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Nicole Adams

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Everything posted by Nicole Adams

  1. I hope people don't think I'm trying to replace Jill's version. It really is amazing so I wanted to give it my own personal twist. Unfortunately nothing concerning the vocals can be changed so I'm going to have to come up with a countermelody to help with that.
  2. What's with the "We Love You" balloon?
  3. I was thinking about going for a Bachelor's degree in music, but decided on psychology instead. I am, however, getting my A.A. degree in visual and performing arts with an emphasis in music this Friday. That's the closest thing my college had to a music degree.
  4. I use GoldWave.
  5. Thanks for all the comments. They mean a lot! I've made the drums phatter and had some fun running them through various FX devices. I'm going to take a little break from this until I get Jill's vocals. I'm looking forward to this as much as you guys.
  6. I have an update, guys! Check the first post!
  7. Nice work. Make sure your wrists aren't too loose while you play.
  8. I have a bass synth layered with cellos. I'll EQ the synth to bring out the grittiness. Miroslav strings for the win! Time to deal with those drums. I'm glad you guys are diggin' this!
  9. Exactly. Thanks a lot BT, you loser! ... Kidding! I love BT. You can put away those knives now.
  10. As Tony the tiger would say, "Grrreat!"
  11. Update for Feb. 7th, 2008: Thread title is now incorrect... Time to start putting the year in the update. Sorry for leaving everyone hanging. I know some of you were really looking forward to this. Well, Jill and I still have plans to finish it after she releases her album. I decided to rework the entire remix, giving it a more professional sound and better arrangement to stand on its own. I have a SaGa Frontier ReMix and J-pop remix to finish then I'll get back to this one, but I figured I'd let y'all hear how it's coming along. Thanks for listening! Chrono Cross Remix WIP 3.2 The piano playing the main melody of the original is just a placeholder. Yay, no more YouSendIt. ---------- All this stuff below is really old and not relevant anymore. Update for June 24th: Okay, here is another update for you guys. It's a few days old and once I get Jill's vocals (hopefully this week) I'll start working on it again. Enjoy! pixietricks - Dreaming Still (Nicole's Azure Strings Mix) [v4.1] ----- Update for June 14th: A bigger, shinier update! pixie's drums weren't working with mine so she is going to do another recording of the vocals. These drums will be changed up for a more Hybrid-style since "Finished Symphony" was a big inspiration. Mixing is better this time. I never realized how muddy it was before until I payed attention to mixing. XD Enjoy! pixietricks - Dreaming Still (Nicole's Azure Strings Mix) [v2] ----- First Post: Hey all, I got bored tonight and decided to start a remix of pixietricks' "Dreaming Still" cause omg it's liek so awesome!!1 Anyway, I only went up to where Jill's drums come in cause mine weren't lining up with them. Hopefully I'll be able to fix that. (Not now cause I have class tomorrow. ) Another thing: I didn't pay all that much attention to how this was mixed, but I don't care cause I will be mixing it on my monitors when I get them set up so don't complain if it sounds kinda wonky. Finally, the drums sound a little canned, but that's cause I deal with changing up my drums at the end. Besides all that, I hope you guys enjoy! pixietricks - Dreaming Still (Nicole's Azure Strings Mix) [v1] Sorry, I had to upload it to YouSendIt. The server I normally use is screwed up. Argh! I'll try to remember to upload this again when this link expires.
  12. I really like this. Very classic ATB sound. I think you should slap a little delay on the bass and change up its rhythm some more because it does tend to get a little boring. Compress those drums to get them really pumping. Lead synths also sound a little too dry. Around three-quarters of the way through you should drop out the drums for a better change up and have a little ambient section. Finally, I say shorten the intro a little and give this a better ending. Good job!
  13. Great video! I always get a kick out of watching people perform in their home studios. More please!
  14. Okay, here we go. -The beginning of the song sounds like you're coming into the middle of a song break. Try to build into what you have. -The lone kick drum is pretty cliche. Get some more drums going. -The staccato synth playing the melody should be changed. It doesn't fit at all. -I like the first little break, but it's short and a bit jarring when that staccato synth comes back in. -Ah, more drum elements, but they're too repetitive. -Get everything in the same key! This is very repetitive. The lack of dynamic changes and static chord progression make it boring to listen to. The synths could also be better. You need little builds to keep the listener's attention or else it becomes background music. Keep working on this, though. You're remixing a great song and I like the ideas you have here.
  15. Mine was fine. Thanks again.
  16. Har, har. You emotivist.
  17. I say keep going, but replace that canned drum loop or chop it up and layer it with some drums programmed yourself.
  18. I love it! Nice singing, too. *applause*
  19. I have a friend who may be able to do this. I'll let you know ASAP.
  20. I don't have it either. I went to my p.o. box in anticipation and left in disappointment.
  21. Yeah, I was gonna tell you the other day I was surprised Ross' remix wasn't on the album. I really dug it! Thanks for giving us the opportunity to do this again, Danny. I had a blast! Nice work everyone!
  22. I love the new site and the new song, Andy. Nice work to everyone involved.
  23. Try some soft pads playing the progression and yes, compress your drums.
  24. Yeah, so they're trying to justify the hell out of it by any means possible. Gotta love politics!
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