and can say my heart always jumps when I watch a detailed texture fly buy, but when I'm playing the games I don't ever notice them. Certainly the smoother lines and textures are nice, but if they're not integral parts of the gameplay, they're just gimmicky. Yes graphics are gimmicky. What's the point of an HD game if you, from the players point of view, can never take advantage of the drawing distances, clean edges, or texture detail. It's all output and no input or processing. Give me a game where I need HD graphics to win. Agreed. I just wish more cartoony games would surface on the PS360. Their appeal is painfully limited right now.
Can we please talk more objectively here? It can't possibly be some "pure fact" that people aren't impressed. Please read what you just said.
Wii lines are insane. ----------------------------------------- A Nintendo struggle: Wee hours ... Wii problem A CNN columnist joins the holiday scramble for Nintendo's Wii game console. December 17 2006: 10:02 AM EST NEW YORK (CNNMoney.com) -- I swore I'd never do it. I'd never be one of those people scrambling at Christmas time trying to get the "hot" toy for my kids. I'd never let commercialism command my life. And my kids' happiness would never depend on just the right piece of molded plastic. Yet there I was ... 5:30 in the morning in the Toys 'R' Us parking lot. Thirty-four degrees. I hate you, Nintendo. The elusive Wii. Yes, like many other parents this year, I was stalking a Wii. It wasn't even on the Christmas list three weeks ago. My wife and I have purposely resisted video game consoles, fearing their zombie-like effect on kids. But my family went to a Christmas party hosted by CNNMoney.com's game columnist. And the girls played with the Wii. They loved it. And it didn't turn them into zombies. "Dad! I hit one out of the park!" panted my eldest, her face flush with the exercise. Okay, the Wii is on the list. But where to get one? Nintendo World at Rockefeller Center in New York City got a big shipment early in the week.... "All sold out," said the man in the "Wii" shirt, when I arrived about an hour after it opened. Best Buy? ... Target? ... Various phone calls produced a range of "Nope," "Sold out," and "You gotta be kidding." Connections through the games columnist? No dice. (Now I hate him too). Then the word came down. The last Wii shipments were going to hit over the weekend. Major chains would have them on sale Sunday morning. And Toys'R'US "always" gets the big shipments, according to various shopping mavens and the games columnist. (Okay, I don't hate him that much). How early to go? The store I targeted opened at 8 a.m. A little more than two hours early should do the trick. "I'm going to feel like an idiot showing up at an empty parking lot," I thought as I drove down deserted streets. But then came the store ... and the lot was practically full. A line of roughly 100 people stretched from the door. Those closest were wrapped in sleeping bags, sitting for the most part in fold-out chairs. A police car idled watchfully near by. "I've got a girl friend over at the Best Buy," said the woman in front of me, motioning with her cell phone. "She says the line there is around the store." "My friend went to the Target," said the woman next to her. "But they said they only have 15." How many are here at this Toys'R'Us? The word passed down. 75. "At least that's what the guys at the front of the line are saying," said the first woman, who wandered up the line from time to time for info while we saved her space. "But you know," she shrugged, "line gossip." My rough count, the line widened and wiggled as people made trips to their cars, put me at 130. Please let the line gossip be wrong. The line grew. Time passed. My toes numbed. Shouldn't have worn sneakers. Should have come earlier. "Are they going to hand out tickets?" said the guy behind me. "They really should hand out tickets." Finally the manager came out. "Folks, we only have 70 Wiis," he yelled. Hmmm, five put aside for the store staff, I wondered. "We're going to limit one to a family," he continued. "If you want T.M.X. Elmo, you need to come back tomorrow." People way behind me started to leave. I stayed, hoping a severe flu outbreak would take down some of the people in front. But that didn't happen. The manager went down the line with a clip board. He stopped about 40 people away from me. "It ends here," he yelled, motioning at the cut off point. At least 150 disappointed people, each willing to drop about $500 or more for Wii paraphernalia at that store, walked away. Business lost. Lots of business, since this scene was probably repeated across the country. Something for investors to consider when calculating how long the Wii will ride for Nintendo (Charts) and which retailers ... Toys'R'US (Charts), Best Buy (Charts), Target (Charts), Wal-Mart (Charts), Circuit City (Charts) and the rest ... will benefit the most from it. But for old consumer me, defeat. I hate you, Nintendo. ---------------------------------------- Nintendo's hype machine keeps building!!
Wanna hear something silly? I liked that part. It seems no one else did and it's kinda funny since I liked the game a lot less than most people that I really liked the part that no one else did. It really wasn't that annoying at all. The game got you used to simple, fairly linear dungeons and then that comes and you're like WOAH. I loved that dungeon too. My favorite in the game next to 5.
I wish he was bigger. Glad to see the game included one though.
I stick with GoNintendo since they update often and are just one place. Dragon Quest 9 = <3
The Kirby community has never understood why Kirby gets so angry on US boxart.
get ready for more i don't mind the easiness, it's more the satisfaction of defeating it. and while that is partially correlated to difficulty, other things like the scope of the battle, the fighting field and the killing method also contribute. with that in mind, the 3rd boss was also easy, but one of the most fun zelda bosses i ever fought. Heh. Don't worry, man. The third boss fight ought to do it for you. Think Shadow of the Colossus. The water dungeon? That boss was dead easy and boring. Now dungeon 4's boss...
Not in the slightest. It's every bit as good as the Wii version. You also won't have to bother with wiggling your hand to make Link attack which is kind of a bonus. + camera control AS A FREE BONUS! No onscreen aiming though. Also, Zelda GC numbers are VERY limited. Be crafty.
Beat Zelda in 49 hours with around half the sidequests. The only problem with VA is if its done poorly, as it often is in English localisations, it can kill a game. However, games like Dragon Quest VIII and Final Fantasy XII have proved to have excellent VA. Looking back I still think any sort of voice acting would have hurt the game. Why? Think of any game similar to Zelda that has voice acting and tell me its a better game. Although, the absence of VA in itself does hurt the game too. Perhaps if all the characters (but Link of course) spoke a sort expressive gibberish. I really liked the gibberish Midna spoke after all. Evolving that seems like the logical next step.