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Geoffrey Taucer

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1 Follower

Profile Information

  • Real Name
    Jeremy Waters
  • Location
    Baltimore, MD

Artist Settings

  • Collaboration Status
    2. Maybe; Depends on Circumstances
  • Software - Digital Audio Workstation (DAW)
  • Instrumental & Vocal Skills (List)
    Acoustic Guitar
    Electric Guitar: Lead
    Electric Guitar: Rhythm
  • Instrumental & Vocal Skills (Other)
    Irish whistle

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  1. My circle of friends consists almost entirely of people I know through OCReMix
  2. Really love that..... I'm not even sure what it is. Gated brown noise? Some sort of rhythmic effect that sounds really cool. Great synths throughout. Love the whole thing!
  3. Been on a Justin Johnson kick lately:
  4. Love the shaker textures, and LOVE the violin! And then the transition at 2:48, and that section after..... I love everything about this mix.
  5. HEAVY! But tastefully so! This does an excellent job of punctuating the heavy guitars -- which sound great, but would get tiring -- with lighter sections. Dark and creepy throughout, exactly what the original was begging for. Well done!
  6. THIS IS SO FUCKING COOL! Really creative. Bold choice to leave everything so sparse, but it works spectacularly, and really gives the tablas room to breathe throughout the mix. Definitely going on the favorites list.
  7. Intro was gorgeous, but the real "oh shit this is gonna be a good one" moment for me was when the drums came in around 0:52. Love the choice of synth tones, love how punchy the drums are, love that triplet rhythm.
  8. I don't know details, but I know there exists places to publish/purchase loop libraries for this purpose. I'm sure somebody around here can point you in the right direction (and you might have better luck asking on Discord) I will also pass along some advice that virt once gave me: if you charge nothing, your music is worth nothing. It's fine to release it cheap, but both for yourself and for your fellow musicians it's best if you do at least charge something.
  9. I don't have wavs or the ability to render them for any of my old stuff :(
  10. OOOOOOH This is gorgeous! Really cool how you managed to make so much out of just the first few seconds of the source melody, and it works really well here! Love the synths, and I especially love the glitching around 2 minutes in. The whole thing has just the right amount of edge and grit, and dropping back to the music box-ish sound at the end was exactly the right choice imo.
  11. Also interested but with unknown availability. Maybe I'll finally finish that Twilight Princess track I've been kicking around for a decade
  12. Your best bet is probably to ask @zircon Or ask around on Discord; I'm sure somebody has it
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