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Everything posted by speculative

  1. Old thread title no longer appropriate; this will show up easier in searches - and there doesn't appear to be an option to delete the other thread? Anyway, got through my raging noobery and fiddled around with Bass Station a bit the other day (was out at a wedding this weekend). The drumpads feel extremely stiff, so it will be interesting to see how they do... Compyfox: the SL series come with Bass Station.
  2. Just got this delivered from Sweetwater today! Since there is no option to upload images to this forum, and I apparently can't hotlink either... here is a link to my post on another forum: http://www.team-ninja.com/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=38846 Will be using this with FL6 and VSTi's, and will give detailed thoughts/opinions after I have used it a bit.
  3. The SH-201 can process audio, so that's something to think about (not sure if the Juno-D does that). If you really need a keyboard, and don't want to do things through the computer, you just need to figure out what you actually need. Do you need an audio interface/processing/mastering capabilities? Or just sounds, or do you want an actual synth?
  4. Dang! Sweetwater called and said they wouldn't be in until possibly late July. So, change of plans. Will post more this weekend.
  5. Just ordered the Axiom 61 from Sweetwater last night; when it arrives I will give a full review. I will be using it with FL & various VSTi's... From the lack of controller reviews on various forums on the 'net you'd think that no one uses them? It's been really hard to make a controller decision based on solid info from users...
  6. Well, in my case, I couldn't care less that it's based on game. I watched it as a horror film, not as a "video game movie." But anyway, here's a post I did on another forum that explains why I like the film. I assume you'll disagree with my reasoning, but that's fine. Thanks for posting that. The visuals/audio was indeed very well done. I guess I don't see how having a plot would detract from the visuals, but that's just personal taste in the end.
  7. Just curious - if you liked the film, what specifically did you like about it? (Besides the fact that it's tied to a game.)
  8. I'm with Steve. What a flaming pile of horse poop. Ebert's review is illiminating: http://rogerebert.suntimes.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20060420/REVIEWS/60421001 The only real draw to this movie would be horror film fans, or people who have played the game. I only played 3, not 1 or 2, so I had not idea what the plot would be. To me, the story had absolutely no point. There was no suspense. Nothing made me care about the characters. I could have written a better script in an afternoon. Not worth the money. However, I went in just wanting to see how they turned the game into a film, not expecting something great anyways. Edit: In fact, the movie was so bad that now I have absolutely no desire to play SH1 or SH2.
  9. Current setup: -FL6 -Styrus 2 -Casio keyboard from the 80's that I haven't even bothered to hook up after moving (looking for a new midi controller of some sort) -Altec Lansing speakers from 1996 ftw!
  10. This is why since I've cancelled my account and have begun to play through M&M again, life is good.
  11. For me, it's the boss in Conquest of the Crystal Palace for NES. I played that game against last year, and couldn't even get past the 2nd level. This is one of those old action/platformer old-school games that had no save system, and no password system. You had a few lives, and a few continues, and that was it. You could get a few extra lives in various levels as well. So basically, the entire game was the boss because you had to beat all the levels just to reach the boss. I played it for 20+ hours straight, got to the boss, died 3 times, and returned it to the rental place. Insanely tough.
  12. I wonder what would happen if people poured all the time, effort, and money into the real economy that gets dumped into the WoW economy?
  13. Thanks for the tip; that's good to know. When prices are pretty uniform across the board for kit, things like customer service level really make a difference. I'm getting set to get a controller and possibly the new Korg drum pad controller as well - I'll keep these guys in mind.
  14. Wow, if the images are any indication of the film's style, then it seems like they will do a great job! http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0593664/photogallery-ss-0
  15. Well, my account just ran out. I would say when I was playing I would spend 20-25 hours per week playing. This left no time for other games, or other pursuits really. I'm seriously thinking about not signing up again. I would say WoW is addicting because it makes you do things in a game that you would never do in a single-player game. For example, when you play Super Mario Bros., do you enjoy letting Mario stand around by the flagpole for half an hour while hoping a 2nd player joins in? What if you had to run through 30 empty, pointless screens to reach the next play level? What if you couldn't play levels 5-8 at all unless a 2nd player joined in?
  16. I love it. Interesting... I might have to stick around until after the next patch. Of course, I'm already sick of these instances, so I don't know how much that will affect me...
  17. Lol... Nice find!
  18. Just as Warlocks are Mages in... well, still cloth I guess. ('Locks should dress in leather to match their Succubi ) http://forums.worldofwarcraft.com/thread.aspx?fn=wow-warlock&t=885675&p=1&tmp=1#post885675 I am still finding out how messed-up Blizz's plans for the Warlock/Pally were/are. At first, we were supposed to be the only two classes with mounts, which is what set us apart. Now, nothing does.
  19. Does anyone run on a server where everyone is lvl 60? I mean, in IF I literally don't see a soul anymore at any time, day or night, who isn't 60. Once in a great while I'll see a lvl 1 standing by a mailbox, and that's it. (Obviously someone's alt mule.)
  20. Thanks for the info; I think I'll add SH2 to my list of super-cheap PS2 games that I will add to the collection. With older PS2 games so cheap now (used or new) I see no reason for me to buy another console until well after 2010...
  21. True - WoW has added more content than other mmo's I've played, certainly. Admittedly, I am not on a PvP server which is probably why the BG que is so long. I am on an older server; the qeue just to log into my server is often 250+ long at peak times. If Blizzard can continue to produce, I'm going to stick around for at least awhile longer.
  22. I played through SH3 last year. Used a FAQ because I'm more about story these days than randomly back-tracking through areas I've been through before. The back-tracking in this game was tolerable with FAQ, wouldn't have been without it. (Especially the fiery "spirit world" area toward the end - couldn't even see where I was going.) This is the first "survival horror" game I've played. Currently, I've started the RE remake on GC. I really enjoyed SH3: great graphics, music, cutscenes... and like all Japanese games a lot of it just plain doesn't make sense, kind of like an early R.E.M. album. (Stipe admitted in an interview that some of the early song's lyrics were just nonsensical words put together.) Would it be worth it to go backwards and play SH1 and SH2, or would SH3 have "spoiled" it for me? Sounds like it's time for a SH1 remake on PSP or PS3 perhaps? Maybe I'll watch the film, which is based on SH1, and then pick up SH2 for PS2.
  23. Voice chat definitely improves the WoW experience, vastly. I don't know... I was kind of excited to start raiding, but honestly I don't see how Blizzard expects people to fight through the same dungeons endlessly for fun. If the expansion comes out in the next month or two I might stick around long-term. I'm definitely not going to PvP. Guildies wait for 4 hours to even get into BG. I thought questing to 60 was great, and there are still areas I haven't seen yet (and I haven't experience the Horde side at all) but dang at 60 it seems to get a bit pointless unless you like posing in your epics standing around IF...
  24. Ouch my wallet hurts already. Don't know if this was at Namm or not, but check this out: http://www.m-audio.com/products/en_us/Axiom61-main.html It has aftertouch, so it's basically a Remote SL for around 1/2 the price!
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