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Everything posted by Bren

  1. Could you put me down for Battle With Marx? Id like to give that one a try.
  2. Back to the cover art topic...I made a suggestion a loooong time ago at the kazorum forum, and people seemed to like the idea, but I havent seen any versions of it. I believe Sora was going to take a shot at it. At any rate: To get a better idea of what I mean, check out some of the complex pictures at www.digitalblasphemy.com
  3. Aw, that sucks. I really enjoyed Rayza's early wip. *mourns for his wip and hard drive*
  4. I know of a solution which may or may not work. You could lower the note by a half step (assuming your B6 note sounds right) and increase the pitch of your B6 by 1 step. This process causes a bit of distortion on high levels, but 1 step shouldnt be that bad at all.
  5. Some message about direct linking forbidden
  6. This is a stellar project. Excellent work everyone!
  7. The filename has a o_O in it, and rightfully so. You havent been to OCR until you hear this.
  8. This is awesome^2. Thank you
  9. I know this is off topic but...Where do people get all these south park avatars? Do you make em? I want one!
  10. Actually, it was originally FFMusicDJ's job to mix Boss 1, and I assume because of lack of activity, he was kicked off the project. That's why its now labeled as *free* edit: Umm...has anyone seen kfc anywhere recently?
  11. To answer your curiosity, yes. I stated quite a few pages back I started working on a Boss 1 remix...I'm not sure how many people are working on it currently, considering alot of people have been quiet lately.
  12. Rayza, Im glad you messaged me and turned my attention to VGDJ, because Im listening to the first show and really enjoying it. Great idea, and Im really looking forward to future shows.
  13. For your information that's a 2-part battle (and an awesome one nonetheless). First part has you fighting against normal Metal Sonic, just like you did at the end of Sky Sanc with Sonic/Tails/S&T, and that's where the Final Boss music is played. The second part has MS using the Master Emerald to charge into Super Metal Sonic, and you fight him with the Doomsday music running in the background. Kyle, whatever happened to your Sonic knowledge these days? ...Dang it! Doomsday DOES play in Knuckles' battle (I remembered the fact that it was a two-parter, but didn't think it was necessary to mention ). Something kept telling me it didn't. Y'know, for someone with the goal to play and completely beat Sonic 3 & Knuckles every time I get another version of it somewhere (my cartridge, Sonic Mega Collection, and PC versions of the game are cleared with all 3 characters, and all with all 14 emeralds), you'd think I'd remember these things. Oh wow, you're right...wowzers, I need to play it again, just because I havent for over 8 years....yes, must play it again. I remember about 10 years or so ago, I used to play it day in and day out...beat the game several times and replayed it several times just because to me it never got boring...ah yes those were the days.
  14. I thought only Hyper Sonic went to Doomsday. If I remember correct, the game ends for Knuckles after he fights Robotnik on the surface of the death egg.
  15. I started a wip on first boss. Its not official that Im doing it for the project yet, just letting everyone know. I may or may not go someplace with it. edit: some days later: Turns out it's going quite well and I will continue to work on this and death egg both for the project.
  16. Cool stuff. Im liking it alot. Not much crit for me right now, as Ive been awake for almost 20 hours and my judgement probably isnt very good. Anywho, the first WIP for the new mix is done, and here is the link for it. (told you it would be a quick one) New mix, new title: Inside the Mind of an Evil Genius
  17. Im working on a new mix. I might actually set egg stadium aside for now and focus more on this, because I like how its turning out alot more. Ill post it up once Its far enough in progress (which will be very soon to say the least)
  18. Meh...Im sick again. One of my professors came to class while recovering from a cold, and apparently it was just enough to get me sick again. My WIP might be a little late, as this has hindered my creativity muse.
  19. Im thinking of doing an alternate version of my mix, since Im not completely satisfied with how its turning out. Im not trashing it, so dont worry about that...just seeing if I can come up with something better. Good to know you're with us and not against us Snappleman.
  20. Because I think it needs more attention, I added a link to the Kazorum forum in my sig...just to remind people that its there and could really help make critting and project ideas/news easier to keep up with.
  21. working on a new wip as we speak. Im trying something different...Ill post it on the other forum when its complete.
  22. On that note...I have a suggestion: Ill volunteer my private message box for project name suggestions, and come the end of the project, Ill list them all and then people vote on which one they like most. How does this sound to completely prevent the flooding of name suggestions from the thread?
  23. Eeeeehhyeah.... upon reading the previous page I see what you mean. Kind of awkward, really
  24. What makes you say that? Random joking around? Its just some harmless fun
  25. "Hedgehog Heaven Goes Live" just kidding
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